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Dominion Observatory proposal criteria


The proposal criteria is divided into two sections, each with various components.


Respondents must provide all of the information requested. A failure to provide the requested information may result in a Proposal being removed from consideration.

You should refer in your responses to applicable legislation and the planning documents.

Aspirations and other supporting information are not compulsory. The Minister may consider this information as part of the wider context to the extent it relates to the nature and status of the land such as whether the proposal links with the historical significance of the site.

Activity Details 

There is one decision to be made in respect of these criteria. How suited is the Proposal to the status and significance of the land?

Proposal details

  • Explain the proposed use of the building including floor plans.

Dominion Observatory values and features

  • Discuss how use of the building can be managed to maintain and enhance the following:
  • The significance of the Dominion Observatory to other residents of Wellington and Aotearoa.
  • Protect and preserve the heritage site. Refer to the “Dominion Observatory and Gardens Battery Conservation Plan” for further detail. Dominion Observatory and Gardens Battery conservation plan (PDF, 2,100K).
  • Work with existing organisations involved in heritage conservation of the Dominion Observatory, such as the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.

Building infrastructure

  • Maintenance of the one-metre curtilage around the Dominion Observatory.
  • Discuss any provision for visitor appreciation of the Dominion Observatory.

Respondent capacity

There is one decision to be made in respect of these criteria. Is the Respondent suitable by virtue of experience to carry out the Proposal either alone or in conjunction with others?

Leasing experience

Please outline experience in leasing or renting property in the past. Refer to past examples of lease or rental experience to support your ability to carry out the Proposal. If you plan to carry out the Proposal in conjunction with other parties, please outline how you expect the parties to work together to achieve the desired outcomes.

Please provide references as appropriate.

Optional supporting information

Respondents may wish to include other information about how their Proposal will contribute value to conservation. This could include whether they have a connection with other activities in this area and how the Proposal would contribute to the preservation and protection of the building, and its historic values.