In 2018 DOC began a review of whitebait management in New Zealand. We gathered public feedback and used this to inform proposed changes to whitebait management.
In 2020, we proposed to help restore whitebait populations by:
To see full details for each of the below, see the Improving whitebait management (PDF, 7,631K) discussion document. Submissions closed 16 March 2020.
Feedback during our public consultation in 2018 showed we needed a clear goal for whitebait management. In 2020, we proposed the following goal:
Ensure healthy and restored whitebait populations and provide for a sustainable fishery.
The proposed outcomes outlined in the discussion document was to guide our management of whitebait fishing. We aimed to create a nationally consistent approach to help safeguard whitebait.
The changes proposed in 2020 to the whitebait fishing regulations were to change current practices. These included:
Changes are proposed to fishing gear and practices to reduce pressure on whitebait. The proposed changes in 2020 included:
Three options were proposed to align the whitebait fishing season around New Zealand (excluding the Chatham Islands):
Two ways to introduce national upstream limits on whitebait fishing are proposed:
DOC’s recommended option is to incorporate both approaches.
Refuges were proposed for some rivers for whitebait species, where whitebait fishing is excluded. Three time periods for refuges are proposed, where whitebait fishing would be either:
We listed maps of the waterways with rivers across New Zealand which may provide potential refuges below.
DOC did not propose to create refuges at all of these sites. We sought more information during the 2020 consultation. To find out how we selected them, see the discussion document, pages 41 - 43.
Waterways are set out by name and region in the discussion document appendices (pages 80 – 123).
The yellow to brown shading on each map shows how much land around a river is protected. For example, a river may have a forest or wetland reserve next to it.
Protected land is important because the future of whitebait is expected to be more secure in areas where the land next to it is protected.
Phasing out the international export of the whitebait species was also proposed. This would not impact the sale of whitebait within New Zealand.