You must have a Wildlife Act authorisation (permit) to catch, handle, transfer or hold in captivity any native wildlife for rehabilitation and release. Find out what authorisation you will need and how to apply.
To apply for a Wildlife Act Authorisation (permit):
Contact our Hamilton office if you would like more information.
If you're applying for a wildlife rehabilitation permit we require the following evidence to assess your application:
Standard applications take 15 days to process. However, many applications are more complex and will take up to 6 weeks to process.
Most non-commercial applications will be processed free of charge because they benefit conservation.
For standard commercial applications your fee is likely to be $400 plus GST ($460 including GST).
For complex commercial applications your fee will be $800 plus GST ($920 including GST) (including registered companies). If the application is particularly complex you will be provided with an estimate of processing costs.
We will invoice you once we have processed your application.
Wildlife rehabilitation permits allow holding of wildlife up to three months. If you need to hold the wildlife for longer than three months, seek approval from your local DOC office. Further wildlife release conditions are specified in your permit.
Your annual return details the wildlife held that year. You must complete your annual return by 30 June each year.
Complete the Annual return – wildlife rehabilitation form (Word, 36K) and submit to
Wildlife that is permanently injured and unlikely to survive in the wild should be euthanised. Follow the guideline policy statement on euthanasia of birds from the New Zealand Veterinary Association.
Wildlife which are unable to be released may be held in long-term captivity only if:
If release is unlikely for a threatened species, you must inform DOC. Contact your local DOC office.
If you are in possession of dead native wildlife contact DOC. A post-mortem examination may be required. Protected species may be used for cultural purposes and/ or research purposes.
Training in Avian Frist Aid, Wild Bird Rehabilitation and other short workshops occur across the country run by several organisations, including:
For specific avian techniques such as blood sampling, crop tubing or bandaging, you can take our free Wildlife Health online course or review our downloadable guides.