If you do not comply with the conditions of your concession it can be suspended or cancelled and you could face legal action.
Once you begin your activity, if you find that certain conditions mean you cannot operate your business or activity effectively or you want to change something about the way you operate your activity you can apply for a change to your concession.
If you do breach the conditions of your concession it is better to let us know immediately rather than wait for someone to report you and face the legal consequences.
You should also let us know if you notice illegal commercial activity on public conservation land. These illegal operators take legitimate business away from you and may affect the reputation of your industry. Contact your local DOC office or 0800 DOC HOT (0800 362 468).
Where concession activities are undertaken on public conservation land the Occupiers’ Liability Act and the Health and Safety in Employment Act are likely to apply.
The Occupiers’ Liability Act (external site) imposes a duty on occupiers of land or building to take care to ensure that visitors are reasonably safe in using the land or building for the purpose for which they are invited or permitted by the occupier to be there.
The Health and Safety in Employment Act (external site) places obligations on persons who control workplaces to take all practicable steps to ensure that people in the workplace as well as other people in the vicinity of the workplace are not harmed by any hazards in or arising from the workplace.
The Health and Safety in Employment (Adventure Activities) Regulations (external site) require adventure activity operators to have a safety audit certificate and to be registered with WorkSafe New Zealand. For more information see safety plans.
A crucial part of DOC’s work to protect New Zealand’s natural heritage is ensure people comply with laws that help protect these places, flora and fauna.
We monitor and manage tourism operations and concessions so it is fair for everyone and supports conservation.
DOC can issue warning letters, infringement notices (fines) or prosecute illegal commercial operators and concessionaries acting illegally. For example, DOC staff can issue infringement notices to commercial operators and concessionaires operating in locations they are not permitted to work in. An infringement notice requires payment of a fine.
Those committing serious or repeat offences still face prosecution.