The Heritage Assessment Series is a monograph series presenting research funded by DOC.
A heritage assessment is the key document DOC uses to identify the heritage values and significance of a place and, in turn, determine its management.
Heritage assessments are prepared, and peer-reviewed, by heritage specialists. As they have been commissioned on an individual basis, there will be some variation in the structure of the reports that appear in the series.
4. Otago Central Rail Trail: heritage assessment. Paul Mahoney. Heritage Assessment Series 4. 38p. (PDF, 2,577K)
3. Buster Diggings heritage assessment. M. Sutton. Heritage Assessment Series 3. 24p. (PDF, 2345K)
2. Mt Harper ice rink: baseline inspection and historic values assessment. K. Watson. Heritage Assessment Series 2. 42 p. (PDF, 2382K)
1. The Grafton wreck and Epigwaitt hut site, Auckland Islands: heritage assessment, 2016. P. Petchey. Heritage Assessment Series 1. 34 p. (PDF, 1548K)