This proposal is made under the Crown Forest Assets Act 1989.
The Treasury, on behalf of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Conservation, is seeking submissions on the proposed partial cancellation of public access easements in Hira Forest, Nelson. This public consultation ran from 1 August to 27 September 2024.
Some of the forestry roads within Hira Forest are subject to public access easements created under the Crown Forest Assets Act 1989 (the Act). These provide for public access, subject to the occupier being permitted to close or restrict the use of the public access easement:
Where Crown forest land is returned to Māori ownership, the Act enables the owners to request the responsible Ministers (the Minister of Finance and the Minister for State Owned Enterprises) to review any public access easement associated with the land.
In accordance with those provisions, Koata Limited has requested partial cancellation of public access easements in Hira Forest. This request for partial cancellation does not include Sharlands Road, which will remain available for access for the benefit of recreational users.
Public consultation on the proposed partial cancellation of the public access easement is now being carried out by The Treasury, on behalf of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Conservation.
Hira Forest is located near Nelson. In 2020, the Crown transferred ownership of Hira Forest to the Ngāti Koata Trust as part of the Treaty settlement with Ngāti Koata. Currently, Koata Limited (which is wholly owned by the Ngāti Koata Trust) is the registered proprietor of Hira Forest. All operational forestry activities are managed by Tasman Pine Forests Limited.
Further details of the proposal are available on the Treasury’s website.
Submissions closed 5 pm, 27 September 2024.
Following the completion of the public consultation process and consideration of any submissions, the Minister of Finance and the Minister for State Owned Enterprises will make a final decision on whether to partially cancel (or vary) the public access easements in Hira Forest.
If a hearing is required, details will be added here when available.
No decision at this point.
If you have a question about the proposal or the submission process you can contact Hira Forest: