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How national park management plans are developed


Phase by phase detail of how a national park management plan is developed and reviewed.

Note: The process may differ for national park management plans (NPMP) that come out of Treaty Claims Settlement Acts.

Phase 1: Project planning

What happens during this phase

  • Begin project planning.
  • DOC, relevant Treaty partner and Conservation Board establish an agreed joint engagement approach to the NPMP development or review.
  • Minister of Conservation is made aware that the process has started, and their views are sought.
  • Finalise project and communications plans and agree on NZCA involvement.
  • Minister is informed of the notice of intention date before notification.
  • Publicly notify the intention to review the plan and invite comments.
  • Hold pre-draft consultation events.
  • Receive and analyse comments.
  • Minister is informed of comments received and issues and themes raised.

Refer to the National Park Act 1980

Section 47(1)

Who is involved

  • DOC Director-General delegate and project staff.
  • Conservation Board.
  • Treaty partner.
  • New Zealand Conservation Authority (NZCA).

Phase 2: Plan preparation and drafting

What happens during this phase

  • DOC project staff, Conservation Board and Treaty partner prepare the draft plan.
  • Hold internal and external project hui and workshops to understand issues, opportunities and changes sought.
  • Make site visits, where required to clarify issues and policy approach.
  • Assess the policy approach to ensure consistency with the General Policy for National Parks and the relevant CMS.
  • Consult with key stakeholders.
  • Confirm key policy approaches and milestones.
  • Relevant DOC staff carry out peer review and internal checks.
  • Minister of Conservation is informed of policy direction and themes in the draft before notification.

Refer to the National Park Act 1980

  • Section 47(2)

Who is involved

  • DOC Director-General delegate and project staff.
  • Conservation Board.
  • Treaty partner.
  • Key stakeholders.

Phase 3: Public notification and hearing

What happens during this phase

  • Publicly notify the draft plan in newspapers and online.
  • Notify Treaty Partner, stakeholders, regional councils, and territorial authorities.
  • Put out a media release, load information onto the DOC website and brief the Minister of Conservation.
  • Establish the hearing panel and arrange hearing venues.
  • Collate submissions on the draft plan.
  • Hold the submission hearings.
  • Enter submissions into the database and prepare the summary of submissions.
  • Inform the Minister of Conservation of submissions received and issues raised in submissions.

Refer to the National Park Act 1980

  • Section 47(2) and (3)

Who is involved

  • DOC Director-General delegate and project staff.
  • Conservation Board.
  • Treaty partner.
  • Key stakeholders.
  • General public.

Phase 4: Revision and approval

What happens during this phase

  • DOC Director-General considers submissions and public opinion, amends the draft plan and sends it to the Conservation Board; advises submitters of responses to submissions.
  • Minister of Conservation is informed of key changes to the draft before it is sent to the Conservation Board.
  • Conservation Board considers the revised draft plan and relevant information, makes further revisions, and sends it to the NZCA for approval.
  • Minister of Conservation is informed of key changes to the the draft before it is sent to the NZCA.
    • The NZCA considers the revised draft plan and may modify where it considers necessary.
    • The NZCA sends the revised draft plan and other relevant information to the Minister.
    • The Minister of Conservation considers the revised draft plan and sends it back to the NZCA with his/her views.
    • The NZCA considers the Minister’s views and approves the plan.

Refer to the National Park Act 1980

  • Section 47(4) to (7)
  • Section 48(1) to (3)

Who is involved

  • DOC Director-General delegate and project staff.
  • Conservation Board.
  • NZCA.
  • Minister of Conservation.
  • Treaty partner.
  • Key stakeholders.

Phase 5: Implementing the NPMP

What happens during this phase

  • Notify Treaty partner, submitters and key stakeholders of the decision and the operative date of the plan.
  • Publish and notify the approved plan.
  • Minister of Conservation is informed that the plan has been approved.
  • Evaluate the NPMP process.
  • Begin implementing the NPMP – brief relevant DOC staff and the Conservation Board.

Refer to the National Park Act 1980

  • Section 48(4)

Who is involved

  • DOC Director-General delegate and project staff.
  • Conservation Board.

Timeframe disclaimer

Timeframes for each phase are indicative only. Many factors influence the time frames, such as resourcing, complexity of issues at place, Treaty partner’s capacity to be involved in the process, the number of submissions received, or the timing of the Minister’s response.

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