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The third series of Meet the Locals videos


Watch the third series of Meet the Locals videos.

This video is part of the Meet the Locals series that was originally shown on TVNZ. 

Rangitoto video

Rangitoto video

The iconic silhouette of Rangitoto Island in Auckland’s Waitemata harbour is this country’s youngest volcano, at only 600 years old. This makes it the perfect place to learn about how life populates an area.

Tiritiri Matangi video

Tiritiri Matangi video

Travel to Tiritiri Matangi in this video from the Meet the Locals series. It's island sanctuary open to the public where you can hear and see some of New Zealand’s rarest birds, including takahē and saddleback/tīeke.

Tiritiri volunteers video

Tiritiri volunteers video

This video takes us to Tiritiri Matangi where we meet the volunteers behind one of the most successful conservation projects in the entire world.

Toroa video

Toroa video

Watch a video about Taiaroa Head, where you'll find the one of world's largest seabirds, the Northern royal albatross.

Tuatara video

Tuatara video

Watch a video about New Zealand’s tuatara and find out how the tuatara ‘headstart’ programme works.

Waimangu Valley video

Waimangu Valley video

Just outside of Rotorua you’ll find the newest geothermal site in the world, the Waimangu Valley. Watch this video to discover more about this unique area.

Waitomo Caves video

Waitomo Caves video

Discover stalagmites, stalactites and glowworm grottos in this video on the underground world of the Waitomo caves.