The Department of Conservation invites comment on a proposal to dispose of 0.1315 ha of conservation land known as 246 Conservation Area. It is located at 6324 SH1 Mangaweka and is described as Parts Sections 2, 4 and 6 Town of Mangaweka. A house, two outbuildings, a water tank, workshop and a two-bay garage are located on it, which are no longer required by the Department.
Under the provisions of Section 24 Reserves Act 1977 it is also proposed to revoke the reserve status of approximately 0.847 ha of the Mangaweka recreation reserve. The reserve is in Raumaewa Street, Mangaweka and is described as Sections 101 – 104 Town of Mangaweka. It has a storage building on it. The building is no longer required by the Department and our initial consideration is that there is no need to retain the land as a reserve as there are other recreational areas nearby.
Note that the Mangaweka Recreation Reserve managed by the Rangitikei District Council, which adjoins the Kahu scenic reserve, is remaining a reserve.
Any person or organisation seeking further information or who wish to make a written submission or objection in respect of this proposal are invited to write to:
Permissions and Land Manager
Dunedin Service Centre
PO Box 5244
Dunedin 9058
Attention: Dinah Wakelin
Phone: +64 3 474 6953
Submissions must be received by 5 pm, 7 December 2018. Submitters must also state whether they wish to be heard in support of their submission.
If after consideration of any objections or submissions it is decided that the areas are no longer required for conservation or reserve purposes it is the intention of the Department to dispose of the land.
Mangaweka Recreation Reserve (PDF, 181K)
Mangaweka Conservation Area (PDF, 140K))