This proposal is made under the Reserves Act 1977.
To cancel the vesting of the Local Purpose (Municipal Buildings) Reserve in the Tauranga City Council and to vest the reserve in Te Manawataki o Te Papa Charitable Trust (comprising the Tauranga City Council and Otamataha Trust).
The property is located at 95 Willow Street, Tauranga.
The property is 5,185 square metres described as Allotment 45 Section 1 Town of Tauranga (All Record of Title SA57A/877 and all New Zealand Gazette 1982 page 191).
Any person or organisation may make a submission in writing to the Director-General on the proposal.
Submissions closed at 5:00 pm on Monday, 5 April 2024.
Send your submission by post or email to:
Department of Conservation
Private Bag 4715,
Christchurch Mail Centre
Christchurch, 8140
Attn: David Griffin, Land Regulatory Delivery Manager
Once submitted, submitters' information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, you need to state this in writing when making your submission.
If a hearing is required, details will be added here when available.
No decision at this point.
If you have a question about the proposal or the submission process you can contact Barry Ashbridge: