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2018 media releases


View DOC media releases from 2018.
Humpback whale stranding Firth of Thames

Humpback whale stranding Firth of Thames

Date: 21 December 2018
A 12 metre humpback whale has died overnight after being reported stranded in Kaiaua in the west side of the Firth of Thames yesterday.

Fox Glacier access road reopens

Fox Glacier access road reopens

Date: 21 December 2018
DOC says the Fox Glacier access road and the track to the Fox Glacier viewpoint are now open.

When Christmas trees go rogue

When Christmas trees go rogue

Date: 20 December 2018
The woody scent of pine wafting through your house is part of the magic of Christmas, but local conservationists are working hard to ensure pine trees are enjoyed in the right place.

Biosecurity New Zealand and DOC warn of myrtle rust risk this summer

Biosecurity New Zealand and DOC warn of myrtle rust risk this summer

Date: 19 December 2018
Source: Department of Conservation and Biosecurity New Zealand
Check your local myrtle plants this summer to help track the spread of the fungal disease myrtle rust.

Six New Zealand fur seal/kekeno pups found decapitated

Six New Zealand fur seal/kekeno pups found decapitated

Date: 19 December 2018
DOC is appealing for information after six headless fur seal pups were found in a remote but popular Christchurch bay.

Vespex wasp bait found safe for bee colonies

Vespex wasp bait found safe for bee colonies

Date: 19 December 2018
A study has found use of the protein-based Vespex wasp bait for control of German and common wasps does not harm bee colonies.

Aerial pest control achieves successful results

Aerial pest control achieves successful results

Date: 19 December 2018
Aerial 1080 pest control operation to help restore bird life and regenerate forest destroyed by pests at Rakaumangamanga / Cape Brett and Russell Forest has had successful results, with post operation pest figures significantly lower than expected.

Wetlands urgently need better protection

Wetlands urgently need better protection

Date: 18 December 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Scientific evidence in a new report on long-term wetland loss in Southland shows our wetlands urgently need better protection, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage says.

Give elephant seal a wide berth

Give elephant seal a wide berth

Date: 17 December 2018
Aucklanders have an unexpected Christmas guest on the beach, in the form of an elephant seal.

Minister of Conservation meets successful DOC/iwi Joint Management Committee in Whakatane

Minister of Conservation meets successful DOC/iwi Joint Management Committee in Whakatane

Date: 17 December 2018
The Minister of Conservation, Eugenie Sage, visited pest-free island Moutohorā to meet with Te Tapatoru ā Toi.

First fairy tern chick of the breeding season

First fairy tern chick of the breeding season

Date: 17 December 2018
One of New Zealand’s rarest birds, the New Zealand fairy tern / tara-iti, has been boosted by a chick successfully hatching at Pakiri, North of Auckland over the weekend (15 December).

DOC geared up for busy summer with visitor behaviour campaign

DOC geared up for busy summer with visitor behaviour campaign

Date: 17 December 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage, in launching a new visitor behaviour campaign, says DOC is well prepared for a busy summer with more resources to respond to growing domestic and international visitor numbers.

New plan to save kiwi in the wild

New plan to save kiwi in the wild

Date: 16 December 2018
A new plan to reverse the decline of all five kiwi species was launched by Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage at a kiwi release on Taranaki Mounga today.

New home for kiwi at Fox Glacier

New home for kiwi at Fox Glacier

Date: 14 December 2018
A new population of rowi kiwi is in the making for mainland New Zealand after an historic release near Fox Glacier.

Te Toto Gorge vandalism, theft and illegal dumping

Te Toto Gorge vandalism, theft and illegal dumping

Date: 14 December 2018
DOC rangers were confronted by the complete disappearance of signage along a 3 km stretch of road at historic Te Toto Gorge, near Raglan, last week.

Māui dolphin found dead on Auckland beach

Māui dolphin found dead on Auckland beach

Date: 13 December 2018
The body of a juvenile dolphin, thought to be a Māui dolphin, has been found washed up on an Auckland beach.

Call to control dogs to protect native wildlife

Call to control dogs to protect native wildlife

Date: 13 December 2018
DOC is reminding dog owners to control their dogs on beaches after a little blue penguin/kororā was killed by two dogs

DOC closing three Great Barrier Island tracks to protect kauri

DOC closing three Great Barrier Island tracks to protect kauri

Date: 13 December 2018
Three tracks on Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island) will be closed as of 31 January 2019 due to kauri dieback, the DOC’s GBI Office can confirm.

New way forward for Ruapekapeka Pā

New way forward for Ruapekapeka Pā

Date: 11 December 2018
Source: Te Ruapekapeka Trust
Te Ruapekapeka Trust and DOC have signed the Te Ruapekapeka Pā and Battlefield Strategy and Plan, to protect the mana whenua and taha wairua of the Ruapekapeka Pā.

Tohu Whenua sites announced for West Coast

Tohu Whenua sites announced for West Coast

Date: 07 December 2018
Two West Coast sites today became part of Tohu Whenua, a programme identifying places of historic and cultural significance

New faces watch over Doubtful Sound

New faces watch over Doubtful Sound

Date: 07 December 2018
Visitors to Doubtful Sound/Patea will notice new faces throughout the fiord with the instalment of individually carved poupou marine reserve markers – Te poupou o Rua o Te Moko.

Te Āpiti – Manawatū Gorge Battle for our Birds pest control operation deferred

Te Āpiti – Manawatū Gorge Battle for our Birds pest control operation deferred

Date: 06 December 2018
DOC advises the planned Te Āpiti – Manawatū Gorge Battle for our Birds pest control operation will not happen this year.

Wild Creations combines art and environment in a supercharged conservation story

Wild Creations combines art and environment in a supercharged conservation story

Date: 06 December 2018
Four New Zealand artists are set to be inspired by New Zealand’s natural environment and cultural heritage.

Rare shore plover chicks hatch on Motutapu Island

Rare shore plover chicks hatch on Motutapu Island

Date: 05 December 2018
Seven critically endangered shore plover chicks have hatched on pest-free Motutapu island in the Hauraki Gulf.

Fox Glacier access work to begin

Fox Glacier access work to begin

Date: 05 December 2018
DOC says work to reinstate valley floor foot and vehicle access to Fox Glacier will begin shortly.

Returning wingbeats to Maungaharuru worth celebrating

Returning wingbeats to Maungaharuru worth celebrating

Date: 03 December 2018
Restoring birdlife to Maungaharuru as part of the Poutiri Ao ō Tāne project was celebrated on Saturday.

Ant-detection dog gives Kāpiti Island the all-clear

Ant-detection dog gives Kāpiti Island the all-clear

Date: 28 November 2018
An expert sniffer-dog has scoured Kāpiti Island for any sign of Argentine ants and given it the all-clear.

$8 million available for community conservation projects

$8 million available for community conservation projects

Date: 01 December 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Community organisations, iwi and landholders will be able to apply for grants from an $8 million conservation fund to help save our native plants, birds and insects and habitats, Conservation Minister, Eugenie Sage announced today.

Mass pilot whale stranding at Chatham Islands

Mass pilot whale stranding at Chatham Islands

Date: 30 November 2018
DOC has been dealing with a mass stranding of whales overnight at Chatham Islands.

Tragic accident highlights avalanche risk

Tragic accident highlights avalanche risk

Date: 30 November 2018
DOC says yesterday’s tragic accident where a climber was killed by an avalanche and another was rescued highlights the risks involved in exploring New Zealand’s mountains.

Ōparara investment to protect environment and visitors

Ōparara investment to protect environment and visitors

Date: 29 November 2018
DOC says the newly announced $5.6 million Provincial Growth Fund investment at the Ōparara Valley in Kahurangi National Park will ensure the natural heritage arches and cave ecosystems of the area are protected for future generations.

How New Zealand will become predator free by 2050 is up for discussion

How New Zealand will become predator free by 2050 is up for discussion

Date: 28 November 2018
Achieving a predator free New Zealand will allow our native wildlife and forests the chance to survive and thrive once again.

Watch out for rare visitor to Hokitika

Watch out for rare visitor to Hokitika

Date: 28 November 2018
A leopard seal has made a rare visit to Hokitika Beach, near Kaihinu, and people are being asked to report sightings to DOC and keep a safe distance.

Pygmy killer whales stranded in Northland

Pygmy killer whales stranded in Northland

Date: 27 November 2018
DOC is working to refloat eight pygmy killer whales that have stranded in Northland.

Lucky escape for plastic entrapped penguin

Lucky escape for plastic entrapped penguin

Date: 27 November 2018
A little blue penguin entangled in a fishing line is a reminder that rubbish in the ocean and on beaches is a threat to marine life.

Mass pilot whale stranding at Rakiura/Stewart Island

Mass pilot whale stranding at Rakiura/Stewart Island

Date: 26 November 2018
Up to 145 pilot whales have stranded and died on a remote beach on Rakiura/Stewart Island over the weekend.

Record number of albatross eggs laid at Pukekura/Taiaroa Head

Record number of albatross eggs laid at Pukekura/Taiaroa Head

Date: 26 November 2018
Dunedin’s Royal Albatross Centre is preparing for a possible influx of albatross chicks following a record number of eggs being laid this year.

Rāhui on Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Rāhui on Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Date: 24 November 2018
Ngāti Hikairo ki Tongariro, Ngāti Tuwharetoa and DOC acknowledge with sadness the fatality on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing today. A rāhui (prohibition) has been placed on the crossing until sunrise 27 November 2018.

DOC mihi all Whanganui volunteers

DOC mihi all Whanganui volunteers

Date: 23 November 2018
DOC would like to acknowledge and thank all the contributions made by Whanganui volunteers. Conservation is everybody’s business, working together we’re getting more done.

DOC considering access options for Fox Glacier

DOC considering access options for Fox Glacier

Date: 23 November 2018
DOC is looking at options for reinstating access to the Fox Glacier Valley after heavy rain in early November triggered a massive landslide that blocked the river and caused extensive damage to the access causeway.

Web camera has Kapiti Marine Reserve covered

Web camera has Kapiti Marine Reserve covered

Date: 22 November 2018
The undersea creatures of Kapiti Marine Reserve have technology on their side.

No sign of kauri dieback disease detected at Tāne Mahuta

No sign of kauri dieback disease detected at Tāne Mahuta

Date: 22 November 2018
New test results have detected no sign of kauri dieback disease close to Tāne Mahuta, although a further two positive records have been confirmed in the wider area. One is near the site sampled in June 2018.

Progress on Sea Change Proposals

Progress on Sea Change Proposals

Date: 22 November 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage and Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash today announced an important step forward on work to restore the health of the Hauraki Gulf.

Daphne Hut gets a makeover

Daphne Hut gets a makeover

Date: 21 November 2018
Daphne Hut, a 12 bunk hut on the eastern side of the Ruahine Forest Park, has received a much needed ‘do-up’, thanks to the New Zealand Defence Force.

Tauranga track upgrades to prevent spread of kauri dieback

Tauranga track upgrades to prevent spread of kauri dieback

Date: 21 November 2018
10 tracks in Tauranga will be temporarily closed while they are upgraded to prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease. One track will also be temporarily closed in Waikato.

Outward Bound students assist predator-free Blumine Island

Outward Bound students assist predator-free Blumine Island

Date: 20 November 2018
Predator-free Blumine Island/Oruawairua in Queen Charlotte Sound has had extra protection from predators thanks to the assistance of Outward Bound students.

Chile and New Zealand arrangement to protect seabirds

Chile and New Zealand arrangement to protect seabirds

Date: 19 November 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
New Zealand and Chile will help protect vulnerable seabirds, including the critically endangered Antipodean albatross.

Helping hands wanted for Wellington’s most popular park

Helping hands wanted for Wellington’s most popular park

Date: 16 November 2018
A series of working bees are being held in the Catchpool Valley, near Wellington to spruce up the popular facilities for summer.

Dog owners urged to Lead the Way to protect native wildlife on coastlines

Dog owners urged to Lead the Way to protect native wildlife on coastlines

Date: 17 November 2018
DOC is adopting new tactics to protect wildlife by encouraging dog owners to better control their dogs on beaches and coastlines.

Kahurangi gets takahē tick with first eggs found

Kahurangi gets takahē tick with first eggs found

Date: 13 November 2018
The pitter patter of little takahē feet is on the cards at Kahurangi National Park after the first eggs of the new wild population have been found.

Cape Sanctuary records most successful year yet

Cape Sanctuary records most successful year yet

Date: 12 November 2018
Ongoing improvements of pest control efforts led to Sanctuary and New Zealand-firsts.

Responsible camping ranger returns

Responsible camping ranger returns

Date: 12 November 2018
Catlins campers once again have a dedicated responsible camping ranger helping educate them on appropriate places to camp this summer.

DOC welcomes arrest over threats against staff

DOC welcomes arrest over threats against staff

Date: 07 November 2018
DOC says it welcomes the arrest of a man over threats made against staff, saying this particular case has been harrowing.

Public service of DOC ranger Scott Theobald recognised

Public service of DOC ranger Scott Theobald recognised

Date: 06 November 2018
DOC Biodiversity Ranger Scott Theobald, who was one of three men killed in a tragic helicopter crash on 18 October, has been honoured at the Public Service Day Awards.

DOC cancels summer tahr balloting opportunity following feedback

DOC cancels summer tahr balloting opportunity following feedback

Date: 05 November 2018
DOC is cancelling its balloted tahr hunting opportunities for recreational hunters in Wilderness areas and Westland Tai Poutini National Park this summer.

Blake DOC Ambassadors announced

Blake DOC Ambassadors announced

Date: 05 November 2018
Five talented young New Zealanders will be packing their bags and heading into the environment this summer after each winning a Blake DOC Ambassador Award.

Fox Glacier slip in action

Fox Glacier slip in action

Date: 05 November 2018
Walking and road access to Fox Glacier Valley is restricted currently due to heavy rain over the weekend (November 3 and 4) triggering a large landslip that has caused the river to flow over the road.

New hut on Ōtamahua/Quail Island opens for public use today

New hut on Ōtamahua/Quail Island opens for public use today

Date: 03 November 2018
Visitors to Ōtamahua/Quail Island in Te Whakaraupō/Lyttelton Harbour will now be able to stay overnight.

Beached southern bottlenose whale unable to be saved

Beached southern bottlenose whale unable to be saved

Date: 02 November 2018
Iwi and DOC are saddened, that despite hours of efforts to save a stranded southern bottlenose whale at Port Waikato, the whale has died.

20 facts to celebrate 20 years – Poor Knights Marine Reserve turns 20

20 facts to celebrate 20 years – Poor Knights Marine Reserve turns 20

Date: 31 October 2018
October 2018 marks 20 years of the world-famous Poor Knights Marine Reserve, 22 km off Whangarei.

DOC extends submission deadlines for park plan reviews

DOC extends submission deadlines for park plan reviews

Date: 31 October 2018
DOC has extended the public submission period for the draft Aoraki/Mount Cook and Westland Tai Poutini national park management plans.

Control of black-backed gulls to protect rare braided river birds

Control of black-backed gulls to protect rare braided river birds

Date: 29 October 2018
To boost the population of rare and threatened bird species living in the Hurunui River, control work is starting this week to reduce the numbers of southern black backed gulls, which prey on threatened chicks and their nests.

Water sample results for Northland 1080 operation

Water sample results for Northland 1080 operation

Date: 29 October 2018
Water sample results for a recent aerial 1080 operation in Russell Forest have come back clear, with no detectable 1080 in the tested waterways after 39 hours.

Funeral arrangements

Funeral arrangements

Date: 25 October 2018
DOC is working closely with the families of senior rangers Paul Hondelink and Scott Theobald on the arrangements for their funerals.

Public views sought on whitebait

Public views sought on whitebait

Date: 25 October 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage is inviting everyone with an interest in whitebait to share their views on whitebait management in an online survey and/or at drop-in sessions around the country.

Captive breeding programme for Oparara whio begins

Captive breeding programme for Oparara whio begins

Date: 25 October 2018
Whio numbers in the Oparara Whio Security Site, north of Westport on the West Coast of the South Island will be supercharged with a captive breeding programme starting this year.

Information sought after leopard seal shot

Information sought after leopard seal shot

Date: 24 October 2018
DOC is investigating after a dead leopard seal was found with what appears to be a bullet wound to the head/neck on a Southland beach.

DOC mourns colleagues after helicopter crash

DOC mourns colleagues after helicopter crash

Date: 19 October 2018
The loss of two colleagues is keenly felt around DOC today, as the men who died in Wanaka were well-known members of the DOC family.

DOC supporting family and colleagues after helicopter crash

DOC supporting family and colleagues after helicopter crash

Date: 18 October 2018
DOC is rallying around family and colleagues of the staff who died in a helicopter crash this morning in Wanaka.

Whio breeding success

Whio breeding success

Date: 18 October 2018
A record number of whio ducklings hatched in the 2017-2018 season is a welcome increase to the endangered population.

First fairy tern eggs for season delights DOC rangers

First fairy tern eggs for season delights DOC rangers

Date: 18 October 2018
One of New Zealand’s rarest birds, the New Zealand fairy tern, has surprised DOC rangers by producing eggs in October.

Marine reserve charges serve warning for summer

Marine reserve charges serve warning for summer

Date: 18 October 2018
On 28 September 2018 a Whangarei man was convicted of two offences under the Marine Reserves Act 1971.

Goldie Bush Reserve tracks re-opening

Goldie Bush Reserve tracks re-opening

Date: 18 October 2018
DOC is re-opening all tracks in Goldie Bush Scenic Reserve in the Waitakere Ranges following an extensive track upgrade to prevent the spread of kauri dieback.

Track closures announced to sustain the mauri of Kaimai kauri

Track closures announced to sustain the mauri of Kaimai kauri

Date: 17 October 2018
DOC will close six walking tracks in the northern Kaimai Mamaku conservation park to protect kauri from the devastating kauri dieback disease.

DOC closing tracks to protect kauri

DOC closing tracks to protect kauri

Date: 17 October 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage today announced that the DOC will close 21 tracks across kauri land to help prevent the spread of kauri dieback.

Section of Pouakai Crossing remains closed, alternative access in place

Section of Pouakai Crossing remains closed, alternative access in place

Date: 16 October 2018
The Pouakai crossing between Razorback and Kokowai tracks in New Plymouth will remain closed until a hazardous slip is stabilised.

DOC releases tahr control operational plan

DOC releases tahr control operational plan

Date: 16 October 2018
DOC will begin tahr control this week following the release of its operational plan outlining how it will work with the hunting sector to reduce tahr numbers in the central South Island.

Freshwater fishery facts

Freshwater fishery facts

Date: 15 October 2018
The DOC Taupo Fishery Management team addresses concerns anglers may have about the impacts of the Conservation (Indigenous Freshwater Fish) Amendment Bill on salmon and trout fishing in New Zealand.

See sea lions? Stay clear, says DOC

See sea lions? Stay clear, says DOC

Date: 12 October 2018
DOC rangers and volunteers continue to hit the beach on a mission to educate beach-goers on giving wildlife space.

Air New Zealand investment for new Great Walk at Paparoa off to flying start

Air New Zealand investment for new Great Walk at Paparoa off to flying start

Date: 12 October 2018
Source: Air New Zealand and DOC
Air New Zealand and DOC have further strengthened their partnership and commitment to New Zealand’s biodiversity with the funding of a four year, $400,000 project on the Paparoa Track, the site of the newest Great Walk.

Haast welcome for five rare Haast tokoeka kiwi

Haast welcome for five rare Haast tokoeka kiwi

Date: 11 October 2018
Source: Kiwis for kiwi
Join DOC and Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio for morning tea and meet New Zealand’s rarest kiwi before they are released back into Haast Tokoeka Sanctuary.

Message to our tourists – stay safe in the outdoors

Message to our tourists – stay safe in the outdoors

Date: 10 October 2018
Source: DOC and New Zealand Police
After a tragic death on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, DOC and New Zealand Police are encouraging people to help our visitors stay safe in the outdoors.

New device to give crafty kea ultimate protection from traps

New device to give crafty kea ultimate protection from traps

Date: 10 October 2018
Newly-designed parrot excluders will be fitted to Goodnature A24 automatic traps as a precaution to ensure kea aren't unintentionally harmed.

New National Biodiversity Strategy needed

New National Biodiversity Strategy needed

Date: 09 October 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
A new national strategy will be developed to address the critical state of our indigenous biodiversity, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today at Napier’s Ahuriri Estuary.

DOC to restrict beehive movement on public conservation land

DOC to restrict beehive movement on public conservation land

Date: 09 October 2018
DOC is putting immediate restrictions on all beehive movements on public conservation land in a bid to contain the spread of the fungal disease myrtle rust.

Sentenced for taking sea life from marine reserve in Gisborne

Sentenced for taking sea life from marine reserve in Gisborne

Date: 08 October 2018
Eight people were sentenced recently in the Gisborne District Court for taking sea life from Te Tapuwae Rongokako Marine Reserve.

Kākā intruders on the increase

Kākā intruders on the increase

Date: 08 October 2018
Flat hunting season in Wellington usually starts with the students in February. However, this year kākā breeding activity is bringing a wave of unwanted intruders into Wellington properties.

Birthing complications likely cause of death of suspected Māui dolphin

Birthing complications likely cause of death of suspected Māui dolphin

Date: 05 October 2018
Blood poisoning resulting from birthing complications is the likely cause of death for a suspected Māui dolphin that washed up on a beach north of Raglan.

Wildlife centre celebrated after seven years of work

Wildlife centre celebrated after seven years of work

Date: 05 October 2018
Source: Wildbase Recovery
Seven years of community work were recognised this afternoon at the formal celebration of Central Energy Trust Wildbase Recovery, New Zealand's first specialised wildlife rehabilitation centre.

Dog attacks on seals concerns DOC

Dog attacks on seals concerns DOC

Date: 04 October 2018
DOC is encouraging responsible dog control after a seal pup was attacked and killed by an off leash dog in Napier.

New Zealand’s No.2 activity – but is the Tongariro Alpine Crossing the right hike for you?

New Zealand’s No.2 activity – but is the Tongariro Alpine Crossing the right hike for you?

Date: 04 October 2018
The Tongariro Alpine Crossing is a popular hike but it is also dangerous.

No decision made on tahr control

No decision made on tahr control

Date: 03 October 2018
DOC has made no decision on the detail of an operational control plan to reduce the tahr population over the next eight months, despite recent hunter commentary.

Great Walks season opens

Great Walks season opens

Date: 03 October 2018
The 2018/19 Great Walks season opens this month, and DOC is reminding people with bookings to be prepared ahead of their trip.

Fighting high rat numbers at Pukaha

Fighting high rat numbers at Pukaha

Date: 03 October 2018
High rat numbers in the Pukaha Forest are threatening rare native birds prompting increased pest control measures by DOC and the Pukaha Mount Bruce Board.

Rāhui Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Rāhui Tongariro Alpine Crossing

Date: 02 October 2018
It is with sadness that Ngāti Hikairo ki Tongariro, Ngāti Tuwharetoa acknowledge the fatality on the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. A rāhui (prohibition) has been placed on the crossing until 6 October 2018.

Cruise ship L'Austral grounding – fines total $100,000

Cruise ship L'Austral grounding – fines total $100,000

Date: 02 October 2018
Source: Maritime New Zealand and Department of Conservation
A French cruise company and ship's Master have been fined $70,000 and $30,000 respectively following an incident in the Subantarctic islands.

Suspected Māui dolphin wash up north of Raglan Harbour

Suspected Māui dolphin wash up north of Raglan Harbour

Date: 02 October 2018
The death of a suspected Māui dolphin 20 km north of Raglan has been met with sadness.

Hunter Valley Station public access agreement signed

Hunter Valley Station public access agreement signed

Date: 28 September 2018
An agreement describing public access through Hunter Valley Station has been signed by DOC and Orange Lakes (NZ) Ltd.

Cattle deaths prompt rigorous operational review

Cattle deaths prompt rigorous operational review

Date: 27 September 2018
DOC is taking the extraordinary step of having its post operation investigation of the Mapara aerial 1080 operation independently reviewed to provide public confidence in delivery operations.

Manawatu rivers are breeding grounds for shorebirds

Manawatu rivers are breeding grounds for shorebirds

Date: 24 September 2018
DOC is asking everyone to watch out for nesting shorebirds on our rivers this spring and summer.

Pānui – Rāhui Mt Ruapehu summit area

Pānui – Rāhui Mt Ruapehu summit area

Date: 23 September 2018
It is with sadness that the iwi of Ruapehu acknowledge the fatal accident where a hiker fell in to Te Wai ā-moe (crater lake) and a temporary rāhui (prohibition) has been placed on the area.

Release your inner Kiwi Guardian at Pukenui

Release your inner Kiwi Guardian at Pukenui

Date: 21 September 2018
It’s now easier than ever to get your tamariki into nature because there’s a brand new Kiwi Guardian adventure site launching at Pukenui Forest as part of this year’s Conservation Week.

Multi-agency project to restore Lake Whangape kicks off

Multi-agency project to restore Lake Whangape kicks off

Date: 20 September 2018
A blessing to kick-start the restoration of Lake Whangape in Waikato’s north was held today following signing of a multi-agency agreement in July of this year.

Hidden world of kākāpō revealed on Google Earth

Hidden world of kākāpō revealed on Google Earth

Date: 19 September 2018
Kākāpō fans around the world can now take a virtual tour of the critically endangered parrot’s homes on New Zealand’s rarely-visited Whenua Hou / Codfish and Anchor Islands.

DOC to reduce tahr numbers to protect alpine plants

DOC to reduce tahr numbers to protect alpine plants

Date: 18 September 2018
DOC is stepping up efforts to control Himalayan tahr across the central South Island as numbers have reached destructive levels.

Pest control area no place for cattle

Pest control area no place for cattle

Date: 18 September 2018
DOC is investigating the deaths of eight cattle following a successful pest control operation in Mapara.

Pest control operation devastated by theft

Pest control operation devastated by theft

Date: 17 September 2018
Members of the Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust discovered pesticides that filled 12 bait stations within the Ōtanewainuku Forest were stolen.

Powell Hut to be replaced this summer

Powell Hut to be replaced this summer

Date: 14 September 2018
Powell Hut will be closed to all users from 1 November 2018 until 30 April 2019 for the existing hut to be demolished and a new hut re-built.

DOC eradicating rats from Rakitū

DOC eradicating rats from Rakitū

Date: 13 September 2018
The operation to remove rats from Rakitū island, off the east coast of Aotea / Great Barrier Island, has resumed today.

Conservation Week regional media releases

Conservation Week regional media releases

Conservation Week regional media releases for 2018.

Dog attack on a seal at a Waimakariri beach

Dog attack on a seal at a Waimakariri beach

Date: 13 September 2018
A dog has attacked a a New Zealand fur seal/kekeno on The Pines/Kairaki beach.

Dog aversion training offered

Dog aversion training offered

Date: 12 September 2018
Dogs and their owners are being invited to participate in penguin and weka avoidance training in Hokitika as a part of Conservation Week on the 22 and 23 September.

Track upgrades in the Bay of Islands to prevent spread of kauri dieback

Track upgrades in the Bay of Islands to prevent spread of kauri dieback

Date: 11 September 2018
Seven tracks in the Bay of Islands will be temporarily closed while they are upgraded to help prevent the spread of kauri dieback.

DOC office moves to Auckland Council building

DOC office moves to Auckland Council building

Date: 10 September 2018
Source: DOC and Auckland Council
A powhiri has been held this morning to welcome DOC staff into their new home at Auckland Council’s Te Wharau o Horotiu – Bledisloe House, 24 Wellesley Street.

Have your say - Aoraki/Mount Cook and Westland Tai Poutini National Park Plan Reviews

Have your say - Aoraki/Mount Cook and Westland Tai Poutini National Park Plan Reviews

Date: 08 September 2018
DOC is seeking the views of the public on draft management plans for Aoraki/Mount Cook and Westland Tai Poutini National Parks.

DOC and agencies stand up for 1080 to protect New Zealand’s forests and wildlife

DOC and agencies stand up for 1080 to protect New Zealand’s forests and wildlife

Date: 07 September 2018
DOC is fully committed to the use of 1080 to protect our forests and native wildlife in the face of the current campaign of misinformation and is joined by other agencies in standing up for the use of this pesticide.

Humpback whale entangled in the Bay of Islands

Humpback whale entangled in the Bay of Islands

Date: 07 September 2018
An adult humpback whale has become entangled in ropes attached to what is thought to be a crayfish pot. The whale is located at Kingfish Reef, off Deep Water Cove, southern Bay of Islands.

Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori and DOC collaborate for Māori Language Week

Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori and DOC collaborate for Māori Language Week

Date: 07 September 2018
Source: Department of Conservation and Te Taura Whiri
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori and DOC have come together to produce a learning resource "Kia Kaha te Reo Taiao" in celebration of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2018.

Paparoa Track – new opening date

Paparoa Track – new opening date

Date: 06 September 2018
DOC has announced the Paparoa Track will now open in September 2019, rather than next April.

Decade of marine protection on Wellington’s South Coast celebrated

Decade of marine protection on Wellington’s South Coast celebrated

Date: 27 August 2018
Marine life at Wellington’s Taputeranga Marine Reserve has flourished in the decade since it was created, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage said yesterday.

DOC and Defence Force protect New Zealand fairy tern

DOC and Defence Force protect New Zealand fairy tern

Date: 23 August 2018
DOC and New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) are working together to create safer nesting sites for the New Zealand fairy tern, one of the country’s rarest native birds.

Native frogs still struggling

Native frogs still struggling

Date: 23 August 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
New Zealand’s pepeketua/native frog species remain in trouble, according to the latest report on the conservation status of New Zealand’s amphibian species.

Great Walks network set to grow

Great Walks network set to grow

Date: 23 August 2018
New Zealand is closer towards expanding the family of Great Walks, with the announcement of three walks under consideration to become part of the Great Walks network.

Suspected dog attack on leopard seal

Suspected dog attack on leopard seal

Date: 20 August 2018
DOC is seeking information about an injured leopard seal believed to have been attacked by a dog in Porirua at the weekend.

Do not feed kekeno

Do not feed kekeno

Date: 17 August 2018
DOC is asking people not to feed New Zealand fur seals/kekeno after reports of a pup being fed by the public in Napier.

Student scholarship for noted conservationist

Student scholarship for noted conservationist

Date: 16 August 2018
Source: Department of Conservation and Waikato Regional Council
Waikato Regional Council and DOC jointly sponsor the Arthur Hinds scholarship for a summer student to work at Waikato Regional Council.

Whitebait season begins

Whitebait season begins

Date: 14 August 2018
DOC is asking whitebaiters to be responsible and follow the rules ahead of the start of the whitebait season tomorrow.

See Sirocco at Orokonui Ecosanctuary

See Sirocco at Orokonui Ecosanctuary

Date: 13 August 2018
After a four year hiatus Sirocco, DOC’s spokesbird kākāpō, is back and ready to meet his fans once more.

DOC clearing rats from Rakitū

DOC clearing rats from Rakitū

Date: 10 August 2018
An operation to remove rats from Rakitū off the east coast of Aotea / Great Barrier Island has begun.

Human interference ruled out for seal deaths

Human interference ruled out for seal deaths

Date: 10 August 2018
DOC says human interference was not to blame for the deaths of more than 40 New Zealand fur seals/kekeno at a remote bay in Banks Peninsula at the weekend.

Rāhui on beach after whale deaths

Rāhui on beach after whale deaths

Date: 10 August 2018
Following the deaths of two whales, there is a rāhui on shellfish collection and fishing on a Northland beach.

Native threatened freshwater fish thrown a lifeline

Native threatened freshwater fish thrown a lifeline

Date: 09 August 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
A vital step towards better protecting indigenous freshwater fish was taken with today’s introduction of a new indigenous fish conservation bill in Parliament.

Record flock of rare stilts freed in Mackenzie

Record flock of rare stilts freed in Mackenzie

Date: 09 August 2018
A record number of endangered black stilt/kakī have been released into the wild in the Mackenzie basin this week after the best breeding season ever.

Canterbury mudfish slipping towards extinction

Canterbury mudfish slipping towards extinction

Date: 09 August 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
The New Zealand Threat Classification System report on freshwater fish provides the latest conservation status of New Zealand’s 76 known freshwater fish species.

Axle-deep in damage

Axle-deep in damage

Date: 08 August 2018
DOC is reminding people to follow the four-wheel drive care code after some drivers damaged fragile areas with reckless off-road driving.

Government funding to support nature flourishing in a Predator Free Capital

Government funding to support nature flourishing in a Predator Free Capital

Date: 08 August 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
The Government is supporting a project to make Wellington the world’s first predator free capital city with a $3.27 million funding boost announced by Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage today.

Decision made to euthanise stranded whale

Decision made to euthanise stranded whale

Date: 07 August 2018
A difficult decision has been made to humanely euthanise the stranded humpback whale at Ripiro Beach, outside Dargaville.

DOC concerned about captive kea deaths

DOC concerned about captive kea deaths

Date: 07 August 2018
The death of two privately-held captive kea after a routine health check over the weekend is concerning and DOC would like to determine the cause of their deaths.

Cathedral Cove gets greenlight to reopen

Cathedral Cove gets greenlight to reopen

Date: 07 August 2018
Loose rock and material has been removed from the iconic archway at Cathedral Cove making it safe for public to once again enjoy.

DOC keeping open mind about seal deaths

DOC keeping open mind about seal deaths

Date: 05 August 2018
DOC is keeping an open mind about how more than 40 New Zealand fur seals/kekeno died, after their bodies were found on a remote bay in Banks Peninsula.

Napier welcomes Antarctic guest

Napier welcomes Antarctic guest

Date: 03 August 2018
Napier was treated to a rare sight today – the seventh Weddell seal to visit New Zealand shores ever recorded.

Dogs missing in Kaweka Forest Park found

Dogs missing in Kaweka Forest Park found

Date: 02 August 2018
Two dogs missing in the Kaweka Forest Park have been found.

New DOC uniform

New DOC uniform

Date: 31 July 2018
DOC is marking World Ranger Day by launching a new uniform for its frontline rangers that is more comfortable and offers greater protection from the elements.

Cathedral Cove expected to reopen to visitors

Cathedral Cove expected to reopen to visitors

Date: 31 July 2018
DOC is expected to reopen Cathedral Cove next week.

Second Kaikoura sperm whale found dead

Second Kaikoura sperm whale found dead

Date: 30 July 2018
The death of a second semi-resident Kaikoura sperm whale in a month has been met with concern by those who know the animals.

Mans best friend killing kiwi – this program can help

Mans best friend killing kiwi – this program can help

Date: 27 July 2018
A call for owners to enrol dogs in Kiwi Aversion Training comes after eight deaths in the past five months and threatens one of the most thriving kiwi populations in New Zealand.

Land transferred to protect native grasshopper

Land transferred to protect native grasshopper

Date: 26 August 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
The home of a giant native grasshopper is now safer after Crown land in the Mackenzie Basin was protected as conservation land, Land Information and Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.

Managing visitor pressures in the Mackenzie and Waitaki basins

Managing visitor pressures in the Mackenzie and Waitaki basins

Date: 20 July 2018
Source: Mackenzie District Council
A new working group will develop short-term solutions to manage camping in the Mackenzie and Waitaki basins.

Seals need rest not rescuing

Seals need rest not rescuing

Date: 18 July 2018
Concerned members of the public can rest assured seals on Whanganui beaches are just there for a rest.

DOC and Creative New Zealand to continue Wild Creations partnership

DOC and Creative New Zealand to continue Wild Creations partnership

Date: 05 June 2018
More artists will be inspired by our natural environment and cultural heritage with the continuation of the Creative New Zealand partnership.

Second wind of kōkako on Mount Pirongia

Second wind of kōkako on Mount Pirongia

Date: 16 July 2018
Kōkako have been released onto Mount Pirongia in a bid to return the songbirds to the mountain.

Young and old restoring Riversdale dunes

Young and old restoring Riversdale dunes

Date: 16 July 2018
Forty people, ages ranging from just two years old to over 80, turned up to plant 1,700 native grass plants in the dunes at Riversdale on Saturday.

Kaweka kiwi at risk

Kaweka kiwi at risk

Date: 13 July 2018
Hawke’s Bay’s largest kiwi population may be at risk from two dogs that are loose in the Kaweka Forest Park.

Proposal to close tracks to protect kauri

Proposal to close tracks to protect kauri

Date: 11 July 2018
DOC is seeking public input on a new proposal to close various tracks in the kauri region to help prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease.

Captive population of rare skink established

Captive population of rare skink established

Date: 11 July 2018
Source: Endangered Species Foundation and Auckland Zoo
A secure population of one of New Zealand’s rarest skinks, the critically endangered Chesterfield skink has been established in captivity, with support from the Endangered Species Foundation and Auckland Zoo.

Track upgrades to prevent spread of kauri dieback

Track upgrades to prevent spread of kauri dieback

Date: 10 July 2018
Tracks along the Kauri Coast, on Northland’s west coast, will be temporarily closed while they are upgraded to prevent the spread of kauri dieback.

Rat caught on pest-free Motutapu Island

Rat caught on pest-free Motutapu Island

Date: 10 July 2018
DOC rangers have trapped a rat at Home Bay on pest-free Motutapu Island in the Hauraki Gulf.

More rock daisies growing at Ōhau Point

More rock daisies growing at Ōhau Point

Date: 05 July 2018
Source: NZ Transport Agency
The outlook is looking brighter for the native Ōhau rock daisy enduring on its earthquake-damaged Kaikōura coastal home with new plantings and new growth emerging.

Give the whale space

Give the whale space

Date: 05 July 2018
DOC reminds keen whale watchers to keep at least 50 m away from the rare southern right whale/tohora currently enjoying Wellington Harbour.

A beautiful name, now watch her soar

A beautiful name, now watch her soar

Date: 03 July 2018
The votes are in and DOC’s latest Royal cam albatross chick has her new ‘female explorers’ themed name.

Bold Predator Free project launched in Hawke’s Bay

Bold Predator Free project launched in Hawke’s Bay

Date: 02 July 2018
Source: Hawkes Bay Regional Council.
A project aimed at creating a Predator Free Hawke’s Bay has been launched in Napier with the announcement of a $1.6 million kick-start in funding from the Government.

Kiwi killed by dog on popular dog walking beach

Kiwi killed by dog on popular dog walking beach

Date: 02 July 2018
A young dead male Northland brown kiwi was found by a group of dog walkers on Long Beach, Russell, Bay of Islands at 8 am on Saturday 9 June 2018.

Napier Menzshed goes green

Napier Menzshed goes green

Date: 02 July 2018
Hawke’s Bay bird lovers will soon be able to view their avian friends up close and without disturbing them thanks to the hard work of Napier Menzshed volunteers.

Initiatives back community conservation work

Initiatives back community conservation work

Date: 29 June 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Communities will have two new tools to help combat rats, stoats and possums that are killing our native birds, plants and other wildlife, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage said in Nelson today.

New science report lists sharks as threatened

New science report lists sharks as threatened

Date: 28 June 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
The great white shark and basking shark have been classed as ‘threatened’ for the first time and the future of these species is not positive.

Mountain bikers reminded to practise good trail etiquette

Mountain bikers reminded to practise good trail etiquette

Date: 26 June 2018
New signage has been installed on some DOC tracks in the Tauranga District reminding the public of the regulations around mountain biking in the area.

First step towards NZ’s largest pest-free island

First step towards NZ’s largest pest-free island

Date: 23 June 2018
Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage has announced funding for the first step in New Zealand’s most ambitious island pest eradication.

Ferrets killing kiwi in Tongariro

Ferrets killing kiwi in Tongariro

Date: 22 June 2018
DOC biodiversity rangers are in hot pursuit of ferrets which are hunting North Island brown kiwi in Tongariro Forest.

New trout season, new fishing licence

New trout season, new fishing licence

Date: 22 June 2018
Annual fishing licences can be purchased from 25 June and are valid from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019. Costs remain unchanged.

A name fit for the princess of the skies

A name fit for the princess of the skies

Date: 19 June 2018
Hundreds of people from around the world have had their say and now it’s your turn to choose the official name for this year’s Royal cam chick.

Kauri dieback track work

Kauri dieback track work

Date: 18 June 2018
DOC continues its programme of upgrading tracks in the Kauri Coast to help prevent the spread of kauri dieback.

DOC investigating deaths of native gulls

DOC investigating deaths of native gulls

Date: 18 June 2018
DOC is appealing for information about the deaths of nine red-billed gulls in Kaikoura.

DOC changing its service to exporters

DOC changing its service to exporters

Date: 15 June 2018
DOC is making a change to a service it provides to businesses exporting deer and other animal products.

Duckling boom delights Whirinaki visitors

Duckling boom delights Whirinaki visitors

Date: 15 June 2018
The most popular walking tracks in Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park are also among the best place in New Zealand to see a whio in the wild, according to recent bird counts.

Winter for seals in the Bay of Plenty

Winter for seals in the Bay of Plenty

Date: 15 June 2018
Winter is a time for foraging and resting for seals around the Bay of Plenty coast.

Sign up for Great Walks bookings

Sign up for Great Walks bookings

Date: 11 June 2018
DOC is launching a new booking system today and invites those wishing to book onto a Great Walk to create their user accounts.

Take a snow shuttle to help protect the Ruapehu environment this winter

Take a snow shuttle to help protect the Ruapehu environment this winter

Date: 08 June 2018
Travelling to Mt Ruapehu by snow shuttle is safer, reduces traffic and helps protect the environment.

Great Walks shortlist released

Great Walks shortlist released

Date: 07 June 2018
DOC today released a shortlist of seven multi-day walks from around New Zealand that remain in the running to become a Great Walk.

Successful second muster of Kaimanawa horses

Successful second muster of Kaimanawa horses

Date: 06 June 2018
A second DOC Kaimanawa wild horse muster for 2018 has been completed successfully.

New plant status report shows increased threats

New plant status report shows increased threats

Date: 05 June 2018
New Zealand’s plants are facing increasing threats according to a new scientific report published by DOC today.

DOC and Creative New Zealand to continue Wild Creations partnership

DOC and Creative New Zealand to continue Wild Creations partnership

Date: 05 June 2018
More artists will be inspired by our natural environment and cultural heritage with the continuation of the Creative New Zealand partnership.

International visitors to pay more than locals for Great Walks

International visitors to pay more than locals for Great Walks

Date: 02 June 2018
Source: Office of the Minister or Conservation
International visitors will pay more than locals for DOC huts and campsites on New Zealand’s four most popular Great Walks as part of a trial for the 2018/19 season, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.

Leave seals alone – they're just resting

Leave seals alone – they're just resting

Date: 31 May 2018
DOC is reminding people to leave seals alone to rest.

Kahutara kids caring for Onoke Spit

Kahutara kids caring for Onoke Spit

Date: 31 May 2018
Forty hard working Kahutara School students joined a community group last Friday to work on a native planting in one of Wairarapa’s toughest environments – Onoke Spit.

Whio education resource in te reo for Taranaki schools

Whio education resource in te reo for Taranaki schools

Date: 31 May 2018
A new resource in te reo Māori has been released by DOC in Taranaki. It looks closely at whio, the very special ducks that live on the rivers and streams of Mounga Taranaki.

$11.7 million for Taranaki predator control

$11.7 million for Taranaki predator control

Date: 30 May 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
An ambitious plan to eradicate pests from Taranaki will get an $11.7 million funding injection from Predator Free 2050 Ltd.

Help name the latest online sensation

Help name the latest online sensation

Date: 29 May 2018
Millions of people have spent the last three years watching her neighbours grow up. Now for the third year running DOC is inviting people to help name the newest Royal cam albatross chick at the Taiaroa Head colony on Otago Peninsula.

Native bird numbers double after long-term predator control

Native bird numbers double after long-term predator control

Date: 28 May 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Birds are flourishing in South Westland’s Landsborough valley thanks to 20 years of sustained predator control.

Whale wows Napier crowd

Whale wows Napier crowd

Date: 24 May 2018
A humpback whale stopped in Hawke’s Bay today for lunch and a show just off Napier’s Marine Parade beach.

Our nature still increasingly popular

Our nature still increasingly popular

Date: 24 May 2018
Visitor data from some of DOC's most popular sites shows mixed results but another record summer season overall.

Rare birds and rockets

Rare birds and rockets

Date: 24 May 2018
Monitoring shows a critically endangered native shore bird continues to nest and breed near the Rocket Lab launch site on Mahia Peninsula.

Hoiho killed by dog at Long Point Reserve, Catlins

Hoiho killed by dog at Long Point Reserve, Catlins

Date: 23 May 2018
Source: Department of Conservation and Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust
Dog owners are being warned they must take better control of their dogs following the deaths of two yellow-eyed penguins/hoiho.

Kekeno (seals) need rest not rescue

Kekeno (seals) need rest not rescue

Date: 22 May 2018
With seal season approaching, DOC is reminding people to leave kekeno/seal pups alone if they see them on shore.

Teaming up to restore native dactylanthus in the Bay of Plenty

Teaming up to restore native dactylanthus in the Bay of Plenty

Date: 21 May 2018
Armed with rakes and trowels, the Aongatete Forest Project (AFP) and DOC spent last Thursday [17 May 2018] sowing native dactylanthus seed in the Kaimai-Mamaku Conservation Park.

DOC disappointed by senseless shooting of protected falcon

DOC disappointed by senseless shooting of protected falcon

Date: 18 May 2018
A DOC Hawke’s Bay ranger was called out to pick up a shot karearea/New Zealand falcon from a farm in Maraekakaho.

Budget backs nature

Budget backs nature

Date: 17 May 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
New Zealand’s distinctive native plants, wildlife and natural landscapes will benefit from a funding boost for DOC, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.

Tongariro National Park Management Plan partial review approved

Tongariro National Park Management Plan partial review approved

Date: 16 May 2018
The New Zealand Conservation Authority has approved amendments to the Tongariro National Park Management Plan to allow for mountain biking.

Taupo Fishery Photo Competition winners

Taupo Fishery Photo Competition winners

Date: 16 May 2018
Four lucky photographers have won a Taupo Region Fishing Licence of their choice in a DOC competition which closed on Friday 11 May.

DOC goes to great heights for seed collection

DOC goes to great heights for seed collection

Date: 14 May 2018
Whangārei DOC staff are dangling from cliff edges and climbing trees to safeguard the threatened rātā vine species, carmine rātā, from myrtle rust.

Okura Bush Walkway temporarily closed

Okura Bush Walkway temporarily closed

Date: 10 May 2018
DOC is temporarily closing the walkway through Okura Bush Scenic Reserve, on Auckland’s North Shore.

Protecting our mounga enables toutouwai to return

Protecting our mounga enables toutouwai to return

Date: 10 May 2018
Source: Taranaki Mounga Project
One of the world’s most intensive rat and small rodent trapping networks is providing a safe haven for wildlife on Mt Taranaki, resulting in the release of more toutouwai / North Island robin back to mountain.

Earthmoving contractor working on Motutapu

Earthmoving contractor working on Motutapu

Date: 07 May 2018
An earthmoving contractor will be working on Motutapu Island for the next four weeks repairing slip damage caused by Cyclone Debbie, just over a year ago.

Pāteke population in Abel Tasman about to soar

Pāteke population in Abel Tasman about to soar

Date: 04 May 2018
The Abel Tasman National Park has been given the tick of approval as a home for pāteke, with the population of rare native ducks about to increase dramatically.

Argentine ants threaten Kāpiti Island

Argentine ants threaten Kāpiti Island

Date: 04 May 2018
DOC is responding to the discovery of Argentine ants at the mainland visitor departure point for the Kapiti Island Nature Reserve.

Historic Arrowtown and Kawarau bridge’s new Landmarks status

Historic Arrowtown and Kawarau bridge’s new Landmarks status

Date: 23 April 2018
Join the celebrations on 24 April for historic Arrowtown and the famous bungy bridge’s new Landmarks status.

Kiwi Forever conservation and cultural programme

Kiwi Forever conservation and cultural programme

Date: 20 April 2018
‘Kiwi Forever’ an enduring legacy conservation and cultural programme was held recently in the Tongariro district.

Kidnapped snail shipped home

Kidnapped snail shipped home

Date: 18 April 2018
An endangered giant land snail mistakenly kidnapped by trampers from Kahurangi National Park is being returned home by DOC.

Fish friendly guidelines landed

Fish friendly guidelines landed

Date: 18 April 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Freshwater fish will have a better chance of survival under guidelines launched by Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage today.

Wild horses re-homed

Wild horses re-homed

Date: 17 April 2018
170 Kaimanawa wild horses have been successfully re-homed following the weekend’s muster from the Waiouru Military Training Area.

99 new kōrure welcomed to Poutiri Ao ō Tāne whanau

99 new kōrure welcomed to Poutiri Ao ō Tāne whanau

Date: 17 April 2018
The local collaborative ecological restoration project Poutiri Ao ō Tāne welcomed almost 100 new members to its whānau.

Whitebaiter nets fine for regulations breach

Whitebaiter nets fine for regulations breach

Date: 16 April 2018
DOC has prosecuted a Porangahau man for two breaches of the Whitebait Fishing Regulations.

Do you know the difference between males and females?

Do you know the difference between males and females?

Date: 12 April 2018
Kiwi listening stands are popping-up at markets across the Bay of Islands throughout April and May to give aspiring kiwi listeners information about how to contribute, including learning the difference between male and female kiwi calls.

Fines for fishing in Canterbury marine reserve

Fines for fishing in Canterbury marine reserve

Date: 11 April 2018
DOC is urging fishers to check the location of marine reserves before they go fishing after a string of offending in Canterbury’s two marine reserves this summer.

First new NZ sea lion breeding colony in more than 150 years

First new NZ sea lion breeding colony in more than 150 years

Date: 10 April 2018
For the first time in more than 150 years, a New Zealand sea lion/rāpoka breeding colony has established on mainland New Zealand, at Stewart Island.

Support for Taranaki Crossing experience

Support for Taranaki Crossing experience

Date: 06 April 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation and Office of the Minister of Regional Economic Development
An ambitious plan to enable more people to enjoy the beauty of Mt Taranaki and strengthen connections to its natural and cultural heritage has been announced.

New approach to manage myrtle rust

New approach to manage myrtle rust

Date: 06 April 2018
Source: Department of Conservation and Ministry for Primary Industries
The fight against the plant disease myrtle rust is changing gear, with a greater focus on a science programme to increase our understanding around the disease.

Unable to save Okuru pilot whales

Unable to save Okuru pilot whales

Date: 05 April 2018
A difficult decision has been made to humanely euthanise 12 stranded pilot whales that were alive after a total of 38 stranded at the mouth of the Okuru River south of Haast.

Investigation into dead shellfish at marine reserve

Investigation into dead shellfish at marine reserve

Date: 05 April 2018
The discovery of a large number of dead shellfish, in the Long Bay-Okura Marine Reserve on Auckland’s North Shore, has sparked a multi-agency investigation led by DOC.

Rollout of innovative Kauri dieback cleaning stations

Rollout of innovative Kauri dieback cleaning stations

Date: 05 April 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
The roll-out of 20 innovative cleaning stations has started as part of DOC's efforts to reduce the spread of kauri dieback, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.

Illegal fishing offenders plead guilty

Illegal fishing offenders plead guilty

Date: 04 April 2018
Two Havelock North men have pleaded guilty to fishing in the Te Angiangi marine reserve. They have each paid $750 in restitution.

It takes a community to raise a whio

It takes a community to raise a whio

Date: 01 April 2018
Today marks the start of Whio Awareness Month, where we celebrate all the hard work that goes into making a brighter future for whio.

DOC responding to possible stoat sighting on Motuihe Island

DOC responding to possible stoat sighting on Motuihe Island

Date: 29 March 2018
DOC is responding to a possible sighting of a stoat on pest-free Motuihe Island in the Hauraki Gulf.

Ongoing vigilance for Ulva island invaders

Ongoing vigilance for Ulva island invaders

Date: 27 March 2018
Ulva Island’s intensive trapping network has stopped a rampage of rats in their tracks this summer after five unrelated rodents were caught on the island’s coastal network.

DOC reminds hunters to follow the rules this 'roar' season

DOC reminds hunters to follow the rules this 'roar' season

Date: 26 March 2018
Hunters intending to hunt on public conservation land are reminded to be aware of their obligations.

Paua poachers apprehended in Wellington Marine Reserve

Paua poachers apprehended in Wellington Marine Reserve

Date: 23 March 2018
Two men are likely to face heavy penalties after helping themselves to paua in rock pools within the Taputeranga Marine Reserve.

Happy 21st Birthday Sirocco

Happy 21st Birthday Sirocco

Date: 23 March 2018
Sirocco, DOC’s spokesbird kākāpō, celebrates his 21st ‘birthday’ – officially known as his hatchday – and DOC is encouraging others to join in his milestone birthday.

Another Australian water dragon at large

Another Australian water dragon at large

Date: 22 March 2018
DOC is asking the public to report any recent sightings of water dragons in Papaitonga Scenic Reserve, near Levin.

Million Dollar Mouse successfully eradicates mice from Antipodes Island

Million Dollar Mouse successfully eradicates mice from Antipodes Island

Date: 21 March 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
In a world-leading conservation effort, mice have been successfully eradicated from Antipodes Island in the New Zealand Subantarctic, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.

Wild takahē return to Kahurangi

Wild takahē return to Kahurangi

Date: 20 March 2018
For the first time in more than 100 years, takahē will roam freely in Kahurangi National Park in an historic attempt to create a new wild population outside of Fiordland.

More measures to protect Hector’s dolphins

More measures to protect Hector’s dolphins

Date: 20 March 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation and the Minister for Primary Industries
Work to improve protection of the nationally endangered Hector’s dolphin will accelerate after five were accidentally killed in a fishing net off Banks Peninsula.

Wild horse muster in April

Wild horse muster in April

Date: 20 March 2018
Up to 300 Kaimanawa wild horses may need to be removed this April from the Waiouru Military Training Area (WMTA) during the muster.

Diversity in conservation board membership sought

Diversity in conservation board membership sought

Date: 18 March 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Nominations for conservation boards have been reopened to ensure they reflect the diverse communities they serve, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage announced today.

Goldie Bush tracks closing in support of rāhui

Goldie Bush tracks closing in support of rāhui

Date: 16 March 2018
DOC is temporarily closing all tracks in Goldie Bush Scenic Reserve from 18 March.

Cracker captive season for West Coast whio

Cracker captive season for West Coast whio

Date: 16 March 2018
West Coast whio have received a substantial boost to their population this year.

DOC traps stoat on Motutapu Island

DOC traps stoat on Motutapu Island

Date: 15 March 2018
DOC has trapped and killed a stoat on pest-free Motutapu Island in the Hauraki Gulf.

National parks review put on hold

National parks review put on hold

Date: 14 March 2018
Source: New Zealand Conservation Authority
The New Zealand Conservation Authority has put its proposed review of the general policy for National Parks on hold.

Rare bat on the road to recovery

Rare bat on the road to recovery

Date: 09 March 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
One of New Zealand’s rare bats is on its way to recovery after successful large-scale predator control in Fiordland, according to a new science report released by Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage today.

Fiordland bats and birds on the increase

Fiordland bats and birds on the increase

Date: 09 March 2018
New Zealand’s two bat species and native birds are thriving after predator control work in Fiordland National Park, Department of Conservation monitoring this summer shows.

Help on the way for parks and recreation sector

Help on the way for parks and recreation sector

Date: 09 March 2018
Source: Lincoln University
Lincoln University and the Department of Conservation are teaming up to meet “a desperate need” in the parks and recreation sector.

Marine protection off South Island coast

Marine protection off South Island coast

Date: 07 March 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Two options to protect areas of ocean off the east coast of the South Island will be considered by Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash and Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage.

Introducing the new Royal cam albatross family

Introducing the new Royal cam albatross family

Date: 07 March 2018
A new albatross family is centre stage on the Royal cam at Pukekura/Taiaroa Head on Otago Peninsula.

Seaweek – taking action for our oceans

Seaweek – taking action for our oceans

Date: 06 March 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
Seaweek celebrations, beginning on 3 March, provide an opportunity to highlight the plight of our precious marine species, Conservation Minister, Eugenie Sage says.

Injured weka prompts trapping safety reminder

Injured weka prompts trapping safety reminder

Date: 05 March 2018
A young weka losing its foot has prompted a reminder that leg-hold traps should be raised off the ground.

Future generations celebrate whio on the Manganui-o-te-Ao river

Future generations celebrate whio on the Manganui-o-te-Ao river

Date: 01 March 2018
Whanganui whio populations in the wild were boosted last month when 16 captive-bred native blue ducks were released on the Manganui o te Ao River at Ferne Pool.

Myrtle rust found on public conservation land

Myrtle rust found on public conservation land

Date: 28 February 2018
DOC today confirmed myrtle rust has been found on public conservation land.

DOC ceases transporting staff in Robinson helicopters

DOC ceases transporting staff in Robinson helicopters

Date: 28 February 2018
DOC has decided to permanently cease the use of Robinson helicopters to transport DOC employees.

Slip closes Holly Hut track on Mt Taranaki

Slip closes Holly Hut track on Mt Taranaki

Date: 28 February 2018
Former Cyclone Gita’s heavy rain and gale force winds triggered a large slip that has closed a long section of the Holly Hut Track on Mt Taranaki.

Kōrure find their way home

Kōrure find their way home

Date: 27 February 2018
The first translocation of kōrure or mottled petrel has been hailed a success as the birds begin to return to their nesting site on the Maungaharuru Range.

Company convicted for illegal grazing

Company convicted for illegal grazing

Date: 26 February 2018
Illegally grazing 380 cattle in a conservation area for two weeks in 2017 could cost a Southland farming company more than $100,000.

Time running out for Antipodes Island wandering albatross

Time running out for Antipodes Island wandering albatross

Date: 26 February 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
The critically endangered Antipodes Island wandering albatross will be functionally extinct within the next 20 years unless the devastating decline in their population is halted, Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage says.

New technology deployed to prevent sea lion pup deaths

New technology deployed to prevent sea lion pup deaths

Date: 23 February 2018
GPS technology and remote cameras are helping scientists better understand how to prevent sea lion pups from dying on the subantarctic islands.

Make a play date with nature

Make a play date with nature

Date: 23 February 2018
Encouraging children to explore nature will be the focus of National Children’s Day celebrations, to be held at Ivon Wilson Park in Te Anau on Sunday 4 March.

DOC finds no sign of a cat on Rangitoto and Motutapu

DOC finds no sign of a cat on Rangitoto and Motutapu

Date: 22 February 2018
DOC has found no sign of a cat on Rangitoto or Motutapu, in the Hauraki Gulf, after an extensive search on the islands.

Mackenzie Basin agency alignment review

Mackenzie Basin agency alignment review

Date: 21 February 2018
A new report identifies opportunities and challenges facing agencies and the community in the future management of the Mackenzie Basin.

Royal cam albatross dies in tough season for colony

Royal cam albatross dies in tough season for colony

Date: 19 February 2018
Otago Peninsula’s Royal cam albatross chick died after it was attacked yesterday by a parent bird during a tough breeding season for the colony at Pukekura/Taiaroa Head says DOC.

Everybody loves Kaiwhakauka

Everybody loves Kaiwhakauka

Date: 16 February 2018
Mountain bike and tramping trails through the Whanganui National Park will ride better than last year following a massive volunteer effort in January this year.

Million Dollar Mouse team head to Antipodes

Million Dollar Mouse team head to Antipodes

Date: 19 February 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
The Million Dollar Mouse team are back in the Antipodes Islands to discover the outcome of one of the largest ever attempts to eradicate mice.

Bill to reform conservation law enforcement passes first reading

Bill to reform conservation law enforcement passes first reading

Date: 15 February 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
DOC staff will be able to issue infringement notices and reduce the number of costly prosecutions under a bill that passed its first reading last night.

Big horizons for little skink

Big horizons for little skink

Date: 15 February 2018
Te Kakahu/Chalky Island skink have been introduced to a new island home in Dusky Sound, Fiordland to improve the species’ security.

DOC supports fight to save unique bushland

DOC supports fight to save unique bushland

Date: 14 February 2018
A group of Central Hawke’s Bay residents is fighting to save a rare type of native forest, the only one of its kind in the region.

Dome Shed to be removed from Ruapehu

Dome Shed to be removed from Ruapehu

Date: 13 February 2018
The Dome Equipment Shed is being removed from Mt Ruapehu this month as it is no longer needed to house volcano monitoring equipment.

Geckos shoulder backpacks for trip to Mana Island

Geckos shoulder backpacks for trip to Mana Island

Date: 12 February 2018
A group of geckos on Mana Island near Wellington were fitted with tiny backpacks today, as researchers hope to shed light on how far they move when transferred to new homes

White shark research significant for New Zealand

White shark research significant for New Zealand

Date: 09 February 2018
DOC's shark specialist reminds people travelling to the beach for the long weekend to be aware of those marine animals seen around our coastlines this summer.

Sirocco found

Sirocco found

Date: 08 February 2018
After two years “off the grid”, Sirocco, DOC's spokesbird kākāpō, has come out of hiding.

Possible cat sightings in bay between Rangitoto and Motutapu

Possible cat sightings in bay between Rangitoto and Motutapu

Date: 07 February 2018
DOC is responding to two possible sightings of a black cat, at Islington Bay, which connects Rangitoto and Motutapu islands, in the Hauraki Gulf.

Volunteer painter Sideshow Bob completes river project

Volunteer painter Sideshow Bob completes river project

Date: 07 February 2018
Longstanding Taumarunui volunteer, painter Bob Anderson (aka Sideshow Bob) has finished another major painting project for the DOC on the Whanganui River.

Annual yellow-eyed penguin breeding results remain low

Annual yellow-eyed penguin breeding results remain low

Date: 05 February 2018
DOC and Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust estimate there are 250 breeding pairs of yellow-eyed penguins/hoiho along the Otago and Southland coastline as their annual breeding season comes to an end.

Review of how the NZ Coastal Policy Statement affects decision making

Review of how the NZ Coastal Policy Statement affects decision making

Date: 04 February 2018
New Zealand’s major surf breaks and the impacts of vehicles on beaches are receiving more attention from local authorities because of the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010.

New Great Walks initial submissions

New Great Walks initial submissions

Date: 02 February 2018
DOC has had a wide response to its call for initial submissions for potential new Great Walks, with 30 tracks from across the country proposed.

New Zealand’s wetlands at risk

New Zealand’s wetlands at risk

Date: 02 February 2018
Source: Office of the Minister of Conservation
A new report shows New Zealand is continuing to lose its precious wetlands and Conservation Minister Eugenie Sage says it will take years to turn the trend around.

Te Matapuna Wetland Restoration

Te Matapuna Wetland Restoration

Date: 02 February 2018
World Wetlands Day on 2 February presents a great opportunity to highlight the ongoing restoration work carried out on Lake Taupo’s Te Matapuna Wetland - one of the largest wetlands in the North Island.

Manawatu Estuary spartina control yielding results

Manawatu Estuary spartina control yielding results

Date: 02 February 2018
DOC rangers have been putting in the hard yards to free the Manawatu Estuary from the clutches of spartina, a nasty weed which takes over mudflats.

Penguin dies after Kakanui dog attack

Penguin dies after Kakanui dog attack

Date: 31 January 2018
DOC is reminding the public that moulting penguins are particularly vulnerable at this time of year after a dog killed a Snares crested penguin at Kakanui, near Oamaru.

Bowen Falls track reopens

Bowen Falls track reopens

Date: 30 January 2018
Milford Sound/Piopiotahi’s popular Lady Bowen Falls walk has reopened for the first time in more than 15 years.

Further measures to protect kauri

Further measures to protect kauri

Date: 26 January 2018
Source: Ministry for Primary Industries
Three measures that will strengthen efforts to save kauri trees from dieback disease were agreed by the Kauri Dieback Governance Group when they met yesterday.

NIWA and DOC to embark on blue whale research expedition

NIWA and DOC to embark on blue whale research expedition

Date: 26 January 2018
A two-week research expedition to gather data on the elusive, endangered blue whale within New Zealand’s shores is due to set sail on Sunday 28 January.

DOC rangers trap and kill rat on Tiritiri Matangi

DOC rangers trap and kill rat on Tiritiri Matangi

Date: 26 January 2018
DOC rangers have trapped and killed a rat on Tiritiri Matangi, a pest free island in the Hauraki Gulf.

Tests find endangered dolphin killed by shark

Tests find endangered dolphin killed by shark

Date: 25 January 2018
An endangered dolphin found washed up at Port Waikato at the weekend, was the victim of a shark attack, a post mortem examination shows.

Boaties bag a surprise

Boaties bag a surprise

Date: 24 January 2018
Summer is ‘boaty bag’ season in the Bay of Islands with up to 400 boaty bags being handed out to remind boaties of their responsibilities on the water and land.

Meet our new online albatross celebrity

Meet our new online albatross celebrity

Date: 23 January 2018
A fluffy new Royal cam star hatched last night in the northern royal albatross breeding colony at Pukekura/Taiaroa Head on Otago Peninsula.

Generous donor funds new hut on the Waiau Pass Track

Generous donor funds new hut on the Waiau Pass Track

Date: 23 January 2018
Trampers crossing the Waiau Pass between Nelson Lakes National Park and St James Conservation Area will find the new 6-bunk hut Waiau Hut a welcome sight at the end of their 15 km trek.

Invitation to adopt a valley

Invitation to adopt a valley

Date: 23 January 2018
Individuals, groups and businesses have a novel opportunity to help boost conservation in New Zealand – by adopting a Fiordland Valley.

Track upgrades help fight the spread of kauri dieback

Track upgrades help fight the spread of kauri dieback

Date: 19 January 2018
DOC has completed track upgrades in kauri forests throughout the Hauraki, Coromandel and Tauranga districts, to help prevent the spread of kauri dieback.

Get the kids off the couch this summer

Get the kids off the couch this summer

Date: 17 January 2018
Toyota Kiwi Guardians is an activity programme that helps kids connect with nature by encouraging them to go on epic self-guided adventures and earn rewards.

Otago sites celebrate their new Landmark status

Otago sites celebrate their new Landmark status

Date: 17 January 2018
Two historically and culturally significant landmarks – Bannockburn Sluicings and the Otago Central Railway Trail – will celebrate their recent elevation to Landmark status at events on 27 January.

DOC funding boost for Picton Dawn Chorus

DOC funding boost for Picton Dawn Chorus

Date: 17 January 2018
Picton Dawn Chorus has secured $60,000 from DOC to support their pest control work.

Fabulous flock of whio arrive at bootcamp

Fabulous flock of whio arrive at bootcamp

Date: 15 January 2018
A whopping 26 whio have arrived at the Whio Hardening Facility in Turangi.

World Wetlands Day celebration at Rakatu Wetlands

World Wetlands Day celebration at Rakatu Wetlands

Date: 15 January 2018
Rakatu Wetlands, located on the floodplain of the Waiau River, will be the site for Fiordland's 2018 World's Wetland Day celebration on 27 January.

Fishers warned to avoid marine reserves

Fishers warned to avoid marine reserves

Date: 12 January 2018
DOC is warning fishers to stay out of marine reserves around Banks Peninsula after a recent spate of alleged illegal fishing.

Native trees illegally cut down at Marlborough campsite

Native trees illegally cut down at Marlborough campsite

Date: 11 January 2018
DOC is appealing for information about the cutting down of native trees at Robin Hood Bay, a popular coastal camping spot in Marlborough.

Leopard seals continue Auckland visits

Leopard seals continue Auckland visits

Date: 11 January 2018
DOC is reminding people to keep safe as two female leopard seals continue their visits to Auckland’s seaside spots.

Impact of pests in Raukumara Forest Park

Impact of pests in Raukumara Forest Park

Date: 11 January 2018
DOC is reviewing options to address the impact of pests within the Raukumara Forest Park.

 Rat tracks spark Tiritiri Matangi incursion response

Rat tracks spark Tiritiri Matangi incursion response

Date: 11 January 2018
A routine check of tracking tunnels on Tiritiri Matangi island on 8 January has launched a search for a rat on the inner Hauraki Gulf sanctuary.

Record number of whio ducklings on Mt Taranaki

Record number of whio ducklings on Mt Taranaki

Date: 08 January 2018
A record number of whio ducklings have been located on Mt Taranaki in what is proving to be a boom year for the rare native blue duck.

Zero tolerance for poaching at Gisborne marine reserve

Zero tolerance for poaching at Gisborne marine reserve

Date: 03 January 2018
Source: Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
MPI and DOC will continue to take a zero tolerance approach towards people who poach from the Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserve north of Gisborne.