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Hunting permits and licences


Find out about the permits and licences you'll need to go hunting.

To hunt on any land in New Zealand requires the permission of the landowner. On public conservation land, this permission is obtained by getting a hunting permit from DOC.

Hunting permit

Find out what permit you need to hunt on public conservation land.

Aerially-assisted trophy hunting (AATH)

To use a helicopter to carry out aerially assisted trophy hunting, either commercially or for personal gain, you must have a concession from DOC.

National wild animal recovery operations

You need a WARO concession for deer, pig, goat and chamois carcass recovery and the live capture of deer, pig and goat.

Hunting permit conditions

Know the conditions you must adhere to when hunting on public conservation land.

Firearms licence

If you are hunting with a firearm you need a valid firearms licence to get a hunting permit. Find out how to get a NZ firearms licence.

Hunting dog permit

Find out when you need a separate dog permit to hunt with dogs.

Game bird licences and permits

You need a game bird licence from Fish & Game New Zealand and a game hunting permit from DOC to hunt game birds on public conservation land.

Small game hunting permit

You need a small game hunting permit from DOC for the recreational hunting of small game on public conservation land. Small game includes Canada geese, feral geese, hares and rabbits.

Bow and cross bow hunting

Read the criteria for hunting with bows and crossbows on public conservation lands.

International travel with hunting trophies

You may need CITES documentation to enter or leave New Zealand with your hunting trophy.

Teetotal sighting-in range permit

In order to use the Teetotal sighting-in range you must have a permit that makes you a Range Officer, or be under the supervision of a Range Officer.

How to book hunting blocks on Rakiura/Stewart Island

How to book restricted hunting blocks and apply for hunting permits on Rakiura/Stewart Island.