There are different types of permission to apply for, depending on the type of activity you want to undertake. Contact the permissions team if you are unsure if you need a permission, or have any further questions.
For Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail compliance with Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Orders in Council, see transport Orders in Council.
To obtain access across public conservation land for your business or private property you must have a concession from DOC. This is known as an easement and includes activities such as conveying electricity, telecommunications, water and gas or right of way for vehicles or stock.
To use a helicopter to carry out aerially assisted trophy hunting, either commercially or for personal gain, you must have a concession from DOC.
Aircraft activities on or over public conservation lands and waters must have a concession or authorisation from DOC. This includes both commercial operations and private recreational activities.
To lay pesticides or traps on public conservation land you must have permission from DOC.
If you’d like to put beehives on public conservation land, follow these application guidelines.
If you want to use public conservation land to run a business or activity you must get permission from DOC in the form of a concession.
Learn about operating drones on public conservation land and how to apply for DOC for a drone concession (permit).
To film anything for commercial purposes on public conservation land you must have a concession from DOC. This includes activities such as making a documentary, movie or advertisement.
Apply for an exemption from the requirement to maintain a culvert or ford to allow fish passage, to construct a dam or diversion structure or modify an existing fish facility.
To graze any animal on public conservation land you must have a concession from DOC.
There are a number of tracks across New Zealand that are available for guided walking if certain conditions are followed. These are called ‘conforming’ tracks.
Apply for an authorisation to move, possess or farm freshwater species.
Apply for a permit if you want to undertake commercial activities involving marine mammals, or you want to take, hold, import or export marine mammals.
Apply for a permit to hold, catch, handle or release wildlife.
To provide land-based guided activities such as walking, hiking, tramping, climbing, hunting, fishing, biking or motorised vehicles on public conservation land you must have a concession from DOC.
Apply for a permit to monitor species or conduct research within a marine reserve.
Apply for an access arrangement to prospect, explore or mine on public conservation land.
You need a WARO concession for deer, pig, goat and chamois carcass recovery and the live capture of deer, pig and goat.
Information for when the activity you would like to conduct on public conservation land does not fall into any of the other categories in this section.
To build or use a private or commercial facility or structure on public conservation land you must have a concession from DOC. This includes building an information centre, erecting a weather station or constructing or leasing a private or commercial campground.
Apply for a permit to collect samples or undertake research on plants, soils, rocks, invertebrates, fresh water fish species or historic materials that are on public conservation land.
To hold a sporting event such as a 4WD club trip, off-road running race or multi-sport event on public conservation land you must have a concession from DOC.
To apply for a tenancy or use any existing structure or facility on public conservation land you must have a concession from DOC. This includes the permanent use of a historic building for a business or community group.
CITES is a United Nations Convention that monitors and controls international travel of items containing protected animals and plants. It ensures that long-term survival of species is not threatened.
Information for Waka Kotahi and KiwiRail on Applications and Notices of Work under the 2023 Orders in Council.
To provide watercraft activities such as kayaking, boat landings or use of DOC wharves you must have a concession from DOC.