The Retaruke River is important from a conservation point of view for its population of the endangered blue duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos).
Given the importance of the Retaruke River to blue duck there is concern to what the impacts of the invasive algae, Didymosphenia geminata would have on duck populations. There is the potential that this alga, if introduced to the Retaruke River, would alter the benthic macroinvertebrate community and thus impact on the blue duck diet. In April 2008, a biosurvey (James, 2008) was completed to obtain a snapshot of the periphyton and benthic macroinvertebrate communities at three sites along the Retaruke River. This was repeated in November 2008 and compared to the results from April to get an idea of any seasonal effects. These biosurveys will give a baseline or indication of the former community should D. geminata be introduced to the Retaruke River.