Download the complete report excluding chapters 4.1 and 4.2 Schedule of sites, Levels 1 and 2:
Natural areas of Waipu Ecological District (PDF, 3928K)
4. Schedule of sites
4.1 Level 1 sites
4.2 Level 2 sites
Waipu ED is typical of the Eastern Northland Ecological Region in that it contains a mixture of low forested ranges, alluvial plains, estuaries, coastal dunelands, and coastal cliffs. There are several very diverse, large, and good-quality examples of lowland forest in the ED, which contain small, rocky streams that are the northern stronghold for Hochstetter’s frogs (this is the only population of this species in Northland, and the northern limit for it nationally).
As with most of Northland, extensive areas of indigenous habitat have been cleared and modified since human settlement. This survey has shown that habitats such as freshwater wetlands, alluvial floodplain forest, and coastal forest next to estuaries are now very rare. Several of these habitats are important for the survival of endangered species.
This study provides an objective assessment of the natural areas that remain, protected and unprotected, their value as representative examples of our natural heritage, and their relative ecological significance. The focus of the Protected Natural Areas Programme is to provide this information and guidance. The challenge then is for the community to work collaboratively to protect and enhance these natural areas.