Adopted October 2013
Reviewed and amended December 2021
In line with the NZCA Strategic Priority: (A&B) (2), the Authority aims to approve a CMS by the third meeting after receipt. This procedure is to be followed in conjunction with the NZCA CMS Assessment Standard.
1.1 Inform the Authority that a full or partial review is commencing.
2.1 Review this procedure and revise as required.
2.2 Establish a Committee
2.3 Select a convenor
2.4 Delegate specific powers to the committee to establish in which circumstances the committee should consult with the full Authority:
3.1 Provide the draft CMS/Plan with all relevant material (including the Certificate of Compliance) to the Authority. [CA s17F(k)(ii)(l)] [NPA s47(5)(6)(7)]
4.1 Receive the draft CMS/Plan with all relevant material (including the Certificate of Compliance).
4.2 Agree a date by which members will send comments on the draft CMS/Plan to NZCA servicing staff.
4.3 Read agreed sections and send comments to servicing staff by the date agreed to by the Authority.
5.1 Servicing staff to check Treaty settlements in the area of the CMS/Plan for any statutory obligations that the Authority must meet.
5.2 Servicing staff and convenor to initiate and then undertake consultation with affected iwi, hapu and whanau, as required.
5.3 Feedback from consultation to be conveyed back to the committee for step 10.
6.1 Read the full CMS/Plan and all supporting documents
6.2 Receive (from servicing staff) all Authority members’ comments/ questions on the draft CMS/Plan.
6.3 Consider which, if any, persons and organisations the Authority may wish to consult [CA s17F(m)].
6.4 Committee members consider and respond to all members comments/questions, providing response to servicing staff by specified date.
7.1 Receive collated Committee responses from servicing staff.
7.2 Receive collated responses from any persons and organisations contacted in step 6.3.
7.3 Review Authority members’ comments/questions and Committee responses.
7.4 Seek to resolve any conflicting views: via
7.5 Identify any specific issues which require guidance of full Authority
8.1 Discuss specific issues identified in step 7.4, at a meeting.
8.2 Send comments to the Board, DOC Ops Region and/or any others.
9.1 Receive Committee/Authority comments/questions.
9.2 Consider and respond to Committee/Authority comments/questions.
10.1 Receive responses from Board, DOC Ops Region, iwi, hapu and whanau, and/or any others.
10.2 Consider responses from Board, DOC Ops Region, and others.
10.3 Provide Committee comments on responses (to servicing staff or convenor).
10.4 Committee may visit the DOC Ops Region (CMS) or national park for round table discussion with the Board (or its committee) and the DOC Ops Region. A fieldtrip may be arranged if considered necessary for the proper consideration of the Plan.
11.1 Review Committee comments.
11.2 Seek to resolve any conflicting views via:
11.3 Send any matters still requiring resolution to the Board, DOC Ops Region, and/or any others.
12.1 Reach consensus that the draft CMS/Plan should either:
13.1 Discuss outstanding matters at meeting.
13.2 Resolve outstanding matters.
13.3 Send the draft CMS/Plan (and other relevant information, e.g. summary of submissions) to the Minister of Conservation for their comment. Explain what amendments, if any, the Authority proposes to take in response to its consultation. [CA s17F(n)] [NPA s48(1)]
14.1 Receive draft CMS/Plan from Committee.
14.2 Provide any comments on draft CMS/Plan to the Committee. [CA s17F(o)]
15.1 Receive and consider the Minister’s comments. [CA s17F(p)] [NPA s48(2)]
15.2 Agree on amendments, if any, as a result of Minister’s comments.
15.3 Reach consensus that the draft CMS/Plan should either:
16.1 Receive draft CMS/Plan from Committee, alongside any additional new information.
16.2 Provide any comments on draft CMS/Plan to the Committee [CA s17F(o)]
17.1 Receive and consider the Minister’s comments.
17.2 Agree on amendments, if any, as a result of Minister’s comments.
18.1 Receive the report from the Convenor, on behalf of the Committee, at an Authority meeting:
18.2 Approve final draft CMS/Plan by resolution (unless this is delegated to the Committee - unusual). [CA s17F(pi)] [NPA s48(3)]
18.3 Advise the Minister of amendments made to the CMS/Plan in response to their comments.
18.4 Advise the Conservation Board and DOC Ops Region that the CMS/Plan is approved, and the date at which it will become operational.