The project produced a series of reports which can be accessed below, these include Department of Conservation (DOC) and National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA) reports.
Marine reserves meet many conservation objectives but often conflict with iwi-hapu objectives for marine management. This project sought to understand more about how marine reserves and alternative methods of marine management contribute to meeting iwi/hapu objectives.
Research undertaken at two Marine Reserves in the East Coast Hawke’s Bay region will assist in determining how both iwi-hapu and conservation objectives can be met through particular management methods. It will also promote an appreciation and understanding of iwi-hapu interests, values and knowledge associated with marine management.
This was a collaborative partnership project between Ngati Kere, Ngati Konohi, the Department of Conservation and the Ministry for the Environment. The project was funded by the Ministry for Research, Science and Technology in 2000, planning and preparation took place in 2001 and the project ran for three years between 2002 and 2005. The three overall project objectives were:
The Ngati Kere, Ngati Konohi, Department of Conservation and Ministry for the Environment project involved a number of interrelated research teams working on community research and ecological science in the two rohe.
This report provides an overview of the types of seabed habitats and their spatial extent in the Hauraki Gulf, as information relevant to the potential placement of marine reserves within the area. Published 2003.
This report documents a process for the development of marine tohu/indicators relevant to Ngati Kere for monitoring the health of their rohe moana/coastal and marine area. Published 2007.
This report focuses on the environmental tohu identified by Ngati Konohi as indicators of the health of the marine environment in the rohe moana of Ngati Konohi (Waihau Bay in the north, to Tatapouri heads in the south). Published 2005.
This report is part of two climatologies of biogeochemical properties of the New Zealand coastal zone using over six years of satellite remotely-sensed observations of ocean colour from the NASA SeaWiFS sensor. Published 2005.
This report documents a finer resolution terrestrial, freshwater and marine environment classification developed for Fiordland. The results of the statistical modelling were used to develop a multivariate classification ofphysical environmental types. Published 2005.
This report documents numerical simulations of larvae dispersal in the Te Tapuwae O Rongokako Marine Reserve, iincluding the deployment of current, wave and temperature measurement devices in the marine reserve. Published 2003.
This report gives details of the development of a hydrodynamic and dispersion model for the Central Hawke's Bay coastline between Cape Turnagain and the Te Angiangi Marine Reserve. Published 2006.
This report documents the modelling of larval dispersal from the Te Tapuwae O Rongokako Marine Reserve, with particular focus on predicting the ability of populations within the reserve to populate other habitats along the coast. Published 2004.
This report has been prepared on behalf of the project manager to inform the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology (FRST) about the achievements of the Maori Methods and Indictors for Marine Protection project and the lessons learnt from the process. Published 2007.
This report summarises results from the survey of 38 rocky reefs at ~15 m depth throughout the Hauraki Gulf conducted between May 2002 and February 2003 and reports on statistical relationships established between biological data and physical environmental variables. Published 2004.
This report provides opinion on modern management systems in the rohe moana/ coastal area, by identifying visions and values, species of importance and indicators relevant to Ngati Kere. It has been produced from a Ngati Kere perspective. Published 2005.
This report aims to explore how different marine management systems are able to meet the goals and aspirations of Ngati Konohi in their rohe moana/coastal area and also meet wider conservation objectives. Published 2005.
This reports provides three data layers for incorporation into the Marine Environment Classification scheme, to represent long-term average values, to be indicative of the climatological average state under existing conditions. Published 2005.
This report provides a subtidal habitat survey of the area between Tuingara Point and Blackhead Point, encompassing the reserve and 3 other subtidal reef systems outside the reserve, using acoustic mapping techniques and video. Published 2005