Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) serves to protect and restore nature spaces and species across Aotearoa.
Tangata whenua are inextricably linked to the whenua and te taiao, and we desire a future where whānau, hapū and iwi can thrive in their role as rangatira and kaitiaki.
Tō tātou taiāo. Tō tātou hītori. He tāonga tūturu nō Aotearoa. Maioha rawatia. Poipoia rawatia. Tukua.
Our nature. Our history. It's New Zealand's unique legacy. Enjoy it. Enrich it. Pass it on.
Our conservation work involves:
Read more about Our role.
DOC workers Image: Baptiste Maryns | ©
Our people have a shared vision to make Aotearoa New Zealand the greatest living space on Earth.
We work together and aim in the same direction, supporting and assisting each other. We build on our strengths.
We support our staff by providing:
We believe in having an inclusive and diverse culture where everyone can take part, thrive, and grow.
An inclusive culture is one where we:
We have made great progress in closing gender pay gaps and achieving gender balanced leadership. We’ve developed a 12-month programme to reduce barriers to recruitment and progression. This includes a mentoring women in leadership learning series.
We offer flexible work arrangements because our people work in a diverse range of positions and places around Aotearoa. Flexible working options suitable to your position will be considered on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with your leader.
We’re committed to addressing the causes of ethnic and gender pay gaps in our organisation.
Read more here about the Public Service Pay Gaps Action Plan 2021-24.
We aim to be an organisation that is inclusive by default, supported by a range of Public Service Commission (PSC) programmes. Find out more about these programmes of work below:
The Public Service Commission started Papa Pounamu in 2017.
Its purpose is to:
Read more about the five focus areas.
If you have any questions about working at DOC, contact us at
DOC team members planning while out in the field.