
Find the latest conservation status list for a group, such as birds, plants or reptiles.

About the publications

The following publications list New Zealand’s wild species according to their threat of extinction. They use the New Zealand Threat Classification System (NZTCS).

Publications in this scientific monograph series are considered part of the formal international scientific literature. 

Developed using:

Data from these publications can be downloaded from the NZTCS database.

Panels of experts assess the status of each species group over a 5-year cycle:

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43. Conservation status of vascular plants in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2023
By: Peter J. de Lange, Jane Gosden, Shannel P. Courtney, Alexander J. Fergus, John W. Barkla, Sarah M. Beadel, Paul D. Champion, Rowan Hindmarsh-Walls, Troy Makan and Pascale Michel. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 43. 105 p. (PDF 3,177K)

42. Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous terrestrial Gastropoda (slugs and snails). Part 3. Rhytididae (carnivorous snails), 2022
By: Kath Walker, Kerry Walton, Eric Edwards, Rod Hitchmough, Ian Payton, Gary Barker and Pascale Michel. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 42. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 32 p. (PDF, 4937K)

41. Conservation status of bats in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2022
By: Colin O’Donnell, Kerry Borkin, Jenny Christie, Ian Davidson-Watts, Gillian Dennis,Moira Pryde, Pascale Michel. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 41. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 18 p. (PDF, 783K)

40. Conservation status of indigenous marine invertebrates in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2021
By: Greig Funnell, Dennis Gordon, Daniel Leduc, Troy Makan, Bruce A. Marshall, Sadie Mills, Pascale Michel, Geoff Read, Kareen Schnabel, Di Tracey and Stephen Wing. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 40. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 42p. (PDF, 517K)

39. Conservation status of Orthoptera (wētā, crickets and grasshoppers) in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2022
By: Steve Trewick, Danilo Hegg, Mary Morgan-Richards, Tara Murray, Corinne Watts, Peter Johns, and Pascale Michel. New Zealand Threat ClassificationSeries 39. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 28p.  (PDF, 770K)

38. Conservation status of selected species of non-lichenised agarics, boletes and russuloid fungi in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2021
By: Jerry A. Cooper, Peter K. Buchanan, Pat Leonard, Lois Allison-Cooper, Peter Johnston, Mahajabeen Padamsee, Eric McKenzieand Pascale Michel. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 38. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 49 p. (PDF, 844K)

37. Conservation status of parasitic mites and ticks (Acari) in New Zealand, 2021
By: Allen Heath, Jeremy Rolfe, Pascale Michel
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 37. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 23 p. (PDF, 2103K)

36. Conservation status of birds in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2021
By: Hugh A. Robertson, Karen A. Baird, Graeme P. Elliott, Rodney A. Hitchmough, Nikki J. McArthur, Troy Makan, Colin M. Miskelly, Colin. J. O’Donnell, Paul M. Sagar, R. Paul Scofield, Graeme A. Taylor and Pascale Michel
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 36. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 43 p. (PDF, 824K)

35. Conservation status of New Zealand reptiles, 2021
By: Rod Hitchmough, Ben Barr, Carey Knox, Marieke Lettink, Joanne M. Monks, Geoff B. Patterson, James T. Reardon, Dylan van Winkel, Jeremy Rolfe and Pascale Michel
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 35. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 23p. (PDF, 3,224K)
Note: This publication was updated in February 2024 to include a draft revised assessment of Oligosoma lineoocellatum (Canterbury spotted skink).

34. Conservation status of New Zealand Araneae (spiders), 2020
By: Phil J. Sirvid, Cor J. Vink, Brian M. Fitzgerald, Mike D. Wakelin, Jeremy Rolfe and Pascale Michel
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 34. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 33 p. (PDF, 2,955K)

33. Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous terrestrial Gastropoda (slugs and snails), 2020. Part 2. Achatinellidae, Bothriembryontidae (pūpūharakeke), Euconulidae, Helicarionidae, Pupinidae and Vertiginidae
By: K. Walker, F.J. Brook, G.M. Barker, D.J. Roscoe, E. Edwards, R.A. Hitchmough, J.R. Rolfe and P. Michel
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 33. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 9 p. (PDF, 3,458K)

32. Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous terrestrial Gastropoda (slugs and snails), 2020. Part 1. Athoracophoridae (leaf-veined slugs) and Succineidae (amber snails)
By: G.M. Barker, F.J. Brook, K. Mahlfeld, K. Walker, D.J. Roscoe, R.A. Hitchmough, E. Edwards, J.R. Rolfe and P. Michel
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 32. Department of Conservation, Wellington. 15 p. (PDF, 2,806K)

31. Conservation status of New Zealand hornworts and liverworts, 2020
By: P.J. de Lange, D. Glenny, K. Frogley, M.A.M. Renner, M. von Konrat, J.J. Engel, C. Reeb and J.R. Rolfe
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 31. 30 p. (PDF 2,691K)

30. Conservation status of New Zealand macroalgae, 2019
By: Wendy A. Nelson, Kate Neill, Roberta D’Archino and Jeremy R. Rolfe
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 30. 33 p. (PDF 3,702K)

29. Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2019
By:C.S. Baker, L. Boren, S. Childerhouse, R. Constantine, A. van Helden, D. Lundquist, W. Rayment and J.R. Rolfe
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 29. 18 p. (PDF, 2,741K)

28. Conservation status of New Zealand freshwater invertebrates, 2018
By: N. Grainger, J. Harding, T. Drinan, K. Collier, B. Smith, R. Death, T. Makan and J. Rolfe
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 28. 25 p. (PDF, 575K)

27. Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous lichens and lichenicolous fungi, 2018
By: Peter de Lange, Dan Blanchon, Allison Knight, John Elix, Robert Lücking, Kelly Frogley, Anna Harris, Jerry Cooper and Jeremy Rolfe
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 27. 64 p. (PDF, 7,86K)

26. Conservation status of New Zealand Onychophora (‘peripatus’ or velvet worm), 2018
By S. Trewick, R. Hitchmough, J. Rolfe and I. Stringer
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 26. 3 p. (PDF, 7,969K)

25. Conservation status of New Zealand amphibians, 2017.
By Rhys J. Burns, Ben D. Bell, Amanda Haigh, Phillip Bishop, Luke Easton, Sally Wren, Jennifer Germano, Rodney A. Hitchmough, Jeremy R. Rolfe and Troy Makan
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 25. 7 p. (PDF, 8,279K)

24. Conservation status of New Zealand freshwater fishes, 2017.
By Nicholas R. Dunn, Richard M. Allibone, Gerard P. Closs, Shannan K. Crow, Bruno O. David, Jane M. Goodman, Marc Griffiths, Daniel C. Jack, Nicholas Ling, Jonathan M. Waters and Jeremy R. Rolfe. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 24. 11 p. (PDF, 7,374K)

23. Conservation status of New Zealand chondrichthyans (chimaeras, sharks and rays), 2016. By Clinton Duffy, Malcolm Francis, Matthew Dunn, Brit Finucci, Richard Ford, Rod Hitchmough and Jeremy Rolfe. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 23. 13 p. (PDF, 7,439K)

22. Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2017. By Peter J. de Lange, Jeremy R. Rolfe, John W. Barkla, Shannel P. Courtney, Paul D. Champion, Leon R. Perrie, Sarah M. Beadel, Kerry A. Ford, Ilse Breitwieser, Ines Schönberger, Rowan Hindmarsh-Walls, Peter B. Heenan and Kate Ladley. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 22. 82 p. (PDF, 8,580K)

21. Conservation status of New Zealand bats, 2017. By C.F.J. O’Donnell, K.M. Borkin, J.E. Christie, B. Lloyd, S. Parsons and R.A. Hitchmough. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 21. 4 p. (PDF, 1064K)

20. Conservation status of New Zealand butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), 2015. By R.J.B. Hoare, J.S. Dugdale, E.D. Edwards, G.W. Gibbs, B.H. Patrick, R.A. Hitchmough and J.R .Rolfe. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 20. 13 p. (PDF, 1149K)

19. Conservation status of New Zealand birds, 2016. Hugh A. Robertson, Karen Baird, John E. Dowding, Graeme P. Elliott, Rodney A. Hitchmough, Colin M. Miskelly, Nikki McArthur, Colin F.J. O’Donnell, Paul M. Sagar, R. Paul Scofield; Graeme A. Taylor. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 19. 27 p. (PDF, 601K)

18. Conservation status of New Zealand Hymenoptera, 2014. D. Ward, J. Early, F.-R. Schnitzler, R. Hitchmough, J. Rolfe, I. Stringer. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 18. 14 p. (PDF, 539K)

17. Conservation status of New Zealand reptiles, 2015. By Rod Hitchmough, Ben Barr, Marieke Lettink, Jo Monks, James Reardon, Mandy Tocher, Dylan van Winkel and Jeremy Rolfe. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 17. 14 p. (PDF, 550K)

16. Conservation status of New Zealand Orthoptera, 2014. By Steve Trewick, Peter Johns, Rod Hitchmough, Jeremy Rolfe and Ian Stringer 2016. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 16. 15 p. (PDF, 520K

15. Conservation status of New Zealand stick insects, 2014. By Thomas R. Buckley, Rod Hitchmough, Jeremy Rolfe and Ian Stringer 2016. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 15. 3 p. (PDF, 465K)

14. Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2013. By C.S. Baker, B.L. Chilvers, S. Childerhouse, R. Constantine, R. Currey, R. Mattlin, A. Van Helden, R. Hitchmough, and J. Rolfe 2016.New Zealand Threat Classification Series 14. 18 p. (PDF, 636K)

13. Conservation status of New Zealand mosses, 2014. By Jeremy R. Rolfe, Allan J. Fife, Jessica E. Beever, Patrick J. Brownsey and Rodney A. Hitchmough 2016. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 13. 12 p. (PDF, 583K)

12. Conservation status of New Zealand fleas, 2014. By Allen C.G. Heath, Ian Stringer, Rod Hitchmough and Jeremy Rolfe 2015. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 12. 5 p. (PDF, 552K)

11. Conservation status of New Zealand hornworts and liverworts, 2014.
Peter J. De Lange, David Glenny, John Braggins, Matt Renner, Matt von Konrat, John Engel, Catherine Reeb and Jeremy Rolfe 2015. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 11. 31 p. (PDF, 686K)

10. Conservation status of New Zealand earthworms, 2014. 
Thomas R. Buckley, Stéphane Boyer, Scott Bartlam, Rod Hitchmough, Jeremy Rolfe and Ian Stringer 2015. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 10. 10 p. (PDF, 575K)

9. Conservation status of New Zealand marine invertebrates, 2013
Debbie Freeman, Kareen Schnabel, Bruce Marshall, Dennis Gordon, Stephen Wing, Di Tracey and Rod Hitchmough 2014. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 9. 20 p. (PDF, 664K)

8. Conservation status of New Zealand freshwater invertebrates, 2013
Natasha Grainger, Kevin Collier, Rod Hitchmough, Jon Harding, Brian Smith and Darin Sutherland
New Zealand Threat Classification Series 8. 28 p. (PDF, 748KSupplemental data (XLSX, 119K)

7. Conservation status of New Zealand freshwater fish, 2013. Jane M. Goodman, Nicholas R. Dunn, Peter J. Ravenscroft, Richard M. Allibone, Jacques A.T. Boubee, Bruno O. David, Marc Griffiths, Nicholas Ling, Rodney A. Hitchmough and Jeremy R. Rolfe 2014. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 7. 12 p. (PDF, 599KSupplemental data (XLSX, 48K)

6. Conservation status of New Zealand bats, 2012. C. O’Donnell, J. Christie, B. Lloyd, S. Parsons and R. Hitchmough 2013. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 6. 8 p. (PDF, 552KSupplemental data (XLSX, 21K)

5. Conservation status of New Zealand frogs, 2013. By Don Newman, Ben Bell, Phillip Bishop, Rhys Burns, Amanda Haigh and Rod Hitchmough 2013. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 5. 10 p. (PDF, 566KSupplemental data (XLSX, 23K)

4. Conservation status of New Zealand birds, 2012.
By Hugh Robertson, John Dowding, Graeme Elliott, Rod Hitchmough, Colin Miskelly, Colin O’Donnell, Ralph Powlesland, Paul Sagar, Paul Scofield, Graeme Taylor 2013. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 4. 22 p. (PDF, 620KSupplemental data (XLSX, 98K)

3. Conservation status of New Zealand indigenous vascular plants, 2012. By Peter de Lange, Jeremy Rolfe, Paul Champion, Shannel Courtney, Peter Heenan, John Barkla, Ewen Cameron, David Norton and Rodney Hitchmough 2013. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 3. 70 p. (PDF, 793KSupplemental data (XLSX, 410K)

2. Conservation status of New Zealand reptiles, 2012. By R. Hitchmough, P. Anderson, B. Barr, J. Monks, M. Lettink, J. Reardon, M. Tocher and T. Whitaker 2013. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 2. 16 p. (PDF, 650KSupplemental data (XLSX, 39K)

1. Summary of changes to the conservation status of taxa in the 2008-11 New Zealand Threat Classification System listing cycle. By Rod Hitchmough 2013. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 1. 20 p. (PDF, 653K)


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