NZSki Limited – Coronet Peak Ski Area
Concession approved 10 June 2021. Have your say on two concession applications by NZSki Limited to formalise their existing activities and add new activities at the Coronet Peak Ski Area within the Coronet Peak Recreation Reserve, Queenstown.

Concession approved 10 June 2021

30-year Concession (Lease, Licence and Easement) and 10-year Concession (Guiding Permit).

Submissions received

One submission received and a hearing requested. The public hearing was held on 12 September 2019. 

Submission opposing NZSki Ltd application (PDF, 165K)

NZSki Limited application

These applications are notified under section 17SC of the Conservation Act 1987. The Minister of Conservation has received two concession applications for:

  • a period of 40 years; and
  • a period of 4 months.

Application details

Applicant: NZSki Limited
Location of proposed activity: Coronet Peak Recreation Reserve
Map reference: Approximate GPS NZTM: E1263546 to N5016307 (Coronet Peak Ski Area main complex)

Summary of proposal

Application A (74167-SKI)

This proposal involves existing activities within the Coronet Peak Ski Area with the inclusion of a new snow factory facility, installation of gondola cabins and summer activities for a 40 year period lease, licence and easement comprising:

  1. The management and control of all activities related to the ownership, operation, repair and maintenance of the commercial skifield;
  2. To install a snow factory facility within the lower slopes of the ski area;
  3. To operate eight-seater gondola cabins on the Coronet Express chairlift. This part of the proposal will also be considered as a short-term concession application as outlined in application B below;
  4. To operate and manage summer activities (use of existing tracks for guided walks, sightseeing, nature interpretation, photography, picnicking and artificial snow-based activities).

Application B (79836-OTH)

This proposal is for a short-term concession (permit) to install eight-seater gondola cabins on the Coronet Express telemix chairlift to support summer operations over the period 1 December 2019 to 31 March 2020 (4 months). This proposal will also be considered as part of the long-term concession application as outlined in application A, item 3 above.

Proposal documents

Application A 74167-SKI (ZIP, 29,229K)

Application A further information 74167 SKI (ZIP, 63,100K)

Concession Application B 79836-OTH (ZIP, 32,605K)

Concession Applied for

Application A: lease and licence and easement

Application B: permit

How to make a submission

Any person or organisation can make a written submission to the Director-General on the application.

1. Prepare your submission

Tell us what you think using the submission form (DOCX, 208K).

PDF submission form alternative (PDF, 68K)

Once submitted, submitters' information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, you need to state this in writing when making your submission.

Any person or organisation wishing to be heard in support of their submission must request (within that submission) an opportunity to appear before the Director-General. If a hearing is required, it is likely to occur on 12 or 13 September 2019.

2. Send your submission

Send your submission by post or email.


Department of Conservation
PO Box 5244
Dunedin 9054


Level 1, John Wickliffe House
265 Princes Street
Dunedin 9016

Attention: Kelvin Brown, Permissions Advisor

Submissions closed Friday 30 August 2019.