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Natural areas of Whangaruru Ecological District


This is a reconnaissance survey report about the Whangaruru Ecological District for the Protected Natural Areas Programme (PNAP). Published 2005.

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Download the complete report excluding chapter 4 site descriptions:

Natural areas of Whangaruru Ecological District (PDF, 2536K) 

4.1 Level 1 sites

4.1.1 Mainland sites

4.1.2 Islands

4.2 Level 2 sites


This report describes the significant natural areas in the Whangaruru Ecological District. Most of the information for the report was gathered in surveys between 1994 and 1997. A few of the sites were, however, surveyed more recently.

The most distinctive features of the Whangaruru Ecological District are its islands, estuaries and coastal forest remnants.

There were 46 islands and island groups identified in this Ecological District, many of which are home to threatened plants and animals.

It has a total of 13 estuarine areas, the largest being the Eastern Bay of Islands Estuary; one of the largest in Northland.

Coastal forest is now a nationally rare habitat type, and there is a significant amount still remaining in this Ecological District.

Another significant feature of the Whangaruru Ecological District is that it is a stronghold for pateke or brown teal. The Ecological District contains the largest remaining mainland population of this species.

The Whangaruru Ecological District survey has shown that habitats such as freshwater wetlands, riverine and swamp forests, and unmodified dunelands are now very rare.

The Protected Natural Areas Programme (PNAP) provides information to help the Department of Conservation, local bodies, resource management planners, iwi, landowners, interest groups and the public at large work together to conserve what remains in the Whangaruru Ecological District.