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Application by New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association – Southland Branch


Have your say on a concession application by New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association for a lease, licence and easement in the Mavora Lakes Conservation Area. Submissions closed 3 March 2020.

This application is notified under section 17SC of the Conservation Act 1987. The Minister of Conservation has received an application for a lease, licence and easement for a term of 30 years.

Application details

Applicant: New Zealand Deerstalkers’ Association – Southland Branch

Concession applied for: Lease license and easement (for a term of 30 years)

Location of proposed activity: Access off Mavora Lakes Road, Southland.

Map reference: NZTM map reference: 1,221,423; 4,969,023

Application documents:

Summary of proposal

To renew the hut site concession for the Red Stage Lodge at Mavora Lakes.

How to make a submission

Submissions closed 3 March 2020.

1. Prepare your submission

Tell us what you think using the submission form (Word, 67K).

Once submitted, submitters' information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, state this in writing when making your submission.

Any person or organisation wishing to be heard in support of their submission must request an opportunity to appear before the Director-General within that submission.

2. Send us your submission

Send your submission by email or post before 5 pm, Tuesday 3 March 2020.



Department of Conservation
PO box 5244
Dunedin 9054

Level 1, John Wickliffe House
265 Princes Street
Dunedin 9016

Attention: Lisa Wheeler, Senior Permission Advisor
NZ Deerstalkers’ Association – Southland Branch 81769-ACC

Hearing details

Any person or organisation wishing to be heard in support of his/her submission must request (within that submission) an opportunity to appear before the Director-General.

If a hearing is required, it is likely to occur on the week starting 23 March 2020.

DOC comment regarding publicly notified applications

The Minister of Conservation has made no determination regarding the suitability of this proposed concession on public conservation land.  This public notification should not be interpreted as an intention on the part of the Minister of Conservation to grant the proposed concession.