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Concession changes, expiry and review


You may be able to update your concession. We will review it regularly.

Making changes to your concession

During the life of your concession you can make changes to what you do or alter some of the conditions of your activity. There are two ways to do this:

  1. You can apply for a ‘variation’ if the change is only minor. A variation can’t be used if you want to extend the term, substantially change the location or increase the environmental effects of your concession activity. You will need to follow the process in number 2 below to do any of these things.
  2. To apply for a more substantial change such as adding a new activity or location all you need to do is fill in the application form that corresponds to the activity you want to undertake. It will be assessed in the same way your original application was, the time it will take will depend on the content of the change.

Permit application forms

If you want to vary your concession in either of these two ways, contact your DOC advisor. The fee and time it will take to process your request depends on the amount of staff time and effort involved.

Note you can’t extend the term of a concession unless it is allowed by law eg, you can’t extend a concession past 10 years from the original start date.

Selling or closing your business

You can't sell your concession, but if you sell your business you can apply to DOC to transfer it to the new owner. The standard fee for assignment of a concession to another party is $500 plus GST ($575 including GST). Contact your DOC advisor to apply.

Download an application to assign a concession (PDF 235K) or (Word, 299K)

If you close your business or no longer require your concession, you can surrender it for a fee of $230 plus GST ($264.50 including GST). You must write to DOC to request the surrender of your concession using an application form (below). The surrender will take effect from the date your application is received. All concession fees up to the date of the surrender must be paid.

Download an application to surrender your concession (PDF, 264K) or (Word, 75K) 

Concession contract reviews

Your concession contract will be reviewed every 3 years and amendments may need to be made to ensure the environmental effects of your activity are well managed.

Rent/activity/management fee reviews

Your rental, activity and management fees will be reviewed at least every 3 years.

Expiry of your concession

You must stop running your activity at the end of the day on which your concession expires. If you keep operating you are breaking the law.

A concession can't be renewed. If you want to continue your concession activity you must apply for a new concession at least 3 months before your current concession expires. We will remind you 12 months before the expiry of your concession so you can arrange a meeting with your DOC advisor to discuss the best way to continue your activity.