The proposed regulations under the Wildlife Act 1953 will prohibit – with some exemptions – the sale and purchase of bones, eggs, and other remains of extinct native species.
The public discussion document sets out the problem and the proposed way to solve it. We ask a series of questions to guide feedback for the consultation.
Discussion document: Proposed Extinct Species Trade Regulations (PDF, 1,959K)
Some people are taking bones and other remains of moa and other extinct native wildlife from sites throughout the country in order to sell them for personal financial gain.
Such activities harm Māori cultural values and destroy potential scientific information as archaeological and other sites are damaged to gain access to the material.
The document proposes a general prohibition on the sale of moa bone and other remains of extinct native wildlife. The exemptions to this are:
Any person or organisation may make a submission in writing by either email or mail.
An optional submission form is available (Word, 25K)
Include in your submission:
To ensure others clearly understand your point of view, you should explain the reasons for your views and provide supporting evidence where appropriate.
Sent your submission to:
Extinct Species Trade Regulations Consultation
Department of Conservation
PO Box 10420
Wellington 6143
The last day for receiving submissions is Monday 28 September 2020.
Once received, all submissions will be analysed, and recommendations prepared for the Minister of Conservation on the best way to address the problems that have been identified.
If the Minister decides to proceed with the proposal set out in the discussion document (including any changes or refinements), Cabinet approval will be required before new regulations can be drafted. Cabinet will then need to consider and agree to the final regulations before they take effect.
If you have any questions about the review or next steps: