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Slip closes Holly Hut track on Mt Taranaki

Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 


Former Cyclone Gita’s heavy rain and gale force winds triggered a large slip that has closed a long section of the Holly Hut Track on Mt Taranaki.

Date:  28 February 2018

DOC staff discovered the slip while checking Mt Taranaki tracks for damage after the storm.

The slip has taken out a large area of Holly Hut Track, between Jacobs Ladder and the Kokowai Track junction. The slip is unstable and this section of track has been closed until further notice.

The track closure will affect trampers heading in to Holly Hut from North Egmont and those hiking the Pouakai Crossing and Pouakai Circuit. There is alternative access to these tracks, via the Ram Track and Kokowai Track. This detour bypasses the slip and reconnects trampers to the Holly Hut Track.

DOC New Plymouth Operations Manager Gareth Hopkins says the detour will add an extra two hours to a tramp on the Pouakai Crossing and Pouakai Circuit. 

“We’ve closed this section of Holly Hut Track to protect the public. It’s a large unstable slip with some very big boulders and it’s not safe to cross,” says Gareth Hopkins.

DOC engineers will assess the slip. It may be some time before the track is reopened.

“Mt Taranaki is a young mountain prone to erosion. It may take a while for the slip to stabilise. Public safety is our priority so we’re keeping the track closed until further notice,” says Gareth Hopkins

Following the storm, DOC staff are busy removing fallen trees and repairing damaged tracks on Mt Taranaki.

“Trampers may encounter tree windfalls or slips on Mt Taranaki. Please let DOC know about trees on tracks, slips or any other storm damage you encounter. This will help our clean-up efforts following the storm,” says Gareth Hopkins.  

Syme Hut on Fanthams Peak had a window blown out in the storm. The hut interior may be wet and exposed to the weather until a DOC team can replace the window.

Report track damage on Mt Taranaki to the DOC North Egmont Visitor Centre, phone +64 6 756 0990, email

Also contact the centre for an update on track conditions on the mountain, when planning your tramp.