DOC and other government departments must publish LTIBs at least once every three years.
The purpose of an LTIB is to publish:
LTIBs are not government policy and must be developed independently of Ministers. The subject matter of an LTIB is the sole discretion of Chief Executives.
DOC sought feedback on the proposed topic of our second LTIB. The proposed topic is:
How can the value of nature be better integrated into government decision-making?
Investigating this topic will include answering the following questions:
Nature is not only valuable in its own right, it also supports the economy and the wellbeing of New Zealanders. The continued degradation of nature and biodiversity puts Aotearoa New Zealand’s prosperity at risk.
We want to explore ways to better incorporate the value of nature into policy decision-making processes to ensure that the choices we make better reflect how important nature is to New Zealanders’ wellbeing and success.
Read the full consultation document (PDF, 255K)
Submissions closed 26 February 2025.
If you have any questions about DOC’s Long-term Insights Briefing you can email us at
Your feedback will help inform the development of our draft LTIB.
Agencies are required to publicly consult both on the topic and on the draft LTIB. In mid-2025, DOC will undertake a second round of public consultation on the draft LTIB. If you are interested in being involved in this second stage of consultation, let us know in your email.
The Minister of Conservation will present the final LTIB to the House of Representatives by late-2025.
If you have any questions about the consultation, email: