Nelson/Marlborough Conservation Management Strategy 1996 (PDF, 15,000K)
Note: This PDF is a scan and is poor quality due to the age of the document.
The purpose of the Nelson-Marlborough Conservation Management Strategy (CMS) is to set out how DOC will manage the areas in its care and its responsibilities for the next decade. It has been prepared in consultation with iwi, the Nelson and Marlborough Conservation Boards, local authorities and other interested groups and individuals, and is the first CMS for the Nelson/Marlborough region.
It was prepared for approval by the Conservation Authority, as required by the amendments made to the Conservation Act 1987 by the Conservation Law Reform Act 1990.
The CMS is a statutory document which implements general policies and establishes objectives for the integrated management of natural and historic resources. The conduct of some activities on areas administered by DOC can only take place by, and in accordance with, the CMS. Those preparing regional and district plans must have regard to any relevant CMS. It must be noted however, that a CMS is generally a statement of intent and does not over-ride the provisions of legislation and general policy.
This CMS should be read in conjunction with the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and its implementation shall be consistent with the Deed and comply with any legislation that results from that settlement.
Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Conservancy overview
Part 3 - Functional objectives
Part 3 - Functional objectives (continued)
Part 4 - Implementation
The following statutory plans also apply to areas within the Nelson-Marlborough region and needs to be read alongside the CMS when considering an activity within their areas: