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Natural areas of Puketi Ecological District


This is a reconnaissance survey report about the Puketi Ecological District for the Protected Natural Areas Programme. Published 1998.

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Cover (JPG, 243K) 

Natural areas of Puketi Ecological District (PDF, 174K)

Appendix 8.1 Field Survey Form (PDF, 54K) 

Appendix 8.2 Letter to ratepayers/News media item (PDF, 211K) 

The PDF of the report does not include the maps, but you can view them separately.


Location map of Puketi Ecological District (JPG, 180K) 

Map of surveyed sites (JPG, 322K) 

Map of Puketi-Omahuta Forest (JPG, 417K) and outline of area (JPG, 171K)   

Natural areas of Puketi Ecological District maps O05/141 - P05/100 (PDF, 920K)


Kauri forests of grandeur stud the high plateau and steep ridges of Puketi, providing the distinctive nature of this district. However, kauri is not the only gem of this forest, which is rich with a diversity of native plant and animal species.

The largely undisturbed habitat of Puketi Forest has favoured the freshwater ecosystems and their fauna. Other fauna of the district has fared less well, with kiwi, kukupa and kokako, in various stages of decline. The status of the short-tailed bat populations of the district is less well-known.

Effective protection for these and other species goes beyond the physical protection of their habitat, and demands active management.