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Wellington Conservation Management Strategy


Find out about and view the Wellington Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) 2019.

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The Wellington Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) describes the conservation values present in Wellington and provides guidance for DOC's work in the form of a vision, objectives, outcomes for places, policies and milestones. It translates DOC's strategic outcomes to Wellington.

The major themes identified in this CMS are engagement with tangata whenua and the community, partnering with others to deliver conservation and restoration of indigenous biodiversity. The CMS has been developed through a lengthy public process and is the result of input from many.

This CMS remains operative unless formally reviewed in full, in part or amended.

Volume I includes the following:

  • Part One: Vision, objectives, policies and milestones for the Wellington region, and other specific policies that address legislative and Conservation General Policy requirements
  • Part Two: Outcomes, policies and milestones for places
  • Part Three: Implementation monitoring and reporting and review
  • Glossary

Volume II includes the Appendices and Volume III includes maps and a public land inventory.

This CMS became operative on 20 January 2019.

Related statutory plans

There are currently 34 operative conservation management plans that apply in the area covered by the CMS. The intention is for most of these to be revoked or withdrawn in time.