
Find information for announced Jobs for Nature projects funded by DOC.

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Mana in Kaimahi Te Whangai Trust Hub Expansion

Recipient: Te Whāngai Trust Board
Crown funding: $2,500,000
Jobs to be created: 72
Project summary: Te Whāngai Trust will create employment by employing additional nursery personnel (targeting Māori youth) in their network of native plant nurseries across the Tamaki region. Te Whangai Hub areas will service environmental projects focusing on plant production, ecological assessments, planting, weed and pest control and a range of conservation services.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Auckland
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Kauri Protection and Restoration

Recipient: Auckland Council
Crown funding: $1,902,000
Jobs to be created: 32
Project summary: Project will support extensive track upgrade work to multiple key recreational tracks in Auckland's Waitakere and Hunua Regional Parks.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Auckland
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Te Mauri Hauropi o Ngaa Tupuna Maunga

Recipient: Tūpuna Maunga Authority
Crown funding: $3,000,000
Jobs to be created: 39
Project summary: Project will support the landscape scale restoration of Auckland's ancestral mountains (Tupuna Maunga) through pest and weed control.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Auckland
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Ki Ngā Motu, Ki Tai, Ki Uta

Recipient: Te Haerenga o Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki Limited (on behalf of Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki)
Crown funding: $1,000,000
Jobs to be created: 24
Project summary: Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki will employ kaimahi to work on biodiversity, weed control and helping to repair and maintain conservancy and land infrastructure on Motutapu.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Auckland
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Te Whakaoratanga I te Puhinui me te Manukau

Recipient: SBN - Te Whakaoratanga i te Puhinui me te Manukau
Crown funding: $1,000,000
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: The Puhinui Stream Regeneration Programme has been established to guide transformative regeneration of this urban catchment with the aim of becoming a flourishing living system that integrates the environment.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Auckland
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Tū Mai Taonga – Aotea Great Barrier Island

Recipient: Tu Mai Taonga
Crown funding: $2,175,000
Jobs to be created: 28
Project summary: Project will support the goal of Pest Free Aotea by eradicating cats and rats from the island through community-led collaborative governance.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Auckland
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The Fenwick Reserve Ecological Restoration Project

Recipient: Tony King-Turner
Crown funding: $923,734
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: Control moth plant and asparagus fern infestation within the Fenwick Reserve at Te Matuku Bay.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Auckland
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Predator Free Franklin & North West Waikato

Recipient: Te Ara Hikoi - Predator Free Franklin
Crown funding: $1,000,000
Jobs to be created: 18
Project summary: Support landowners to actively manage pest animals within private land covenants in Franklin.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Auckland
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SBN Partnering to Plant Phase 4

Recipient: SBN - Partnering to Plant Phase 4
Crown funding: $2,500,000
Jobs to be created: 34
Project summary: The Partnering to Plant Aotearoa Programme has been a successful Jobs for Nature programme of work that links community restoration groups nationwide, including nursery work project groups, with Jobs for Nature funding. The programme has grown from the phase 1 involving 7 project partners delivering 9.6 FTE’s, through phase 2 delivering 6.7 FTE’s to phase three involving 9 project partners delivering 16.2 FTE’s. Phase 4 proposes to continue this successful programme for a further 12 months.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Auckland
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BOP Okurei Regional Partnership Establishment

Recipient: Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $100,000
Jobs to be created: 1
Project summary: The project is for landscape restoration (weed control and native plantings) at five sites in the Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whaoa rohe.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Myrtle Rust Jobs for Resistance

Recipient: Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Crown funding: $3,775,000
Jobs to be created: 36
Project summary: This project will work with Bay of Plenty mana whenua and DOC to provide jobs for, and build the capability of, Bay of Plenty tangata whenua to develop and implement a myrtle rust surveillance and monitoring program, and to assess host susceptibility, and conserve genetic variation, to establish a resistance breeding program
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Project Aumangea - Maunga Tarawera Wilding Pine Project

Recipient: Rotorua Raft & Sledge Limited
Crown funding: $355,600
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: This joint effort project by MPI, Regional Council, DOC and Ngāti Rangitihi redeploys local tourism workers to undertake wilding conifer and weed control on Mt. Tarawera.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Project Whakahaumanu -The Okere project work force

Recipient: Rotorua Raft & Sledge Limited
Crown funding: $220,265
Jobs to be created: 7
Project summary: Adventure tourism company - Kaitiaki Adventures retains and redeploys staff to work on existing environmental projects in an area of cultural significance to local iwi.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Rangitaiki Taniwha Trails

Recipient: Te Runanga o Ngati Manawa
Crown funding: $442,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: This project led by Ngati Manawa will establish a new recreation trail, carry out pest control, and deliver planting. Total Approved FTE: 9.52
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Tiaki Taiao Whakatōhea

Recipient: Whakatōhea Maori Trust Board
Crown funding: $698,500
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: Whakatōhea iwi will undertake landscape scale restoration in 7000ha of the Eastern Bay of Plenty as well as around vulnerable rivers. Total FTE Approved: 13.25
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Maungaruahine Heritage Pa Reserve

Recipient: Waitaha Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $355,000
Jobs to be created: 6
Project summary: Through this project, the partner will eradicate wilding pines and weeds across 17.3 ha of the Maungaruahine Heritage Pa conservation area. Total Approved FTE: 6.0
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
Media release

Ngai Te Rangi

Recipient: Te Runanga o Ngai Te Rangi Iwi Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Recipient: Waitaha Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
Media release

Ngati Ranginui

Recipient: Ngāti Ranginui Iwi Society Incorporated
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Nga Potiki

Recipient: Ngā Potiki ā Tamapāhore Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Ngati Pukenga

Recipient: Ngati Pukenga
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Tapuika Waitaha

Recipient: Tapuika Iwi Authority Development Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
Media release

Ngati Whakahemo

Recipient: Ngati Whakahemo
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
Media release

Ngati Whakaue ki Maketu

Recipient: Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whakaue ki Maketū Incorporated
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Project will deliver restoration of significant ecological and cultural sites as well as increase environmental management capacity for 8 Western Bay of Plenty iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
Media release

Mauri Tu Mauri Ora (TALT)

Recipient: Te Arawa Lakes Trust
Crown funding: $2,500,000
Jobs to be created: 30
Project summary: Six iwi-led landscape scale restoration projects, involving wetlands, pest eradication, beehive placement, community initiatives, and water monitoring.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Bay of Plenty

Korehāhā Whakahau (Ngati Awa)

Recipient: Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa
Crown funding: $2,500,000
Jobs to be created: 30
Project summary: Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa leads a Predator Free 2050 project to eradicate possums from 4,700 hectares in the Ngāti Awa rohe.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Onuku Maori Lands Trust

Recipient: Onuku Maori Lands Trust
Crown funding: $965,562
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: Wetland restoration, fencing and planting of retired land. Weed and pest control will also be undertaken.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Ngā Kaitiaki ō Omanawa

Recipient: Manukōtuku Ltd
Crown funding: $700,000
Jobs to be created: 14
Project summary: Ka whakawāteahia ngā rākau me ngā kararehe tauhou, ā, ka whakaorangia ngā rākau taketake me ngā tamariki a Tāne ki te takiwā o Omanawa (clearing invasive plants and animals and restoration planting in the Omanawa area).
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Ōmataroa Kiwi Project

Recipient: Ōmataroa Rangitaiki No. 2 Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $626,469
Jobs to be created: 7
Project summary: Install tracks and a predator control programme on Awakeri Scenic Reserve and two connecting private land blocks.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty

Media release

Ōhiwa Headland & eastern Ōhiwa expansion

Recipient: Ōhiwa Headland Sanctuary Trust
Crown funding: $435,244
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Expansion of animal predator and weed control on the Ōhiwa Headland and eastern Ōhiwa area; including coastal dunes and forests. This will create a 'buffer' to the current work that has been undertaken and minimise incursions by predators into this area.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Raukūmara Pae Maunga - Prevention of North Island Indigenous forest collapse

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $34,387,938
Jobs to be created: 195
Project summary: A partnership between Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Ngāti Porou, and Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) which will strengthen cultural connections with the Raukūmara, involving pest control over 150,000 hectares of land and contribute to habitat and species recovery.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Kaimai Mamaku Restoration Project - Prevention of North Island Indigenous forest collapse

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $3,181,440
Jobs to be created: 29
Project summary: A forest restoration project involving a partnership between the Department of Conservation, iwi/hapū, the Bay of Plenty and Waikato Regional Councils, community conservation groups and organisations such as Forest and Bird across the Bay of Plenty and Waikato.
Project duration: 10 months
Region: Bay of Plenty
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MKMT - Prevention of North Island Indigenous Forest Collapse

Recipient: Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust
Crown funding: $15,410,659
Jobs to be created: 166
Project summary: The Maanaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust will administer current funding agreements and establish further conservation projects on public conservation land (PCL) which give effect to the objectives, principles, and goals for the Kaimai Mamaku Restoration Project. The core objectives for the Kaimai Mamaku Restoration Project are: 1) Deliver a wide range of ecological and cultural restoration projects for the Kaimai Mamaku Forest Ranges and to create 166.4FTE for iwi/hapu and the wider community; 2) Support current conservation projects and reactivate iwi/hapu relationships within the Kaimai Mamaku Forest Ranges.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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DOC - Prevention of North Island Indigenous Forest Collapse

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $832,141
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: Remaining portion of the Kaimai Mamaku Restoration project not transferred to the Manaaki Kaimai Mamaku Trust. This covers a DOC Biodiversity Ranger role, 2 support roles and the support for Nga Iwi Toopu (Maori Caucus).
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Bay of Plenty
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DOC/MSD TALT Conservation Skills & Employment Pilot

Recipient: Te Arawa Lakes Trust
Crown funding: $7,112
Jobs to be created: 1
Project summary: This nine-week training programme, delivered under partnership between DOC and MSD, enables job seekers to obtain work experience, skills, fitness, and motivation for work readiness while doing conservation work.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Bay of Plenty
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Orange-fronted Kakariki program support with pest management

Recipient: Active Earth Adventures Ltd trading as Hiking New Zealand
Crown funding: $1,160,000
Jobs to be created: 15
Project summary: This project will enable a local business impacted by COVID to work in predator and wilding conifer control, including servicing trap lines within Arthurs Pass National Park.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Canterbury
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Te Makuru

Recipient: Taumutu Runanga Inc
Crown funding: $710,808
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: This project will pilot an employment initiative based at the DOC Motukārara Nursery that will teach and empower rūnanga members the skills necessary to understand the different stages of plant nursery production. The length of the project is 20 months from the commencement date, see clause 45 of the Deed.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Canterbury
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Pest Free Banks Peninsula/Te Pataka o Rakaihautu

Recipient: Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust
Crown funding: $916,180
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: The new funding will create jobs while enabling large-scale pest removal over parts of Banks Peninsula and Kaitōrete.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Canterbury
Media release

Arowhenua Nursery

Recipient: Te Runanga o Arowhenua Limited
Crown funding: $2,751,000
Jobs to be created: 45
Project summary: This project will enable the success of large scale regional environmental projects, by providing eco-sourced plants to restore river ecosystems and create a protected awa from mountains to the sea.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Otautahi and Te Pataka o Rakaihautu Pest Control

Recipient: Christchurch City Council
Crown funding: $1,575,000
Jobs to be created: 30
Project summary: Provides training and jobs with the Christchurch City Council Parks Team, to increase plant and animal pest control work in parks, mahinga kai sites, remnant vegetation and wetlands.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Te Tau Wairehu o Marokura

Recipient: Te Runanga o Kaikoura
Crown funding: $2,110,000
Jobs to be created: 26
Project summary: The maintenance and establishment of coastal trap line from the Awatere to the Oaro Rivers, with intensive trapping in predator hot spot areas and the kick start to a long term eradication plan to protect native birds.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
Media release

Te Ara Kakariki

Recipient: Te Ara Kakariki Greenway Canterbury Trust
Crown funding: $953,000
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: This project will enable the restoration and establishment of two large legacy sites and a number of smaller 'Green dot' sites as part of a network of biodiversity stepping stones throughout the Selwyn District.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Whakaraupo - He Hau Ringa e Oti Ai

Recipient: Ngati Wheke
Crown funding: $4,504,000
Jobs to be created: 74
Project summary: A series of projects to create sustained ecological and cultural regeneration of Lyttleton Harbour.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Kahuria Te Waihora Restoration

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $2,645,192
Jobs to be created: 31
Project summary: This wetland restoration project will remove pest weed species along Te Waihora, a lake of significance with a vast number of bird species and wildlife, and will enhance biodiversity through the planting of eco-sourced native plants.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Canterbury
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Ecological Restoration, Ōpihi Rock Art Sites

Recipient: Ngāi Tahu Māori Rock Art Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $314,040
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Ecological restoration at Opihi (Maori rock art site), by training local Ngai Tahu people to undertake site preparation, planting and weed control. The site is also home to a colony of long-tailed bats / pekapeka.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Te Wharau Catchment Restoration

Recipient: Orton Bradley Park Board
Crown funding: $950,000
Jobs to be created: 14
Project summary: Undertake destocking, fencing, pest control and restoration planting on land in the Banks Peninsula.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
Media release

Restoration of Avoca Valley

Recipient: Summit Road Society Inc
Crown funding: $650,382
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: Restore a lowland dry podocarp hardwood forest to the Avoca Valley on the Port Hills through protection of existing forest remnants and native planting.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Inspiring and accelerating stewardship of rare and threatened species and habitats in Eastern South Island QEII covenants

Recipient: QEII National Trust | Ngā Kairauhī Papa (QEII)
Crown funding: $999,932
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Accelerate stewardship of rare and threatened species and habitats in Eastern South Island QEII covenants.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Estuary edge predator control

Recipient: Avon Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust
Crown funding: $371,464
Jobs to be created: 5
Project summary: Trap and monitor predators around the Avon-Heathcote Estuary/Te Ihutai to protect native fauna.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Restoration of wetland and grassland habitats at Orana Wildlife Park

Recipient: Orana Wildlife Trust
Crown funding: $699,890
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: Restore key wetland and grassland habitats at Orana Wildlife Park by planting approximately 18,000 eco-sourced plants and carrying out predator and weed control, improving habitat for native fauna.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Lower Rangitata Strategic Waterways Restoration

Recipient: Te Runanga O Arowhenua, Ngai Tahu
Crown funding: $8,700,000
Jobs to be created: 85
Project summary: This freshwater restoration project will restore and enhance waterways in the Rangitata catchment area in Canterbury
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Canterbury
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Threatened Species Recovery - South Island

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $5,104,500
Jobs to be created: 50
Project summary: The Te Waipounamu Threatened Species Protection project is a large-scale joint Ngāi Tahu-DOC predator-control and threatened species monitoring project aimed at preventing the extinction of kākāriki karaka (orange-fronted parakeet).
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Canterbury
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Upper Rangitata Strategic Waterways Restoration

Recipient: Upper Rangitata Gorge Landcare Group
Crown funding: $7,269,650
Jobs to be created: 72
Project summary: This freshwater restoration project will restore and enhance waterways in the Rangitata catchment area in Canterbury.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Canterbury
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Chatham Islands Regional Partnership Establishment

Recipient: Chatham Island Council
Crown funding: $100,000
Jobs to be created: 0
Project summary: Establishment of the partnership in the Chatham Islands Region
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Chatham Islands
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Te Ara Manu

Recipient: Wharekauri Taiao
Crown funding: $880,000
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: Creating an eco-corridor between the south-west covenants and Waitangi township. The project will support the implementation of predator control and restoration that protects and enhances species in the south-west covenants of Chatham Islands.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Chatham Islands
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Pitt Island Species and Habitat Protection

Recipient: Chatham Island Council
Crown funding: $640,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Community project supporting the expansion of current work with Predator Free Chatham Islands to create a safer habitat for species, especially Avi-fauna, moving from the offshore island nature reserves to Rangiauria / Rangiaotea / Pitt Island.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Chatham Islands
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Miriam's Reserve

Recipient: Ropata & Denise Thomas
Crown funding: $362,509
Jobs to be created: 5
Project summary: Protect and restore native flora and fauna by fencing to keep stock out and targeting pests and eliminating noxious plants.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Chatham Islands
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Waingake Ngāhere Ora

Recipient: Gisborne District Council
Crown funding: $2,000,000
Jobs to be created: 40
Project summary: Gisborne District Council and Ngai Tāmanuhiri hapu, represented through Maraetaha Incorporated, have embarked on a transformation project to return a clear fell pine plantation to indigenous forest in Waingake, restoring the significant ecological values of the area and adjacent native bush, while also protecting Gisborne’s drinking water source and infrastructure assets. Through this funding kaimahi will undertake weed control, predator control and monitoring at the site.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Gisborne/Tairawhiti: Turanga Kaimahi mo te Taiao

Recipient: Hinenui Whanui Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $5,786,290
Jobs to be created: 58
Project summary: This project will support the kaitiakitanga responsibilities for the three Turanga iwi (Ngai Tamanuhiri, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga a Mahaki). Ecological regeneration will occur at a variety of sites in four fundamental ways: protection of cultural heritage, protection of biodiversity, increasing biodiversity and land/riverbank stabilisation.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
Media release

Ngāi Tāmanuhiri Taiao

Recipient: Hinenui Whanui Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $1,773,387
Jobs to be created: 42
Project summary: This project will support the kaitiakitanga responsibilities for the three Turanga iwi (Ngai Tamanuhiri, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga a Mahaki). Ecological regeneration will occur at a variety of sites in four fundamental ways: protection of cultural heritage, protection of biodiversity, increasing biodiversity and land/riverbank stabilisation.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Te Ngahuru Tikotikoiere

Recipient: Rongowhakaata iwi trust
Crown funding: $1,583,655
Jobs to be created: 44
Project summary: This project will support the kaitiakitanga responsibilities for the three Turanga iwi (Ngai Tamanuhiri, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga a Mahaki). Ecological regeneration will occur at a variety of sites in four fundamental ways: protection of cultural heritage, protection of biodiversity, increasing biodiversity and land/riverbank stabilisation.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Mahaki Mahinga Kai

Recipient: Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki Trust
Crown funding: $1,822,669
Jobs to be created: 51
Project summary: This project will support the kaitiakitanga responsibilities for the three Turanga iwi (Ngai Tamanuhiri, Rongowhakaata and Te Aitanga a Mahaki). Ecological regeneration will occur at a variety of sites in four fundamental ways: protection of cultural heritage, protection of biodiversity, increasing biodiversity and land/riverbank stabilisation.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Te Whakapae Ururoa – Community Myrtle Rust Surveillance Project

Recipient: Tairawhiti Environment Centre
Crown funding: $1,257,000
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: East Cape communities will work together with the Department of Conservation to lead community-based monitoring for Myrtle Rust in the East Cape region
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Te Rea - aka Tairawhiti Agroecology Recovery Programme (TARP)

Recipient: Tairawhiti Environment Centre
Crown funding: $500,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: Te Rea is a programme run under the umbrella of the Tairāwhiti Environment Centre. Te Rea’s purpose is to remove barriers for whanau hapu based entities by providing any necessary project and business support that allows whanau to participate in environmental mahi.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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NWR Te Rimu Trust Wetland Restoration

Recipient: Te Rimu Trust
Crown funding: $856,870
Jobs to be created: 15
Project summary: The Trustees of Te Rimu Trust are requesting $985,401 including GST to support their three-year wetland restoration project. The Trusts two main goals for the project are to: a) protect and enhance the biodiversity value of the wetland areas and b) provide employment and social benefits to the local community
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti

NWR Mangaotane Farm Trust

Recipient: Mangaotane Farm Trust
Crown funding: $1,114,140
Jobs to be created: 0
Project summary: The Trustees of the Mangaotane Trust are requesting $1,114,139.83 (plus GST) to support their three-year project. The Trusts two main goals for the project are to: - protect and enhance the biodiversity value of their whenua and - provide employment and social benefits to the local community From a biodiversity perspective, the focus of the project will be a multi species pest control programme covering 5,500 hectares. Kaimahi employed will undertake a range of activities including installation of traps, trap checks, trap maintenance, deer and goat control, and track and hut maintenance.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti

Te Rea (TARP)

Recipient: Tairawhiti Environment Centre
Crown funding: $500,000
Jobs to be created: 4
Project summary: A multi-partner catchment restoration and hapū-employment initiative, focused on riparian and hill country restoration, erosion mitigation, cultural revitalisation and community wellbeing.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Ngati Porou Reafforestation Project

Recipient: Ngati Porou Holding Company Limited (NPHC)
Crown funding: $997,540
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: Convert 30% of forestry holdings to permanent native forest through the establishment of a native tree nursery and planting.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Waimatā Catchment Predator Management and Species Restoration Project

Recipient: Waimatā Catchment Group Incorporated
Crown funding: $308,300
Jobs to be created: 4
Project summary: Predator management in 3,000 ha of mixed farmland/bush/riparian areas to support the long-term goal of reintroduction of pāteke, ngutukaka/kakabeak and eventually kakariki into the catchment.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Nga Ariki Kaiputahi Waahi Tapu Restoration Project

Recipient: Te Taua o Nga Ariki Kaiputahi Ltd
Crown funding: $633,200
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: Protect six significant waahi tapu sites from predators and weed species invasion. Carry out ecosystem restoration and native planting.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Eastern Whio Link

Recipient: Tairawhiti Environment Centre
Crown funding: $700,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: A Marae led project that aims to increase whio and kiwi to carrying capacity on the East Coast by expanding the predator control work, and enhance the connection of mana whenua to the landscapes.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
Media release

Whaia Titirangi

Recipient: Te Poho o Rawiri Marae
Crown funding: $5,139,640
Jobs to be created: 77
Project summary: The funding is being sought to build upon work already started at a number of sites to create an ecological corridor which stretches from Titirangi maunga through to Tatapouri. The work will include the preservation and reintroduction of several endangered species, erosion control and waterway restoration as well as pest control, maintenance, and monitoring. The sites include: - Titirangi Maunga (Kaiti Hill) - Onepoto (Kaiti Beach) - Kopuawhakapata Awa (stream) - Tuamotu (island) - Tamarau (Worsley Street Wetlands)
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Gisborne/Tairāwhiti
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Te Ngāhere

Recipient: Ngahere Limited
Crown funding: $2,040,000
Jobs to be created: 27
Project summary: This project will partner with Cape Sanctuary to deliver conservation outputs as well as development of whanau and community skill base to understand, engage and respond to conservation issues.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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Kia eke Te Ngarue, Kia eke Arapawanui

Recipient: Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust
Crown funding: $1,896,000
Jobs to be created: 24
Project summary: Project aims to restore two awa, Te Ngarue and Arapawanui and build capacity within the hapū to manage their landscape scale restoration project
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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Ka Hikitia

Recipient: Te Wai Mauri Limited
Crown funding: $990,000
Jobs to be created: 19
Project summary: Te Wai Mauri Limited has been established to take 10 unemployed whanau members and upskill them to become Kaitiaki Rangers to undertake conservation activities within their community, including nursery work
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
Media release

Te Whanganui a Orotu

Recipient: Te Taiwhenua o Te Whanganui a Orotu
Crown funding: $1,470,000
Jobs to be created: 24
Project summary: Through this Project you will undertake pest and weed control of the 470ha Ahuriri Estuary
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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Kaitiaki Taiao

Recipient: Ngāti Pāhauwera Development Trust Limited
Crown funding: $1,640,000
Jobs to be created: 20
Project summary: This is a collaborative ecological restoration project, working with marae, members, land trusts, government and research agencies to focus on riparian management, native planting, kaka beak protection, and waterway, lake and wetland protection between Te Hauke and Waihua.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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Te Rau Oranga

Recipient: Mahia Restoration Trust - Whakatika Tawhito o Te Mahia
Crown funding: $1,440,000
Jobs to be created: 18
Project summary: This Project will undertake works to protect and restore Mahanga Forest, Lake Rotopounamu, the Hine Rauiri stream, and two wetland areas.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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Mauri Oho Project – Ruahine Species Recovery

Recipient: Manaaki Ruahine Trust
Crown funding: $2,506,000
Jobs to be created: 32
Project summary: Landscape scale trapping for rats and mustelids and riparian recovery on multiple owned Māori Trust Land and Public Conservation Land in the Northern Ruahine Range and neighbouring farmland to protect whio, kiwi and other taonga
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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NWR Ohuia Restoration Project

Recipient: Proprietors of Ohuia Block
Crown funding: $274,297
Jobs to be created: 0
Project summary: The main project aims are to 1) support tangata whenua to restore the native biodiversity and habitat of Waihoratuna Lagoon and 2) provide employment opportunities for whānau living locally. In order to achieve the project aims a number of activities will take place including training, pest (plant and animal) control, fencing, and planting. Year one will involve recruiting and training the new kaimahi. Weed control, seed collection, planting and planting preparation, fencing and establishment of a trapping programme will occur each year.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay

Te Whanganui-A-Orotu (Ahuriri Estuary) Restoration Project

Recipient: Hohepa Hawke's Bay
Crown funding: $1,000,000
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: Expand and protect the wetland habitat that services Te Whanganui-A-Orotu (Ahuriri Estuary) and establish riparian protection zones along the Taipo Stream and the associated waterways.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
Media release

Biodiversity Protection and Restoration on Private Land

Recipient: Hawkes Bay Regional Council
Crown funding: $1,000,000
Jobs to be created: 24
Project summary: Protect high biodiversity value remnant bush sites through deer fencing and pest plant and animal control throughout Hawke's Bay.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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Kaimanawa and Kaweka Forest Parks Indigenous Biodiversity Recovery Project

Recipient: Sika Foundation Conservation Trust
Crown funding: $699,750
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: Community-based predator control to protect whio and regeneration of indigenous species within the Kaimanawa and Kaweka Forest Parks.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
Media release

Te Matai Jobs for Nature

Recipient: Te Matai Trust
Crown funding: $1,146,017
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: Through this Project you will undertake pest control including control of mustelids and rats, deer and possums as well as pest plant management on Te Matai whenua consisting of 3399 hectares of native bush. The area is administered by Ahu Whenua Trust situated approximately 80 kms North-West from Napier.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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E Hoki Mai Ra Whenua Collective (Mahia Māori Land Collective)

Recipient: Rongomaiwahine Iwi Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $1,251,000
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: This project is intended to ensure that the investment into predator free through the possum eradication programme between Hawkes Bay Regional Council and Rongomaiwahine Iwi Charitable Trust benefits are maintained until the consultation process is completed. The consultation process will inform the future predator free status of the Mahia area.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Hawke’s Bay
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Karioi Rahui Eco Sanctuary

Recipient: Ruapehu WorX Limited Partnership
Crown funding: $2,383,000
Jobs to be created: 30
Project summary: The rescoped project consists of both the Karioi Rahui eco sanctuary and Te Waiū-o-Te-Ika catchment projects, focusing on pest plant and animal management. Both projects are connected through Ruapehu being the head waters for the Whangaehu catchment Te Waiū-o-Te-Ika. The opportunity Kaimahi for Nature enables is the management of invasive weeds and seed source currently transported downstream from 11 rivers that flow into the Whangaehu catchment.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Nga Manu Taiao o Tamaki-Nui-a-Rua

Recipient: Ngāti Kahungunu Ki Tāmaki nui-a-Rua
Crown funding: $1,780,000
Jobs to be created: 30
Project summary: A new programme to employ 10 whānau members and upskill them to undertake fencing, riparian planting, pest control and conservation activities in the Tararua/Manawatū District.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Muaupoko Ki Uta Ki Tai

Recipient: Muaupoko Tribal Authority
Crown funding: $2,222,000
Jobs to be created: 28
Project summary: This project will re-establish a nursery and undertake conservation activities such as restoration planting and predator control at Lake Horowhenua, Hokio Stream, Waitarere Forest block and surrounding Maori land.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Southern Ruahine Kiwi Habitat Restoration Project

Recipient: Environment Network Manawatu Incorporated
Crown funding: $930,000
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: This project will create jobs for professional and community trappers to help whio and kiwi recovery by removing stoats and other pests from strategic sections of the Southern Ruahine forest.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Haumanu Ūkaipō: Revitalising our place of origin, and our love for our ancestral whenua and wai.

Recipient: Ngā Wairiki - Ngāti Apa Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $960,000
Jobs to be created: 19
Project summary: This project will see extensive pest eradication activities, planting of native species, track development, fencing and riparian planting.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Whakahaumaru Te Whenua Project

Recipient: Ngā Kaitiaki O Ngati Kauwhata Incorporated
Crown funding: $1,489,000
Jobs to be created: 19
Project summary: This project aims to establish a Taiao team to increase the educational, training, employment and cultural capacity of Ngati Kauwhata Iwi members, including nursery work. Approved FTE: 18.9
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Rangitane o Manawatu Tino Rangatiratanga

Recipient: Te Ao Turoa Environmental Centre (Whakapai Hauora)
Crown funding: $1,680,000
Jobs to be created: 20
Project summary: This project will complete freshwater restoration and freshwater pest control at many sites throughout Rangitāne o Manawatū rohe.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Phase 1 Foundation Pōkākā Ecosanctuary foundation Pest Management & Cultural Monitoring programme

Recipient: Te Mano o te Whenua Tupua
Crown funding: $1,920,000
Jobs to be created: 31
Project summary: Pōkākā would be the first Iwi-led ecosanctuary created in New Zealand. The concept of an inland island ecological sanctuary not only works to restore the traditional habitats and bio-diverse forest resources our kaumātua talk of but, also supports an urgent need for the breeding, reintroduction and conservation of our highly endangered, if not lost, local taonga species. Total Approved FTE: 30.9
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Ngahere Manaaki

Recipient: Aorangi Whanau Trust
Crown funding: $477,500
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: Planting mahoe and punga alongside predator control in Jerusalem Whanganui Awa.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Te Maru O Aorangi

Recipient: Aorangi Awarua Trust
Crown funding: $996,480
Jobs to be created: 20
Project summary: Implement a predator control programme, extend and maintain the track network and huts and offer training to locals in the Northeast Ruahine.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Rabbit control to reduce predation pressure on the tāonga of Pūkaha

Recipient: Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre
Crown funding: $699,600
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: Programme to drive down rabbit numbers in the pastoral buffer zone around the Pūkaha Conservation Reserve to reduce predators and increase protection for kiwi, kōkako, kākā and other forest species.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Nga Awa Whanganui: Te Awa Tupua o Whanganui

Recipient: Ngā Tāngata Tiaki Custodian Trustee Limited
Crown funding: $7,861,000
Jobs to be created: 61
Project summary: Te Awa Tupua o Whanganui project is a 4 year landscape-scale restoration project designed to mitigate soil erosion, improve freshwater quality and enhance biodiversity of Te Awa Tupua.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Manawatū-Whanganui
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Picton Dawn Chorus Operational Plan 2020-2025

Recipient: Picton Dawn Chorus
Crown funding: $700,000
Jobs to be created: 19
Project summary: The Recipient will increase predator trapping (rats, mustelids, possums and feral cats) focusing on Picton’s urban bush areas.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Marlborough
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Pelorus/Te Hoiere Waterways Restoration

Recipient: Marlborough District Council
Crown funding: $7,580,000
Jobs to be created: 77
Project summary: This Te Hoiere/Pelorus Catchment freshwater restoration project, supported by a range of stakeholders, will restore the awa ecosystem, whilst also establishing a nursery to provide plants and mahinga kai for the long term.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Marlborough
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Wilding Pine - Forestry Redeployment project continuation

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $2,000,000
Jobs to be created: 24
Project summary: Workers displaced by the COVID-19 pandemic are redeployed into short-term roles that support conservation activities.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Nationwide
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Partnering to Plant Aotearoa - Sustainable Business Network

Recipient: Sustainable Business Network
Crown funding: $800,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: A platform to connect businesses struggling to keep their staff employed, and provide unemployed workers opportunities into nature-based employment.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Nationwide
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Predator Free NZ Trust - Apprentice Programme

Recipient: Predator Free NZ Trust
Crown funding: $1,625,000
Jobs to be created: 0
Project summary: Apprentices undergo training in animal pest management, complete their NZ Certificate in Pest Operations and provide support to local conservation community groups.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Nationwide
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QEII covenant deer exclusion project

Recipient: QEII National Trust | Ngā Kairauhī Papa (QEII)
Crown funding: $2,000,000
Jobs to be created: 19
Project summary: Carry out fencing and deer control around high priority North Island QEII covenants.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Nationwide
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National Hunter Education and Training Scheme

Recipient: NZ Deerstalkers Assoc. Inc.
Crown funding: $488,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: Deliver online and practical education and training for New Zealand's hunting community, resulting in educated hunters who will contribute to conservation outcomes by protecting New Zealand's biodiversity.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Nationwide
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National Hunter Education and Training Scheme

Recipient: NZ Game Animal Council
Crown funding: $212,000
Jobs to be created: 4
Project summary: Deliver online and practical education and training for New Zealand's hunting community, resulting in educated hunters who will contribute to conservation outcomes by protecting New Zealand's biodiversity.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Nationwide
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Protecting the Crown's Jobs for Nature investment on private land with QEII Trust

Recipient: QEII National Trust | Ngā Kairauhī Papa (QEII)
Crown funding: $8,000,000
Jobs to be created: 34
Project summary: This funding is about protecting the private land biodiversity gains made through Jobs for Nature. Projects that have been awarded Jobs for Nature funding can apply to QEII to have their land legally protected through an Open Space Covenant or other protection agreement.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Nationwide
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Predator Free 2050 Ltd

Recipient: Predator Free 2050 Ltd
Crown funding: $76,000,000
Jobs to be created: 500
Project summary: The project involves investment in the mobilisation of 15 large-scale landscape projects around New Zealand.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Nationwide
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Acceleration and scaling up of community-led and iwi -led predator control projects (Kiwis for kiwi)

Recipient: The Kiwi Trust
Crown funding: $17,700,000
Jobs to be created: 100
Project summary: Large-scale predator control projects across Aotearoa that increase habitat available for kiwi and involve iwi, hapū and private landowners.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Nationwide
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Sustainable Business Network - Stage 2 Partnering to Plant

Recipient: Sustainable Business Network
Crown funding: $500,000
Jobs to be created: 7
Project summary: Phase 2 of the Sustainable Business Network programme comprises of all facets of planting, catchment group coordination, and education and skills training.
Project duration: 2 months
Region: Nationwide
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National Conservation Leaders Programme

Recipient: TNC New Zealand Trust
Crown funding: $400,000
Jobs to be created: 5
Project summary: The Recipient will deliver a nationwide training programme to build the capacity of New Zealand's conservation and natural resource management leaders to achieve greater conservation impact, building a future where both people and nature thrive.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Nationwide
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Sustainable Business Network - Stage 3 Partnering to Plant

Recipient: Sustainable Business Network
Crown funding: $1,280,000
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: Phase 3 of the Sustainable Business Network programme with the 6 trusted project partners from previous stages, 3 new iwi and hapū led projects and extended job duration.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Nationwide
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Predator Free Apprenticeship Programme

Recipient: Predator Free NZ Trust
Crown funding: $5,225,000
Jobs to be created: 145
Project summary: The predator free apprentice programme takes candidates and places them with partner organisations to receive formal and informal predator control training. This is an extension of JFN0009
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Nationwide
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Lead Removal from buildings within kea habitat

Recipient: Kea Conservation Trust
Crown funding: $950,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Lead removal from buildings with kea habitat.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Nationwide
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Taiororoa o Waipoua

Recipient: Te Roroa Commercial Development - Taiororoa o Waipoua
Crown funding: $760,000
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: The project will undertake terrestrial restoration of the Waipoua riverbank, which is currently heavily burdened with pest plants such as ginger, tobacco weed, wilding pines, aristae and others.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Northland
Media release

Opua Forest Recovery

Recipient: Bay Bush Action Trust
Crown funding: $700,000
Jobs to be created: 7
Project summary: The project will support large-scale predator control in Opua Forest in the Bay of Islands.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Northland
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Russell Forest

Recipient: Te Runanga o Taumarere ki Rakaumangamanga
Crown funding: $1,565,000
Jobs to be created: 25
Project summary: The project seeks to implement the Russell Forest 20 Year Forest HealthPlan, undertaking animal pest control (possums, rats and mustelids) across 4000 hectares and conducting a survey of pest plants in the area to plan for future weed control.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Nga Mana o te Wai

Recipient: Nga Mana O Te Mai – Te Hiku Dune Lake Restoration
Crown funding: $2,640,000
Jobs to be created: 44
Project summary: The project will undertake mammalian and fish pest control, weed control, sand dune restoration, dune lake restoration, riparian restoration and fencing of ecologically significant areas within a 30,000 ha area in the Far North.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Northland
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Te Haumihi ō Ngāti Kuri

Recipient: Ngāti Kuri Trust Board
Crown funding: $2,640,000
Jobs to be created: 33
Project summary: This project is a comprehensive capability advancement proposal to grow jobs in nature with long term ecological and environmental gains, delivering extensive sand dune and landscape restoration in the Te Paki area of the Far North. Includes nursery work
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Oranga Whenua, Oranga Tāngata/Restore , Grow, Thrive - Phase 2

Recipient: Te Rūnanga Nui o Te Aupōuri Trust
Crown funding: $2,350,000
Jobs to be created: 43
Project summary: Project will deliver landscape scale restoration (planting, weed control, pest control, ecological monitoring) at three significant sites within the Te Aupouri rohe in the Far North.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
Media release

Te Arai Reserve

Recipient: Te Aupouri Commercial Development Ltd Vivienne Scott Chris Maquita
Crown funding: $639,900
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Project funding will go towards fencing 14km of reserve boundaries that are incomplete and in despair, to stop localised pests (e.g. Te Aupouri horses) from entering the reserve.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Northland
Media release

Te Komanga Whangaroa

Recipient: Te Komanga Marae Trust
Crown funding: $2,057,000
Jobs to be created: 35
Project summary: Pest control (rat, possum, pig, goat) wilding pine control and weed control in the Whangaroa Harbour (Ranfurly Scenic Reserve)
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Mahi a Tengatenga Kaitiaki Programme

Recipient: Whirinaki Toiora Trust
Crown funding: $960,000
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: This project will support the ecological restoration of the Whirinaki Awa (Waima Forest) in the Hokianga by carrying out long-term eradication pest plants (ginger, tobacco, wilding pines, pampas) and pest animals (pigs, goats, possums and stoats), as well as completing water quality monitoring on waterways.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Northland
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Kaitiaki Kauri

Recipient: Te Rūnanga - Ā - Iwi O Ngāpuhi
Crown funding: $840,000
Jobs to be created: 14
Project summary: This project will prevent the spread of kauri dieback disease in several key Northland forests such as the Whangaroa, Russell, Opua and Puketi Omahuta.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Northland
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Warawara Whakaora Ake

Recipient: Te Runanga o Te Rarawa
Crown funding: $2,212,000
Jobs to be created: 36
Project summary: Continuation of Forestry workers redeployment Quick-Start project in the Warawara forest
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Moemoea Puketi Omahuta

Recipient: Puketi Forest Trust
Crown funding: $3,015,000
Jobs to be created: 49
Project summary: This project achieves ecosystem management of Puketi-Omathuta Forest at landscape scale consolidating significant community and government investment. The project will establish a pest control network and systems, undertake invasive weed control and employ local kaimahi to strategically empower Nga Hapu o Puketi-Omahuta and the community to manage the Forest.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Kia hoki mai te ketekete a nga manu ki nga Ngahere o Ngati Hine

Recipient: Ngati Hine Forestry Trust
Crown funding: $668,400
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: Establish predator control over 5,600 ha targeting rats, stoats and possums.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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He Tapuwae Tūpoto, He Taiao Tūroa

Recipient: Tapuwae Incorporation
Crown funding: $541,310
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: Animal and plant pest control without using poisons in North Hokianga
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Te Pewhairangi marine kaitiaki training

Recipient: TriOceans (In collaboration with Ngā Hapū o te Pēwhairangi and Carino Sailing and Dolphins
Crown funding: $627,080
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: Collaborate with TriOceans marine researchers, Ngā Hapū o te Pēwhairangi and Carino sailing and Dolphins to develop a Kaitiaki training course for 24 students.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Whananaki Indigenous biodiversity restoration

Recipient: Whakapaumahara Marae Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $675,576
Jobs to be created: 15
Project summary: Predator and weed control, and establishment of a native plant nursery to enable planting in Whananaki.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Te Toa Whenua

Recipient: Te Roroa Iwi
Crown funding: $687,402
Jobs to be created: 15
Project summary: Mana-whenua led weed control, native tree planting and predator control over 900ha of ex-forestry land in the lower Waipoua Valley.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Nga Maunga Tapu o Te Uri o Hau

Recipient: Environs Holdings Limited
Crown funding: $579,638
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: Undertake monitoring of Kauri dieback alongside weed control and planting for erosion and sediment control in Pukekaroro and Pukearenga.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
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Iwi Collaboration for Kauri Action

Recipient: Te Roroa Commercial Development - Iwi Collaboration for Kauri Action
Crown funding: $3,500,000
Jobs to be created: 30
Project summary: A historic collaboration between iwi groups in Northland to tackle Kauri dieback, needs vary but includes prevention, mitigation, education, behaviour change, treatment, restoration and surveillance.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Northland
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Te Papa Paorooro, Ngati Hine

Recipient: Nga Tangariki o Ngati Hine Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $3,000,000
Jobs to be created: 44
Project summary: Ngati Hine will restore the Te Papa Paorooro Wetland (The Echoing Wetlands) through riparian planting, removal of invasive willows and other trees chocking flow paths, and predator control.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Northland
Media release

Jobs Increasing Hoiho Conservation: the story of a taonga species

Recipient: Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust
Crown funding: $422,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Species monitoring and conservation work for the recovery of hoiho/yellow-eyed penguins, as well as pest control and fencing around hoiho habitat.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Otago
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Southern Lakes Sanctuary (SLS)

Recipient: Southern Lakes Sanctuary
Crown funding: $2,986,000
Jobs to be created: 39
Project summary: The project will employ 38.7 people to deliver landscape scale predator control conservation work. The landscape contains a diverse range of indigenous fauna including high alpine species, forest birds, braided river birds, wetland birds, bats, and a high diversity of lizards.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Otago
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Te Nukuroa o Matamata

Recipient: Te Runanga o Otakou
Crown funding: $5,000,000
Jobs to be created: 64
Project summary: Restoring the Taiari catchment through improving water quality and seeking to reverse the negative effects of drainage, development and adverse land use practices. Biodiversity enhancement through a range of wetland, river and riparian habitat restoration, including matauranga Maori to empower kaitiakitanga.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Otago
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Penguin place

Recipient: Penguin Place Ltd
Crown funding: $633,000
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: This project will undertake predator control, fencing and weeding to protect hoiho habitat, monitor hoiho nesting and support the operations of the Penguin Place Rehabilitation Centre.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Otago
Media release

Tucker Beach Habitat Restoration

Recipient: Friends of Tucker Beach
Crown funding: $1,000,000
Jobs to be created: 14
Project summary: Weed control and planting on the braided riverbed systems of Tucker Beach Reserve near Queenstown.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Otago
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The Rehabilitation of Te Wai Whakaata The Lake Hayes Catchment

Recipient: Mana Tāhuna Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $4,450,000
Jobs to be created: 64
Project summary: The project will restore Lake Hayes through catchment restoration work including, 130,000 riparian plantings, wetland restoration, sediment traps, non-native tree removal, fencing and pest control.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Otago
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Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust - Predator Trapping Project

Recipient: Routeburn Dart Wildlife Trust
Crown funding: $416,000
Jobs to be created: 6
Project summary: Employment of local people to develop and undertake expansion of the existing predator trapping networks in the Dart, Greenstone, Caples and Routeburn valleys, to support the recovery of the mohua and other at-risk species that inhabit the upper Wakatipu basin.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Otago
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In the Wild – Queenstown & Fiordland Workforce Hub

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $250,000
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Local Council and business establish a business workforce hub providing recruitment to displaced tourism workers into conservation projects within the region.
Project duration: 4 months
Region: Otago
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Maintaining the Gains' - Protecting and restoring indigenous biodiversity on Otago's covenanted private land

Recipient: Otago Regional Council
Crown funding: $961,234
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Protect high value biodiversity QEII covenants in Otago through pest plant control.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Otago
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Tautuku Restoration

Recipient: Forest and Bird Dunedin Branch
Crown funding: $577,274
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Maintain and increase ground-based trapping for mustelid and rodent control over 4,000 ha, establish possum control over 300 ha of podocarp forest, increase feral pig and deer control and establish feral cat control in Maclennan Range - Fleming and Tautuku River catchments, Catlins.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Otago
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Tamatea Restoration Project

Recipient: Pure Salt NZ Ltd
Crown funding: $699,200
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: Project will deliver a boost to stoat control on Resolution Island in the Tamatea/Dusky Sound area - one of the most intact ecological systems nationally.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Big Bay Awarua

Recipient: Big Bay Awarua Conservation Trust
Crown funding: $383,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: This project will establish a 915ha predator control grid at Big Bay Awarua to protect vulnerable threatened species in the area. The grid will be centred around the Waiuna Lagoon, a significant high ecological value wetland system
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Hokonui Rūnanga Catlins Biodiversity Project

Recipient: Hokonui Runanga
Crown funding: $2,876,000
Jobs to be created: 36
Project summary: The Hokonui Rūnanga Catlins biodiversity project will undertake pest control operations of flora and fauna pest species within The Catlins and Forest Hills areas.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Fiordland Undaria Control Programme

Recipient: Environment Southland
Crown funding: $2,000,000
Jobs to be created: 26
Project summary: This project seeks to re-deploy and recruit people from the Te Anau community to assist in containing and eliminating Undaria in Fiordland.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Weeding Fiordland’s Buffer Zone

Recipient: Environment Southland - Weeding Fiordland’s Buffer Zone
Crown funding: $690,000
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: This project aims to protect the biodiversity of Fiordland National Park through weeding projects along the park boundary.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Te Tapu o Tāne

Recipient: Te Tapu o Tane Ltd
Crown funding: $2,125,000
Jobs to be created: 25
Project summary: This Project is to support the four Papatipu Rūnanga o Murihiku to set up three native plant nursery businesses. The Project will provide an ongoing environmental resource for the region through enhanced native tree supply, greater skilled labour and wider knowledge of restoration practices.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Restoring Rakiura

Recipient: Stewart Island Rakiura Community and Environment Trust
Crown funding: $2,040,000
Jobs to be created: 43
Project summary: The project will deliver weed control and intensify and expand existing predator control to secure biodiversity outcomes around Oban/Halfmoon Bay and adjacent areas
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Bringing the Park to the People (FTT)

Recipient: Fiordland Trails Trust
Crown funding: $973,000
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: The Project based in Te Anau will deliver enhancements to existing and multi-use trail networks in the Fiordland area. The scope includes noxious weed control, predator control, planting to form ecological corridors, community education signage and trail upgrades and extensions of at least 6km
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Whakatipu Waitai Predator Control Expansion

Recipient: Hollyford Conservation Trust
Crown funding: $694,506
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: Establish an effective predator trapping network over 12,000 ha in the Lower Hollyford Valley, Fiordland National Park, to provide secure habitat for a range of vulnerable indigenous species.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Whakatere te Korowai o Awarua (Accelerate the Cloak of Awarua)

Recipient: Bluff Hill Motuphohue Environment Trust
Crown funding: $686,228
Jobs to be created: 14
Project summary: Continue Awarua habitat restoration through predator control, native replanting and weed eradication.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Pā Mahinga Kai, Te Wai Parera Trust

Recipient: Te Wai Parera Trust
Crown funding: $920,000
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: The project will create an open water habitat in the lower Waituna Lagoon catchment to help restore native flora and fauna, wetland, and mahinga kai, including tuna and wai koura.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Southland
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Taranaki Regional Partnership Establishment

Recipient: Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Custodian Trustee Limited
Crown funding: $100,000
Jobs to be created: 1
Project summary: Taranaki Regional Partnership Establishment
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Taranaki
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Ka whakaaraara te tangata, ka whakaora te wai, ka whakahoki te taonga

Recipient: Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust
Crown funding: $927,000
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: The Recipient will undertake restoration work to revitalise taonga species habitats on the Waiwhakaiho River and create an ecological corridor from the Taranaki Mounga to the sea.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Taranaki
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He taiao, he taiora, he tai tangata

Recipient: Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi Custodian Trustee Limited
Crown funding: $960,000
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: Enhance and protect the wellbeing of our taiao. Nurture a strong connection between uri and our whenua, maunga and awa. Leverage our understanding of our taiao to transform whānau wellbeing
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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Manaaki Awa, Manaaki Tangata

Recipient: Nga Ringawera Otaraua Ltd
Crown funding: $960,000
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: The purpose of the Project is to protect, restore and revitalise the health and mauri of the wai within the Waitara River catchment for the current generation and future generations. This Project is values-based and upholds the integrated hapū values of Te Wai Tapu Mai Taranaki Maunga ki Uta ki Tai
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Taranaki
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Taranaki Mounga Project

Recipient: Taranaki Mounga Project Ltd
Crown funding: $720,000
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: The restoration of whio habitat within the rohe of Ngaruahine through an increase/extension in mustelid trapping along suitable waterbodies on Taranaki Mounga. The translocation of whio into the newly trapped area to improve the genetic make-up of the recovering population that is establishing elsewhere on Taranaki Mounga. It is anticipated that in time whio will disperse outside of the national park into areas of waterbodies that are being restored through riparian planting and predator trapping programmes. The level of trapping proposed may also result in the area on Taranaki Mounga being a suitable release site for western brown kiwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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Tupu Rawa

Recipient: The Parininihi Ki Waitotara Incorporation
Crown funding: $1,200,000
Jobs to be created: 20
Project summary: Through this Project, the Recipient will restore and enhance the biodiversity and cultural values across waterways and stream tributaries throughout the wider Taranaki Region.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Taranaki
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Ngā Rauru

Recipient: Te Kaahui O Rauru Custodian Trustee Limited
Crown funding: $1,440,000
Jobs to be created: 23
Project summary: The project seeks to create positions to build capability of the workforce to support the growth of the social enterprise Kii Tahi Nursery Ltd. Kii Tahi Ltd was established in the early 2000’s and has run as a social enterprise which supplies native eco-sourced plants to various entities in the Taranaki/Manawatu area. Having skilled people to complete this mahi is important to enable the organisation to reach its aspirations.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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Te Kohanga Ahuru

Recipient: Ngati Mutunga Community Development Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 6
Project summary: A collaboration from the three Northern Iwi in Taranaki working towards ensuring that the forests within the rohe will provide a safe home for kiwi - a taonga species for all of us.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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Ngāti Tawhirikura Hapu

Recipient: Ngāti Tawhirikura Hapū Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $1,700,000
Jobs to be created: 22
Project summary: Restore and revitalise taonga species habitats on Waiwhakaiho River to encourage mahinga kai rehabilitation and enhancement (years 2 & 3)
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Taranaki
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Kiwi Monitoring & Habitat Protection

Recipient: Taranaki Kiwi Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: This project supports Te Papakura o Taranaki's kiwi population by carry out monitoring and survey in community projects, developing new protected habitats, supporting landowners with predator control as well as intensifying existing predator control in the area.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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Rotokare Sanctuary and Halo

Recipient: Rotokare Scenic Reserve Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: This community-led Trust has created Taranaki’s pest-free sanctuary, which is a focal-point for community engagement with nature including threatened species.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
Media release

Parininihi Project

Recipient: Tiaki Te Mauri o Parininihi Trust
Crown funding: $480,000
Jobs to be created: 6
Project summary: The central aim of this project is to ensure the long-term protection of the health of Parininihi, reintroduce kōkako and other species lost from the area, and strengthen people’s connection to the land.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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ETET DOC200 Private Land Trap Replacement

Recipient: East Taranaki Environment Trust
Crown funding: $308,066
Jobs to be created: 6
Project summary: Replace ageing traps across 13,000 ha of private land to control predators in East Taranaki.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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Te Ara Taiao

Recipient: Taranaki Environmental Education Trust (TEET), operating as Sustainable Taranaki (ST)
Crown funding: $684,720
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: A network of education coordinators will work with young people to provide experience on biodiversity restoration projects to enable them to enter conservation jobs and pursue conservation as a career.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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The gateway to the Matemateonga range - Omoana Project - Rotokare to Omoana Biodiversity Corridor

Recipient: Kawhai Consultants Limited
Crown funding: $606,352
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: Predator and pest weed control to create a biodiversity corridor between Lake Rotokare and Omoana.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Taranaki
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Kotahitanga mo te Taiao Regional Partnership Establishment

Recipient: Nature Conservancy
Crown funding: $100,000
Jobs to be created: 1
Project summary: Kotahitanga mo te Taiao Regional Partnership Establishment
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Maitai Ecological Restoration Project

Recipient: Nelson City Council
Crown funding: $2,000,000
Jobs to be created: 30
Project summary: Developed in partnership with local iwi, this project undertakes pest, plant and animal management, site preparation and native planting throughout various sites in the region.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Ngati Koata project support roles

Recipient: Ngati Koata Trust
Crown funding: $88,700
Jobs to be created: 2
Project summary: Ngāti Koata and Ngāti Rārua received funding for two project support personnel, to assist Kotahitanga mō te Taiao regional partnership develop future Jobs for Nature submissions.
Project duration: 9 months
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Mt Richmond Forest Park (MRFP) Wilding Conifer training and employment enhancement

Recipient: Tasman District Council
Crown funding: $620,000
Jobs to be created: 8
Project summary: An extension of the MPI-funded Mt Richmond Forest Park Wilding Conifer control, this programme provides ground control teams to target infestations where aerial boom spraying or basal bark application is either impractical or not cost effective.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Ngati Koata project support roles extended

Recipient: Ngati Koata Trust
Crown funding: $107,000
Jobs to be created: 1
Project summary: This project extends the funding for two roles supporting iwi members of Kotahitanga mō te Taiao and to build their capability and capacity to better enable them to participate in conservation projects.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Restoring and Protecting Significant Flora Ecosystems at Scale

Recipient: Nature Conservancy Trust
Crown funding: $6,000,000
Jobs to be created: 84
Project summary: The Project will enable large-scale organised weed management in significant natural areas and site/weed lead projects across the Northern South Island/Kotahitanga mō te Taiao rohe.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Kaimahi for Nature Connected

Recipient: Whenua-Iti Trust Incorporated
Crown funding: $980,000
Jobs to be created: 32
Project summary: A programme to increase young people’s connection with nature to run across the upper South Island.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Restoration of high biodiversity value sites in Wakapuaka and Whangamoa catchments

Recipient: Nelson City Council
Crown funding: $990,628
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: Restore sites of high ecological and cultural value in the Wakapuaka and Whangamoa catchments, including iwi owned land through weed control, seed collection, plant propagation, cultural health monitoring, and training and employment opportunities for local iwi.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Creating jobs for eco-restoration in Mohua (Golden Bay)

Recipient: Project De-Vine
Crown funding: $700,000
Jobs to be created: 14
Project summary: Undertake weed control to achieve and maintain zero-density for all invasive plants and trees in Mohua / Golden Bay. Project includes setting up a trapping network for stoats, rats, and possums, as well as training courses and health and safety awareness.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Invasive & Noxious Weed Control

Recipient: Brook Waimarama Sanctuary
Crown funding: $416,008
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Accelerating the weed control programme which to date has relied solely on volunteer labour. A coordinator and field workers to control, and where possible remove, noxious, unwanted and non-native plants.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Limestone Coast Restoration Project

Recipient: East Coast protection Group Incorporated
Crown funding: $327,600
Jobs to be created: 6
Project summary: Replant coastal vegetation, remove weed and animal pests and monitor the coast from Marfells Beach to the Waima River (42km) following the 2016 earthquake.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Tekateka Restoration

Recipient: Ngāti Koata Trust
Crown funding: $999,150
Jobs to be created: 15
Project summary: Through this Project you will restore a site of high cultural and ecological value (Kākā Hill) on land owned by Koata Limited. The primary focus will be to restore and protect an old growth forest remnant which historically has provided habitat for Kākā, Kiwi, and Kakariki, and still supports Kakaruwai, Miromiro, Kereru, and Korimako. Pest plant control, along with pest animal control, will be at the forefront of this project, to enable natural regeneration. Targeted planting of taonga species in regenerating forest buffering the old growth forest remnant, will take place to a limited extent, as will planting in the upper reaches of Sharlands Creek.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Tasman-Nelson
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Restoration and Enhancement of geothermal, freshwater & cultural sites in the Ngati Tahu-Ngati Whaoa rohe

Recipient: Tauhara North No.2 Trust
Crown funding: $826,000
Jobs to be created: 15
Project summary: Weed control and native planting at five sites in the Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti Whaoa rohe – Rotokawa and Nga Awa Purua Reserve, Wai-o-Tapu Scenic Reserve, Orakei Korako, Mataarae Marae and Waimahana Marae. Total FTE: 15
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Waikato
Media release

Waitomo region restoration to support jobs

Recipient: Tourism Holdings Ltd
Crown funding: $500,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: This project is an opportunity to save jobs within the Discover Waitomo business while restoring significant sites in the area.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Waikato
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Maungatautari to Pirongia Ecological Corridor

Recipient: Apakura Runanga Trust Board
Crown funding: $250,000
Jobs to be created: 3
Project summary: This project will create an ecological corridor reconnecting Maungatautari to Pirongia along the Mangapiko and Ngāparierua streams with biodiversity plantings, animal and weed pest control will enhance native species present, transform iwi connections to the awa, and ultimately improve water quality.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Waitomo Region Restoration to Support Jobs - Programme Extension

Recipient: Tourism Holdings Ltd
Crown funding: $650,000
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: The programme extension to a successfully funded project for 2021, which saved 15 jobs, set up a robust operational structure and is completing valuable conservation mahi.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Waikato
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Te Mauri o Waihou

Recipient: Raukawa Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $993,000
Jobs to be created: 13
Project summary: This project will protect and enhance Te Puna (the Blue Spring), enhancing the environment, improving infrastructure and managing visitors in a way that improves their experience and continues to reduce their impacts.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Project Support for Te Rauwiritanga – Waikato Regional Leaders Group

Recipient: Waikato Regional Council
Crown funding: $82,000
Jobs to be created: 1
Project summary: Project will support the programme management and delivery of Waikato and Hauraki Jobs for Nature projects.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Waikato
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Oranga Taiao, Oranga Tūwharetoa

Recipient: Tuwharetoa Māori Trust Board
Crown funding: $500,000
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: Project will see restoration of more than 10 significant sites in the Taupo catchment, including retiring farming and grazing sites, pest control, fencing, weed control and freshwater restoration.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Waikato
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Pare Hauraki Native Nursery

Recipient: Pare Hauraki Collective
Crown funding: $1,500,000
Jobs to be created: 23
Project summary: This project will establish the Pare Hauraki Nursery, where native plants and trees will be ecologically propagated to support restoration projects across the Hauraki Region.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Nga wai o Te Nehenehenui

Recipient: Wai Ora River Care Limited
Crown funding: $405,000
Jobs to be created: 6
Project summary: Over a 1 year period proposed, Wai Ora River Care plans to grow and nurture 41,750 native plants in a nursery and then undertake the necessary riparian work to plant these within the identified areas within Te Nehenehenui, and then provide further maintenance support for the planted areas.
Project duration: 1 year
Region: Waikato
Media release

Waipapa Pikiāriki Project

Recipient: Kaitiaki Pest Control Solutions Ltd
Crown funding: $760,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: The project will support pest control over native forest in the Pūreora area, consisting of the establishment of a halo around Pikiāriki to increase the efficacy of current pest control, supporting pest control in Waipapa (pest infrastructure maintenance and control work) and whio protection in the Ōngārue River.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Waikato
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Ko Moehau ki Tai

Recipient: Pare Hauraki Collective
Crown funding: $2,000,000
Jobs to be created: 29
Project summary: This is a collaborative iwi-led landscape restoration project across a combination of treaty settlement land and public conservation land at Moehau, Northern Coromandel.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato

Lake Rotoaira Forest Biodiversity Management

Recipient: Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust
Crown funding: $753,200
Jobs to be created: 17
Project summary: Based on the need to begin pest management within at least two years of the cessation of historic OSPRI management (completed 2019), pest management must begin in 2021 to ensure low possum density gains are not lost on LRFT managed lands.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Te Kotahitanga o Ngati Tuwharetoa - Manaaki Whenua

Recipient: Te Kotahitanga o Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Crown funding: $542,000
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: Restoration planting using native species, and pest and weed control of the Opotaka Historic Reserve and Te Porere Redoubt in Northern Tongariro National Park.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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NWR Mangeroa Gully Restoration

Recipient: The Ani Waata Whānau Trust
Crown funding: $584,579
Jobs to be created: 5
Project summary: Trustees of The Ani Waata Whānau Trust have applied to the Fund, seeking $1,042,338.71 (inc GST) to support their three-year project. This application is part of a larger project to restore the Mangeroa Gully over 30 years. If approved, the project will enable the Trust to 1). restore the biodiversity of the whenua and 2). to create a thriving ecosystem for wildlife, hapū, iwi and local communities. In order to achieve the project aims a number of activities will take place including training, planting, weed control, carving of a waharoa and construction of a walkway.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Restoration of the islands of the Motukawao Group

Recipient: Nga Motu Aroha Trust
Crown funding: $832,100
Jobs to be created: 11
Project summary: Remove animal and plant pests from eleven Maori-owned islands of the Motukawao Group, off the western coast of the Coromandel Peninsula, and translocate species that previously existed on the islands.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Whakaora Te Taiao

Recipient: Kapenga M Ahu Whenua Trust
Crown funding: $958,591
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: Predator control programme over three Māori land blocks within the Kapenga and Waikaruru wetlands and Tumunui native forest.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Urban gully indigenous biodiversity protection and restoration

Recipient: Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust
Crown funding: $653,359
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: Native plant and weed control to support restoration of the Mangaiti Gully.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Employing our Rangatahi on the Maunga

Recipient: Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust. T/A Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari
Crown funding: $589,416
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: Expand monitoring and surveillance and repairs to the predator-proof fence at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari, and employ and train four full time cadet rangers.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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Te Haumanu o Hei

Recipient: Ngati Hei Holdings Limited
Crown funding: $1,475,000
Jobs to be created: 23
Project summary: This project centres around empowering Ngati Hei to undertake kaitiaki around on stopping the spread of kauri dieback disease in the Hukarahi block.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Waikato
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Ngā Whenua Māori o Te Nehenehenui - Wai Ora River Care Ltd

Recipient: Wai Ora River Care Limited
Crown funding: $1,753,677
Jobs to be created: 31
Project summary: Wai Ora River Care (WORC) is a nursery based in Piopio that has the capacity to hold 200,000 native plants to go towards riparian tree planting. WORC also provides site preparation, planting and maintenance to waterways and wetlands. All the native plants WORC use are eco-sourced to increase their chances of thriving in the Maniapoto region. Through this Project you aim to support Māori freehold land Trusts to contribute to their whenua and surrounding waterways and wetlands by planting 80,000 native rākau across a total of 192.38 ha. There is an urgent need for your Māori people to reconnect with their whenua and absorb the teachings of the whānau that have continued to keep the ahikā (fires of occupation) burning. Your team of local Māori are best suited to this mahi as they have a vested interest in the whenua and the skills to continue caring for the rākau beyond the project’s completion.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Waikato
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The Hem of Remutaka Coastal Wetland Restoration

Recipient: Conservation Volunteers New Zealand - Remutaka
Crown funding: $1,560,000
Jobs to be created: 15
Project summary: The intention of this project is restoring threatened coastal and wetland systems; ecological connectivity, improving tracks for hikers and cyclists, fishing and diving activities along the Eastbourne, Parangarahu and Wainuiomata coastlines.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Wellington
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Ngā pari e rua – A rohe wide indigenous biodiversity restoration project

Recipient: Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated
Crown funding: $1,560,000
Jobs to be created: 20
Project summary: The project will deliver landscape scale restoration to multiple significant sites around the Porirua basin and cultural awareness training to the public.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Wellington
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Kohunui Nursery

Recipient: Kohunui Marae
Crown funding: $145,000
Jobs to be created: 2
Project summary: The project will support the establishment of an iwi-owned nursery in the Wairarapa, which will support regional restoration projects.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: Wellington
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NWR Tupoki Takarangi Trust Whenua Restoration

Recipient: Tupoki Takarangi Trust 1996
Crown funding: $164,740
Jobs to be created: 0
Project summary: The Trust have applied to the Fund seeking $189,452 (including GST) to support their two-year project. The two main aims of the project are to 1). provide employment opportunities for whānau and 2). restore the native biodiversity and habitat on specific areas of their whenua. In order to achieve the project aims a number of activities will take place including training, pest (plant and animal) control, fencing, and planting. If successful, the project can provide up to four new roles which will be equivalent to two full time equivalent roles. This employment will be beneficial to whānau and hapū, but also the wider economy as Wainuiomata is classified as decile 8 on the 2018 Deprivation Index. Whānau living locally will be given preference for the roles. Employees are also guaranteed they will be paid at least the current living wage ($22.75 including GST) and kaimahi will receive training and experience relevant to their role.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: Wellington

Wainuioru Catchment Restoration Project

Recipient: Wainuioru Community River Care Group
Crown funding: $816,000
Jobs to be created: 9
Project summary: In the Wairarapa funding will build on the work of the Wainuioru Community River Care Group in improving the health of waterways in the upper reaches of the Wainuioru catchment.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Wellington
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Waikanae Waterways Restoration

Recipient: Groundtruth Ltd
Crown funding: $8,500,000
Jobs to be created: 93
Project summary: This Jobs for Nature project builds on the Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai (WKUKT) ‘mountains to sea’ project established in 2019 to restore the river catchment’s health.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: Wellington
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DOC/MSD - Conservation Skills & Employment Pilot

Recipient: Greater Wellington Regional Council
Crown funding: $54,846
Jobs to be created: 10
Project summary: This nine-week training programme, delivered under partnership between DOC and MSD, enables job seekers to obtain work experience, skills, fitness, and motivation for work readiness while doing conservation work.
Project duration: 2 months
Region: Wellington
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Kotahitanga ki te Uru Regional Partnership Establishment

Recipient: Development West Coast
Crown funding: $100,000
Jobs to be created: 0
Project summary: The project provides an operational allowance to facilitate the Regional Partnership (Alliance) support of Jobs for Nature project planning and engagement
Project duration: 3 years
Region: West Coast
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Iwi project support role

Recipient: Pokeka Poutini Ngai Tahu Ltd
Crown funding: $180,000
Jobs to be created: 1
Project summary: A project support role to ensure that Treaty participation is equitable, that values are recognised and provided for in the development of projects.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: West Coast
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Predator Free South Westland

Recipient: Predator Free South Westland Limited
Crown funding: $3,000,000
Jobs to be created: 35
Project summary: The wider project will eliminate rats, possums and stoats and create enduring biodiversity legacies across the alpine, backcountry, lowland forests, farmlands, westlands and townships in the South Westland World Heritage Area.
Project duration: 2 years
Region: West Coast
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Media release

Weed Free Te Tai Poutini

Recipient: Development West Coast
Crown funding: $3,294,000
Jobs to be created: 56
Project summary: The project will employ workers to deliver terrestrial weed surveillance and control throughout Westland, from the Taramakau River to Barn Bay and from the mountains to the sea. 56FTE Total 28FTE Y1 28FTE Y2
Project duration: 3 years
Region: West Coast

Sustainable Wild Whitebait Fishery Project

Recipient: West Coast Regional Council
Crown funding: $1,361,000
Jobs to be created: 17
Project summary: The project purpose is to enhance whitebait spawning sites, improve and create adult habitats and identify barriers to the movement of fish.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: West Coast

South Westland: Conservation & Tourism Support

Recipient: Department of Conservation
Crown funding: $3,780,000
Jobs to be created: 62
Project summary: The work of this project specifically is intended to increase the diversity of recreational opportunities for visitors and build resilience to the impacts of climate change on the region.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: West Coast
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Media release

Backcountry Trust Work Programme

Recipient: Backcountry Trust
Crown funding: $1,996,280
Jobs to be created: 16
Project summary: The Backcountry Trust contracts people from the outdoors and construction industries to restore and build huts, provide track maintenance and build bridges.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: West Coast
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Media release

Punungairo/Bullock Creek Restoration Project (Punakaiki Wetland Restoration)

Recipient: Conservation Volunteers New Zealand - Punakaiki
Crown funding: $3,744,755
Jobs to be created: 52
Project summary: Large-scale restoration of prime conservation area, leveraging nursery facilities to produce eco-sourced plants, expanding into farmland and wetland restoration at Bullock Creek.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: West Coast
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Arahura Strategic Waterways Restoration

Recipient: Proprietors of Māwhera Incorporation
Crown funding: $3,002,000
Jobs to be created: 44
Project summary: This freshwater restoration project will restore and enhance waterways in the Arahura catchment on the West Coast.
Project duration: 4 years
Region: West Coast
Media release

He Kākano Native Tree Nursery and Restoration Team

Recipient: Whiriwhiria Charitable Trust
Crown funding: $498,276
Jobs to be created: 12
Project summary: Establish a nursery that employs local rangatahi Māori to plant in the Ngāti Waewae rohe.
Project duration: 3 years
Region: West Coast
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