Date: 14 May 2018
“Although this work sounds like fun, it’s crucial for the future of native myrtle species,” DOC Operations Manager Louisa Gritt says.
DOC is leading a national program of seed collection of myrtle species in response to the threat from myrtle rust. As part of this, carmine rātā (Metrosideros carminea) seeds were collected from Bream Head and Mount Manaia and then sent to a national seedbank where they will be securely stored.
DOC ranger Laurence Sullivan describes his experience collecting the seeds: “It was very tricky and time-consuming setting the ropes up on a cliff edge, and we didn’t even know if there would be any seed! But it was worth it to retain the whakapapa of this tiny taonga from Te Whara (Bream Head).”
Since its first discovery on mainland New Zealand in May 2017, myrtle rust has been confirmed in over 600 mainland sites.
The first infected plants found on New Zealand’s mainland were discovered in Kerikeri in May 2017. These were destroyed, and the disease eradicated locally. Unfortunately, myrtle rust has recently reappeared in Northland with an infected tree in Kaipara and numerous urban properties in Kerikeri now infected.
Myrtle rust is a fungal plant disease that threatens the myrtle plant family, including some of our most iconic indigenous plants. These include pōhutukawa, rātā, mānuka, kānuka, and ramarama.
The fungal plant disease myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) was discovered on Raoul Island in the Kermadec group of islands in March 2017. It was later confirmed on mainland New Zealand, at a Kerikeri plant nursery on 3 May 2017 and at Waitara, Taranaki, on 17 May 2017.
Spores are thought to have crossed the Tasman Sea from Australia to New Zealand on wind currents associated with recent weather events.
Myrtle rust generally attacks soft, new growth, including:
Symptoms to look for are:
Ayla Wiles, Ranger, Community & Biodiversity
Mobile: +64 7412 0969