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Intention to grant a licence concession to Ruapehu Alpine Lifts


The Minister of Conservation has granted a concession to Ruapehu Alpine Lifts Ltd for a licence to occupy Turoa ski area.

The Minister of Conservation gives notice of her intention to grant a 60 year concession consisting of an initial term of 25 years plus 1 extension of 10 years and 5 extensions of five years each, under section 17Q of the Conservation Act 1987 to Ruapehu Alpine Lifts Limited for a licence to occupy Turoa Ski Area, Ruapehu.

Any person or organisation may object in writing to the Director-General against the proposal, or make written submissions on the proposal.

Submissions and hearing

A decision in principle was made to grant this concession on 24 August 2016. It was publicly notified in early September 2016 with notification closing on 4 November 2016.

A total of 811 submissions were received. Of those, 742 were in support, 67 in opposition and two were neutral. A hearing was held at Te Pae Tata on Ohakune on 24 and 25 November 2016.


The licence was granted for a total term of 25 years with seven further periods of 5 years for an additional 35 years. The licence is linked at the bottom of this page.

Notice of engagement

DOC advises that during the period of public notification Ruapehu Alpine Lifts with Ngati Rangi and with Uenuku will progress their shared goal of concluding a relationship agreement or other suitable mechanism referred to in the Officers report for the intention to grant a licence.

Statement provided by Ngati Rangi

The following statement has been provided to DOC by Ngati Rangi. The views and opinions expressed in the statement are those of Ngati Rangi and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of DOC.

Ngāti Rangi acknowledges its relationships with DOC and Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL). Its relationship with RAL has led to positive initiatives such as the Kahui Maunga Snow Academy and annual Puanga/Matariki Maunga community karakia.

Ngāti Rangi has agreed and remains committed to an engagement plan with RAL in respect of RAL's application for a new licence in respect of the Turoa Ski Area ("application"). The engagement plan allows Ngāti Rangi and RAL to work through the application in a planned and constructive way. Ngāti Rangi had anticipated that this engagement process would be complete prior to DOC commencing its public notification of the application, but this has not proved to be the case.

Ngāti Rangi provides the following points of clarification regarding DOC's Notified Concession Officer's Report to the Decision Maker ("report") regarding the application:

  • The report does not accurately reflect the Ngati Rangi relationship with Ruapehu, the Crown's assumption of control of the area that includes Turoa ski field, or Ngati Rangi's position in respect of the Application.
  • Ngati Rangi has not agreed to DOC approving the Application "in principle" or to DOC publicly notifying the Application without a completed Cultural Impact Assessment and other relevant material. DOC has not yet engaged with Ngati Rangi in relation to the content of the Application or the report, including the information DOC has recorded in the Appendix purporting to set out Ngati Rangi's relationship and view of Ruapehu.

Ngati Rangi remains in discussions with DOC and Ruapehu Alpine Lifts with respect to the Application. This statement is provided without prejudice to Ngati Rangi's position.

