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Guidelines for researchers in East Coast Bay of Plenty


Guidelines for minimising risks to researchers, the public, structures and facilities, New Zealand's indigenous fauna and flora, and sites within the East Coast Bay of Plenty Conservancy from any research activity. Published 2012

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East Coast Bay of Plenty guidelines for researchers (PDF, 187K)


DOC has a permit process for the review and authorisation of research on land administered by the Department, as well as collection and/or effect on wildlife under the Wildlife Act 1953. All research on land administered by DOC requires a research, collection or Wildlife Act permit. This is specifically for collection and/or undertaking research on plants, animals or geological samples or to take, hold, release or kill protected species.

This set of research guidelines was established to minimize risks to researchers, the public, Department of Conservation structures and facilities, New Zealand’s indigenous fauna and flora, and sites within the East Coast Bay of Plenty Conservancy from any research activity.

The guidelines will also help ensure appropriate scientific protocols are performed.