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Stewart Island/Rakiura CMS and Rakiura NPMP 2011


Find out about and view the Stewart Island/Rakiura Conservation Management Strategy and Rakiura National Park Management Plan 2011.

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Stewart Island/Rakiura Conservation Management Strategy and Rakiura National Park Management Plan 2011 (PDF, 2,915K) 


Section One

The Stewart Island/Rakiura Conservation Management Strategy was prepared in accordance with the Conservation Act 1987. The objectives and policies in this section set out the overarching direction for the strategic and integrated management of all public conservation lands on Stewart Island/Rakiura.

Section Two

The first Rakiura National Park Management Plan was prepared under the National Parks Act 1980. The objectives and policies in this section set out the detailed management direction for Rakiura National Park.

Each of these two sections is a legally distinct planning document with its own foreword, contents pages and maps.

Section Three

The section includes the combined appendices relating to sections one and two of this document.

Section Four

The glossary, which presents key definitions applicable to sections one, two and three of this document. Maps included in these documents are indicative only. If further information is required on the precise location of places mentioned in the text of these documents, then this should be sought from New Zealand topographical information.