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Taxon plan for western brown kiwi


View the 2011 strategic plan for western brown kiwi, 2011-2021.

Download the publication

Taxon plan for western brown kiwi (PDF, 684K)


Taxon plans translate the relevant goals, objectives and actions of the Kiwi Recovery Plan into a local context for individual taxa at a level of detail sufficient to guide operational plans. They are ‘best advice’ for all stakeholders regarding goals, objectives and actions, priorities and opportunities, for the management of individual taxa. As such, taxon plans are key documents for the implementation of the Kiwi Recovery Plan.

Although taxon plans are more operationally-focused than the Kiwi Recovery Plan, they do not provide the level of detail of a work plan. Nor do taxon plans provide details of best practice information which is instead provided at a national level by the Kiwi Best Practice Manual (Robertson et al. 2003).

The accountability for each taxon plan rests with a lead conservancy, in consultation and guidance with the Kiwi Recovery Group. In some cases the implementation and review of taxon plans will be supported by a ‘taxon group’, including key stakeholders and participants in the recovery of that taxon.

Taxon plans have been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders for the taxon, including iwi, landowners, community-led kiwi projects and other conservancies involved in its recovery. Individual taxon plans have been peer-reviewed by the Kiwi Recovery Group to ensure that they fulfil their role as integral parts of the Kiwi Recovery Plan.

Taxon plans have a 10 year term (staggered by one year from the recovery plan). They receive a progress review annually.