Due to the large number of files, we are sharing them on our public FTP server.
Conservation value reports were prepared by DOC technical teams, with information about Ngāi Tahu values and interests provided directly by the Mana Whenua Panel. The reports have information about the size and location of each piece of stewardship land, its ecological, recreational, heritage and cultural values, and any permissions.
The recommendation reports provide the specific details of the recommendations from the National and Mana Whenua Panels for pieces of stewardship land.
Public consultation on the proposed reclassifications for 504 pieces of West Coast stewardship land occurred from May to September 2022.
Details of the process, and the submissions DOC received, can be found on the public consultation page.
Help us reclassify stewardship land on the West Coast
Cabinet paper: Improving the process for reclassification of stewardship land
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's report on stewardship land
Terms of reference for the independent expert national panels (PDF, 170K)
Reclassification of Stewardship Land in the Ngāi Tahu Takiwā Agreement (PDF, 1,165K)
Map of stewardship land areas across New Zealand
Media release 28 May 2021: Government speeds up stewardship land reclassification