The draft Te Tapatoru ā Toi Conservation Management Plan is now open for public consultation. It outlines the future management of Moutohorā/Whale Island, Ōhope Scenic Reserve, and Tauwhare Pā,
We encourage the community to have their say on this important plan. Submissions are open from 9 October to 1 December 2024. Public hearings will take place on 15 and 16 November at Te Whare o Toroa Marae for those wishing to present or give an oral submission.
You can view a physical copy at either Whakatāne DOC Office reception or Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa reception.
The purpose of this plan is to ensure a consistent and enduring approach to the long-term care of the three reserves. It will:
View the draft Te Tapatoru ā Toi Conservation Management Plan (PDF, 17,479K)
This plan replaces and builds on the foundation of the 2008 Te Tāpui Tokotoru Conservation Management Plan.
Send submissions via email to or post to:
9 Louvain Street
P O Box 457
Whakatane 3120
Merenia Sawrey, email