This application is publicly notified under section 17SC of the Conservation Act 1987. The Minister of Conservation has received an application for a 30 year licence and easement concession.
100WPS Limited
Lake Wakatipu Marginal Strip
Between approximate map references NZTM: 1247293.4994451 - NZTM 1247370.4994480.
The applicant seeks to alter the existing marina at Walter Peak Station to make the marina functional and to modify its internal layout. The work will be carried out within the marginal strip and include earthworks, the construction of a hardstand area (boardwalk) and the installation of a gangway and a floating walkway.
Licence and easement
Any person or organisation may make a submission in writing to the Director-General on the proposal. The submission must be made on the submission form – download the form (Word, 236K) or get a copy from your local DOC office.
Send the written or electronic submission to:
Department of Conservation
Level 1, John Wickliffe House
265 Princes Street
Dunedin 9016
Attention: Lisa Wheeler, Permissions Advisor
Submissions close on Friday 23 March 2018 at 5 pm. Once submitted, submitters' information is subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and may be released under that Act. If you wish to keep any part of your submission confidential, you need to state this in writing when making your submission.
Any person or organisation wishing to be heard in support of his/her submission, must request (within that submission) an opportunity to appear before the Director-General.
The Minister of Conservation has made no determination regarding the suitability of this proposed concession on public conservation land. This public notification should not be interpreted as an intention on the part of the Minister of Conservation to grant the proposed concession.
If a hearing is required, it is likely to occur on the week of 3 April 2018.
When a decision on the application is made it will be posted on this page.
Note: some of these documents are low quality scans.