Image: Ray Salisbury | ©
Tramper at Buckland Peaks.
Buckland Peaks Track

Located in Paparoa National Park and Westport area in the West Coast region

Walk through forest and subalpine scrub to Buckland Peaks for stunning views of the Paparoa Range.

Car park to track head

Time: 1 hr
Distance: 6 km

Starting from the car park, the first hour of the track follows a locked four wheel drive track across Caroline Terrace. This part is walking access only – no vehicles including bikes allowed. Respect this easement.

Buckland Peaks Track to Buckland Peak Hut

Time: 4 hr
Distance: 4.53 km

This tramping track starts in regenerating cutover forest. You quickly reach diverse podocarp beech forest, climbing relatively steeply from 200 m to 1,100 m. There is a clearing marked as Halfway House which can be good for a rest stop.

Mixed podocarp forest changes to dracophyllum to subalpine scrub as you reach the tussock tops. Here you will see Buckland Peaks Hut in the basin about 100 m below the track. If continuing onto the peaks you do not need to drop to the hut.

Buckland Peaks Hut to Buckland Peaks (unmarked route)

Time: 1 hour

From the hut follow the markers back up to the top of the basin. There is no track beyond this point. The unmarked route drops down from point 1175 and continues towards the true peak. Cloud can appear suddenly at any time and vastly decrease visibility. Route finding skills are essential.

The Buckland Peaks have amazing granite boulders and formations as well as a large diversity of alpine flora. Here you have stunning views of the rugged Paparoa Range.

The track starts at a car park 1.3 km down Bucklands Peak Road, which is 6.5 km south of Westport.

Weather in Paparoa Ranges is changeable. Heavy rain, snow, ice, fog and strong winds are possible at all times of the year, especially on the exposed sections of the track.

You must be well equipped and prepared for all weather conditions and carry warm and waterproof clothing. If the weather becomes severe, stay put in the hut or turn back until conditions improve.