Urchin and anemones
Image: DOC



Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) are three volcanic rock stacks attached to White Island.

For tide, boundaries and other information you can download the MarineMate app.

Find things to do and places to stay Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) Marine Reserve

The underwater scenery and marine life in the marine reserve is spectacular. Underwater visibility is generally excellent due to low levels of sedimentation and run-off, but can drop to less than 6 m during seasonal phytoplankton blooms.

You can snorkel in the lee of the pinnacles and among some reef channels. A number of recognised dive sites are also located within the marine reserve.

Please remember all animals and plants, and the sea bed are totally protected.

  • No fishing, netting, hand gathering, taking or killing of marine life.
  • No polluting, disturbance or damage of marine life or the sea bed.
  • No removal of any natural material from the marine reserve.

Be aware, Te Paepae o Aotea (Volkner Rocks) were formerly used as a bombing range by the New Zealand Air Force. Most of the ordinance has been removed but some may remain. If you notice anything resembling a bomb or missile in the marine reserve you should not touch it, note its location and inform local DOC staff immediately.

Protect our marine reserves
  • No fishing of any kind.
  • Don't take or kill marine life.
  • Don't remove or disturb any marine life or materials.
  • Don't feed fish - it disturbs their natural behaviour.
  • Take care when anchoring to avoid damaging the sea floor.


DOC Customer Service Centre
Phone 0800 275 362
Email easternbop@doc.govt.nz
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