The objective of this report is to provide the current statistics relating to marine protected areas (MPAs) in New Zealand's Territorial Sea.
In 2005, New Zealand released its Marine Protected Areas Policy and Implementation Plan (MPA Policy), the objective of which is to: "Protect marine biodiversity by establishing a network of marine protected areas that is comprehensive and representative of New Zealand's marine habitats and ecosystems" (Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries 2005).
A range of management tools may provide protection to marine biodiversity. An MPA protection standard was developed to determine which management tools contribute to the above MPA policy objective (Ministry of Fisheries and Department of Conservation 2008). The MPA protection standard describes two types of MPAs: Type 1 MPAs (marine reserves) and Type 2 MPAs (other management tools that meet the protection standard).
In 2011, an assessment was made of the areas managed by all tools in New Zealand's Territorial Sea, to inventory the existing marine reserves (Type 1 MPAs) and also determine which other tools met the MPA protection standard and could be considered to be Type 2 MPAs (Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries 2011).
New Zealand's Official Statistics System has identified a suite of key official statistics that are performance measures for New Zealand and are known as "Tier 1 Statistics". Tier 1 statistics:
A list of Tier 1 Statistics and the agencies that produce them can be found on the Statisphere website.
In 2011, the area of marine protected areas was identified as a Tier 1 Statistic, with the Department of Conservation and the Ministry for Primary Industries as producing agencies. This report complies with the Principles and Protocols for Producers of Tier 1 Statistics (Statistics New Zealand 2007) and provides the current statistics relating to marine protected areas in New Zealand's Territorial Sea, including the area of MPAs, the types of MPAs (type 1 and type 2) and the biogeographic regions within which they are located.
Biogeographic Region | Total Area (km2) of Marine ReservesA | Total Area (km2) of Type 2 MPAsB |
Chatham Islands | ||
East Coast South Island | 2 | |
East Coast North Island | 29 | |
Fiordland | 103 | 378 |
Kermadec Islands | 7,480 | |
North Cook Strait | 30 | 241 |
North Eastern | 89 | 898 |
Snares Islands | ||
South Cook Strait | 39 | 139 |
Southern South Island | 11 | 88 |
Subantarctic Islands | 4,980 | |
Three Kings | ||
West Coast South Island | ||
West Coast North Island | 32 | 329 |
Total | 12,796 | 2,073 |
A Areas for marine reserves (Type 1 MPAs) are taken directly from the relevant Order in Council and therefore may differ from other reported figures, particularly those calculated using GIS.
B Areas for other marine protected areas (Type 2 MPAs) are calculated using a "spherical area" in GIS, which takes into account the curvature of the earth. The geodetic data projection used in calculating these areas was WGS 84.
Figure 1: Coastal marine biogeographic regions in the New Zealand Territorial Sea
The first marine reserve was established in 1975. The first Type 2 MPA was established in 1966. These areas were not classified as Type 1 or Type 2 MPAs until 2011, when the national inventory of MPAs in New Zealand's Territorial Sea was completed (Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries 2011).
1 December 2013.
Refer to Definitions.
The classification of management tools as Type 1 or Type 2 marine protected areas is from the report: Coastal marine habitats and marine protected areas in the New Zealand Territorial Sea: a broad scale gap analysis (Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries 2011). The only modification of that classification is for the northeastern biogeographic region, to account for the replacement of Tawharanui Marine Park with Tawharanui Marine Reserve.
The areas in Table 1 for marine reserves (Type 1 MPAs) are taken directly from the relevant Order in Council. Therefore, areas may differ from other reported figures, particularly those calculated using GIS, including those reported in Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries (2011).
The areas in Table 1 for Type 2 MPAs are calculated using a "spherical area" in GIS, which takes into account the curvature of the earth. The geodetic data projection used in calculating these areas was WGS 84.
Additional information on New Zealand's marine protected areas is available in the Ministry for the Environment's Marine Protected Areas Indicator Update (Ministry for the Environment 2012).
The source agencies are the Department of Conservation and the Ministry for Primary Industries (former Ministry of Fisheries). The publishing agency is the Department of Conservation.
Marine protected areas in New Zealand are defined using the MPA protection standard as set out in the MPA Policy. This protection standard is specific to New Zealand, and for the purposes of international comparisons, it should be noted that other jurisdictions may use different criteria or standards for defining MPAs.
Not applicable to these data.
The time series is continuous.
No changes have occurred since the last publication of this statistic. See the previous report Tier 1 Statistic December 2012.
Data are rounded to the nearest km2.
Ministry for the Environment (2012) Marine protected areas. INFO 655. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, New Zealand. Available on the MFE website
Marine protected areas policy and implementation plan
Marine protected areas: Classification, protection standard and implementation guidelines
Ministry for the Environment (2012) Marine protected areas. INFO 655. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, New Zealand. Available on the MFE website
Statistics New Zealand (2007) Principles and protocols for producers of Tier 1 Statistics. Statistics New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.