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Forum, advisory and technical meetings


Find agendas, minutes, and reports from meetings of the New Zealand sea lion Forum, Advisory Group and Technical Working Group.

The Forum and Advisory Group were established as a part of the Engagement work stream of the New Zealand sea lion Threat Management Plan (NZSL TMP). The groups enable iwi, the Crown and stakeholders to come together so they can discuss and prioritise recovery actions under the NZSL TMP.

  • The Forum focuses on facilitating population growth on the South Island/Te Waipounamu and Stewart Island/Rakiura.
  • The Advisory Group focuses on halting the decline and facilitating population growth across the species range, with emphasis on the subantarctic breeding colonies.

These groups meet at least annually to make recommendations and prioritise actions for the year ahead, prior to a full review of the NZSL TMP in 2022. Learn more about sea lion working groups and meetings.

Group documents

Note:  Some of the links below are to downloaded files from our Cerberus site. Get help on downloading files.

New Zealand sea lion Conservation Services Programme and Threat Management Plan annual meeting reports

2017 New Zealand sea lion/rāpoka Forum and Advisory Group meetings

Forum meeting date: 16 May 2017
Advisory Group meeting date: 18 May 2017