Waikanae River
Image: Steve Bielby | DOC


The Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai project is part of DOC's Ngā Awa river restoration programme.

About Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai

Project values

Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai is a project to restore the values associated with the whole river catchment from mountains to sea.

The values and objectives are:

  • Whakapapa: support our shared connection to the Waikanae awa, making it central to our community’s identity and prosperity.
  • Mana: support innovation in the use of land and water so the Waikanae awa has room to breathe and flourish.
  • Mauri: the community’s life has vitality and health because the Waikanae awa is clean and vibrant.
  • Wairua: the spiritual significance of the Waikanae awa is understood by all, celebrated and safeguarded.
  • Māramatanga: a shared diverse array of insights about the Waikanae awa is brought together so these are understood by the whole community.
  • Te ao turoa The Waikanae Awa is safe and abundant so natural patterns are observed and thrive.


Our vision is waiora (healthy water), with iwi, community and agencies working together to enhance the lifeforce, vitality and special nature of the river.

Waikanae River is a living whole and intertwined with the community. By protecting and revitalising the river we will enhance our community identity, wellbeing and prosperity.

Project beginnings

Community groups have been carrying out restoration work in the catchment for many years. This is one of the reasons the river was selected as a Ngā Awa catchment. Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai was established in 2019. It fulfils a longstanding aim of the Waikanae community to coordinate the work of these groups and provide a mountains to sea approach to restoration.

Direction and governance

Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai brings together Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai with kāwanatanga agencies – DOC, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Kāpiti Coast District Council – to work in partnership.

A project governance group has representatives from all partners. It also provides governance for the Waikanae Jobs for Nature projects. Both projects aim to help Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai act as kaitiaki, as described in their Kaitiakitanga Plan, Whakarongotai o te moana Whakarongotai o te wa (PDF, 2,909K).

Current restoration work

Our work to revitalise mahinga kai is focused on restoring wetlands and fish spawning habitat, and enabling fish passage up and downstream. We are also working on aromātaki ki te wai – monitoring freshwater biodiversity across the catchment.

Catchment surveys 2021–24

River health monitoring 2024

In summer 2023/24 fish and macroinvertebrates, like snails and koura, were surveyed at new sites particularly those in the headwaters with native forest. Nine sites were surveyed using standard methods including environmental DNA. Kākahi (freshwater mussels), redfin bullies, kōaro, tuna/ longfin eels and other species were recorded.

Read the report (PDF, 3,052K)

River health monitoring 2023

We studied the aquatic life, habitat and water quality at nine sites in the Waikanae River catchment between January and April 2023, with help from Waikanae Jobs for Nature kaimahi. The Cawthron Institute analysed the data and compiled the report below.

Read the report (PDF, 3,210K)

Review of river biodiversity 2022

A review of the existing information about the fisheries and biodiversity of the river was carried out in 2022. It included recommendations for restoration work and what further information should be gathered.

Jobs for Nature funding

In November 2020, Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai partners received $8.5 million of Jobs for Nature funding for river restoration. Over four years, Waikanae Jobs for Nature will boost funding for unemployed people in Waikanae and build on the kaupapa of Waikanae ki Uta ki Tai.

This new funding will enable employment for riverside fencing and planting, animal and weed control and sustainable land management, as well as community engagement, education and capacity building.

Values and demands on the river

The river provides drinking water for the Waikanae community. A river recharge scheme supplements water taken from it during times of peak demand and times of low water flows. The river is also highly valued for recreation, including walking and whitebait fishing.

Most of the catchment is in good condition, with clean water and diverse native fish species present, but these values decline in the lower reaches due to loss of fish habitat and river works.

The river is affected by demands from the communities in nearby urban areas. These include a wastewater treatment plant that discharges into the Mazengarb Stream and the Waikanae Estuary, along with stormwater. Works to help with flooding and erosion issues (gravel removal and stopbank management) have also been carried out in recent years.

Description of Waikanae River

The headwaters of Waikanae River are at Kapakapanui in the Tararua Forest Park, an area of native forest and alpine vegetation. The river travels west downstream for about 25 km before reaching the sea at the Kāpiti Coast.

In the mid-section, Waikanae River goes through areas of regenerating bush, plantation forest, small farms and lifestyle blocks. In its lower reaches there is significant urban development close to the river at Paraparaumu and Waikanae.

After passing though sand dunes and Waikanae Estuary Scientific Reserve, the river ends at Kapiti Marine Reserve. Beyond is Kapiti Island Nature Reserve, a pest-free sanctuary. Waikanae Estuary is a regionally significant area for bird habitat and fish spawning.

The river is a taonga (treasure) for mana whenua Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai, who have a kaitiakitanga (guardianship, management) plan setting out a set of kaupapa and huanga (values and objectives) for the river.

See a map of the Waikanae river catchment (PDF, 2,913K)

LEARNZ field trip resources

In July 2020, LEARNZ took a field trip to the Waikanae River and spoke to some of the people involved in the restoration work.

View videos on their website.


If you have any questions or want to get involved, email us.

Email: info@doc.govt.nz

Nga awa river restoration

About Ngā Awa river restoration

Ngā Awa is a programme working collaboratively in priority catchments to restore freshwater biodiversity.  

Learn more about Ngā Awa's work.

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