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Allan Halliday and Sue Reed-Thomas hongi at Ruapekapeka Pā.

New way forward for Ruapekapeka Pā

Archived content: This media release was accurate on the date of publication. 


Te Ruapekapeka Trust and DOC have signed the Te Ruapekapeka Pā and Battlefield Strategy and Plan, to protect the mana whenua and taha wairua of the Ruapekapeka Pā.

Date:  11 December 2018Source:  Te Ruapekapeka Trust

Led by Te Ruapekapeka Trust chair Allan Halliday and facilitated by Pita Tipene, this signing signals the start of the joint planning process for the development of Te Ruapekapeka. It also acknowledges the 175th anniversary of the battle in 2021.

“This task we accept as our duty, responsibility and burden and I feel confident going forward that we can and will achieve our desired goals – enhancing our visitor experience and providing greater access to information here at Te Ruapekapeka,” said Allan Halliday, Te Ruapekapeka Trust Chair.

Te Ruapekapeka Trust and DOC are preparing to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the last battle (and first major armed conflict) in ‘The War in the North between British Colonial soldiers and Ngapuhi forces led by Te Ruki Kawiti with vital support from Hone Heke’. The Commemoration will take place at Ruapekapeka Pā on 10 January 2021.

Louisa Gritt said of the planning process, “Together our two organisations have mapped out a joint path to better protect and present this special site to New Zealanders and their guests, so they might better understand and appreciate Te Ruapekapeka”.

Ruapekapeka Pā and battlefield, located 14 km southeast of Kawakawa, is today recognised as one of New Zealand’s iconic historic heritage sites, being the best preserved Northern War site where features remain visible on the surface, much as they were all those years ago.

This Strategic Plan was contributed to by Northland Inc, Far North District Council, NZTA and Heritage New Zealand. Multiple iwi and hapu have strong connections to Ruapekapeka, as Tangata whenua and/or participants in the battle. These include Ngati Manu, Ngati Kahukuri (Ngati Hau), Ngati Hine, Te Kapotai and Ngapuhi Nui Tonu.

About Ruapekapeka Pā

Ruapekapeka Pā is managed by Te Ruapekapeka Trust and DOC as a place where all New Zealanders can come and reflect on past events that have shaped our nation. It is one of New Zealand’s top 20 iconic sites of historic heritage, in company with (for example) The Bridge to Nowhere, Ship Cove and Government Buildings, Wellington.

Ruapekapeka Pā is the best preserved Northern Wars site with features visible on the surface. The construction by Te Ruki Kawiti of Ruapekapeka Pā as a “masterpiece of military engineering” with tunnels, rifle pits and trenches was recognised as recently as 2008 by the Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand (IPENZ).

The Pā is one of the largest and most complex pā sites in New Zealand. It is also the site of the last battle (and first major armed conflict) in “The Flagstaff War” between British Colonial soldiers and Ngapuhi forces led by Te Ruki Kawiti and Hone Heke. This battle took place on 10 January 1846.


For media enquiries contact:



Allan Halliday, Te Ruapekapeka Trust Chairperson