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Natural areas of Tokatoka Ecological District


This is a reconnaissance survey report about the Tokatoka Ecological District for the Protected Natural Areas Programme. Published 2011.

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Cover, Table of content, Foreword, Abstract, Location map, and map of surveyed sites (PDF, 314K)

1. Introduction (PDF, 72K)

2. Methodology (PDF, 77K)

3. Ecological character (PDF, 187K)

4. Site descriptions (PDF, 37K)

4.1 List of Level 1 sites (PDF, 97K)

4.2 List of Level 2 sites (PDF, 54K)

5. Summary and conclusions (PDF, 500K)

6. Acknowledgements (PDF, 35K)

7. Bibliography (PDF, 95K)

Appendices (PDF, 887K)


The Tokatoka Ecological District covers approximately 74 610 ha, of which 5514.9 ha or 7.4% makes up the natural areas described in this report. This survey identified a total of 161 natural areas of significance during a reconnaissance survey largely conducted between March 1998 and December 1999.

Ecologically, habitats that remain are generally small, fragmented and modified. In particular, compared with other ecological districts in Northland, there is a paucity of large forests and wetlands and it is not known whether NI brown kiwi still occur within the District.

The riverine flood forest ecosystem and associated habitats of the Manganui River Complex (P07/086) stands out within this District because of its ecological significance, size, relative intactness and complexity. Other nationally significant sites include Maungaraho Rock Scenic Reserve which supports several nationally threatened plants.

Geologically, the Tokatoka Ecological District is very interesting. The nationally significant landforms of Tokatoka peak and Maungaraho dike provide distinctive landmarks in the northern Wairoa landscape. 

Further protection and management is recommended to secure other significant habitats such as floodplain forest, lowland forest and old growth forest.  

Effective conservation requires collaborative work with groups such as iwi, landowners, councils, the local community and the wider public working towards a common goal. Collaboration works best when there is good information. This is why this report is, with all the information it contains, an important step towards the protection and management of significant sites within the Tokatoka Ecological District.