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New Zealand sea lion threat workshop 2: 1-3 September 2015


A summary report on progress in developing a Threat Management Plan for New Zealand sea lions (NZSL), including the outputs of the second risk assessment workshop.

Sea lion and pup. Photo: Craig Bullock.
Sea lion and pup

This document reports on the outcomes of Workshop 2, held 1-3 September 2015, including a summary of the outputs of the risk assessment modelling, and reports on the next steps for the development of the TMP.

The purpose of the second workshop was to review a number of topics associated with the development of the TMP including:

  • the draft management goals,
  • the demographic modelling approach developed at the first workshop,
  • a second modelling approach developed by Otago University, and
  • initial threat projections using the demographic model. 

Development of the Threat Management Plan for New Zealand sea lions: progress report - NZSL threat workshop 2 (PDF, 599K)