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Te Waihora Joint Management Plan


This 2005 plan is the first statutory joint management plan between the crown and Iwi. Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere is an important site to Ngāi Tahu.

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Te Waihora Joint Management Plan (PDF, 3,000K)


This joint management plan contains long-term objectives and detailed policies and methods for effective integrated management of the Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere joint management plan area and the natural and historic resources within the area. The plan represents a coming together of the rangatiratanga of Ngai Tahu and the Kawanatanga of the Crown for the enhancement and protection of this taonga.

This is a statutory document and provides for the management of the above-mentioned area in accordance with the Conservation General Policy (2005), the Canterbury Conservation Management Strategy and the relevant iwi management plans approved by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, but does not override the provisions of the primary legislation.