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NZ Threat Classification System lists 2008-2011


Lists from the 2008-2011 listing cycle were published in independent peer-reviewed scientific journals. These journals hold the copyright to this information therefore we cannot republish it here.

Developed using the NZTCS manual 2008.

How to find the status of a species

If you can't find your group in the list below, the 2005 list still applies.

In the publication information below, find the publication for the group your species belongs to.

Get a copy of the paper:

  • from your library
  • from the journal website - you may have to pay for this (links to the websites are provided below)
  • email, or
  • contact the first author of the paper. can also supply information on individual species or provide Excel spreadsheets listing all members of that group.

These lists were generated using the 2008 manual and should be read with it.

Publication information

Allibone R, David B, Hitchmough R, Jellyman D, Ling N, Ravenscroft P, Waters J 2010. Conservation status of New Zealand freshwater fish, 2009. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44: 271-287.

Andrew IG, Macfarlane RP, Johns PM, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of New Zealand Diptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 99–102.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Baker CS, Chilvers BL, Constantine R, DuFresne S, Mattlin RH, van Helden A, Hitchmough R 2010. Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals (suborders Cetacea and Pinnipedia), 2009. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44: 101-115.

Buckley TR, Palma RL, Johns PM, Gleeson DM, Heath ACG, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of small or less well known groups of New Zealand terrestrial invertebrates. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 137-143.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

de Lange PJ, Galloway DJ, Blanchon DJ, Knight A, Rolfe JR, Crowcroft GM, Hitchmough R 2012: Conservation status of New Zealand lichens. New Zealand Journal of Botany 47: 61-96.

de Lange PJ, Norton DA, Courtney SP, Heenan PB, Barkla JW, Cameron EK, Hitchmough R, Townsend AJ 2009. Threatened and uncommon plants of New Zealand (1998 revision). New Zealand Journal of Botany 47: 61-96.

Freeman DJ, Marshall BA, Ahyong ST, Wing SR, Hitchmough RA 2010. The conservation status of New Zealand marine invertebrates, 2009. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44: 129-148.

Glenny D, Fife AJ, Brownsey PJ, Renner MAM, Braggins JE, Beever JE, Hitchmough R 2011. Threatened and uncommon bryophytes of New Zealand (2010 revision). New Zealand Journal of Botany 49: 305-327.

Hitchmough RA, Hoare JM, Jamieson H, Newman D, Tocher MD, Anderson PJ, Lettink M, Whitaker AH 2010. Conservation status of New Zealand reptiles, 2009. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 37: 203-224.

Leschen RAB, Marris JWM, Emberson RM, Nunn J, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of New Zealand Coleoptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 91–98.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Mahlfeld K, Brook FJ, Roscoe DJ, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of New Zealand terrestrial Gastropoda excluding Powelliphanta. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 103–109.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Miskelly CM, Dowding JE, Elliot GP, Hitchmough RA, Powlesland RG, Robertson HA, Sagar PM, Scofield RP, Taylor GA 2008. Conservation status of New Zealand birds. Notornis 55: 117-135.

Newman DG, Bell BD, Bishop PJ, Burns R, Haigh A, Hitchmough RA, Tocher M 2010. Conservation status of New Zealand frogs, 2009. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 37: 121-130.

O’Donnell CFJ, Christie JE, Hitchmough RA, Lloyd B, Parsons S 2010. The conservation status of New Zealand bats, 2009. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 37: 297-311. 

Sirvid PJ, Vink CJ,Wakelin MD, Fitzgerald BM, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of New Zealand Araneae. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 85–90.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Stringer IAN, Hitchmough RA, 2012. Assessing the conservation status of New Zealand's native terrestrial invertebrates. New Zealand Entomologist, 35:2, 77-84.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Stringer IAN, Hitchmough RA, Dugdale JS, Edwards E, Hoare RJB, Patrick BH. 2012b. The conservation status of New Zealand Lepidoptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 120–127.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Stringer IAN, Hitchmough RA, Larivière M-C, Eyles AC, Teulon DAJ, Dale PJ, Henderson RC. 2012a. The conservation status of New Zealand Hemiptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 110–115.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Trewick SA, Morris SJ, Johns PM, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of New Zealand Orthoptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 131–136.
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Ward DF, Early JW, Schnitzler F-R, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of New Zealand Hymenoptera. New Zealand Entomologist 35: 116–119
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.

Yeates GW, Zhao ZQ, Hitchmough RA, Stringer IAN. 2012. The conservation status of New Zealand Nematoda.New Zealand Entomologist 35: 128–130
View the article. Click the 'Supplemental' tab at the bottom of the linked page to download the threat lists.