Tōtara leaves
Image: K Smith | ©


Learn about native plants found in the Canterbury plains.

Grown from seed collected from the Canterbury Plains Ecological District.

The history of the native vegetation of the Canterbury Plains is one of succession, destruction and regeneration. For many millions of years prior to European settlement the patterns of native vegetation were defined by the shifting rivers and creeks, floods, shingle build-up, alluvial deposits, soil damage and fire from both natural and human ignitions.

The plant life varied from:

  • Prostrate herbs and grasses on the gravels.
  • Tussocks and small shrubs on younger terraces.
  • Woodland vegetation of kanuka, cabbage tree, olearia and kowhai on higher, older terraces.
  • Dense woodlands of broad-leaf hardwoods such as karamu, lancewood, Hoheria angustifolia, Lophomyrtus obcordata, etc., on deeper soils.
  • Podocarps on the fingers of deep, moist soils.

Today’s landscape has suffered over 150 years of intensive use and manipulation, not only for economic reasons but also to transform it into one that is English in character. This has been achieved by the introduction of exotic trees, shrubs and grasses, and grazing, drainage and cultivation of the land.

Planting species represented in these gardens will eventually provide a link between the native remnants of the Canterbury Plains, (kanuka forests of Eyrewell and Bankside Reserves), the foothills (beech forest of the Oxford-Ashley area) and the tall podocarp/hardwood forests of Riccarton Bush in Christchurch and Port Hills Reserves.

Species name and common name

T = threatened
R = rare

  1. Aciphylla subflabellata kuri kuri, spear grass
  2. Anemanthele lessoniana (R) hunangāmoho, wind grass, bamboo grass
  3. Austroderia richardii toetoe
  4. Brachyscome pinnata (T)
  5. Carex buchananii matirewa, cutty grass
  6. Carex comans tussock grass
    1. Carex flagellifera mānia, tussock grass
  7. Carmichaelia grandiflora
  8. Carmichaelia kirkii (T)
  9. Clematis marata
  10. Coprosma areolata
  11. Coprosma crassifolia
  12. Coprosma intertexta (R)
  13. Coprosma lucida shining karamü
  14. Coprosma obconica (R/T)
  15. Coprosma sp. ‘Taylorii’
  16. Coprosma propinqua mingimingi
  17. Coprosma robusta karamū
  18. Coprosma rotundifolia round-leaved coprosma
  19. Coprosma rugosa
  20. Coprosma pedicellata (R/T)
  21. Coprosma virescens
  22. Cordyline australis ti kōuka, cabbage tree
  23. Corokia cotoneaster korokio, corokia
  24. Elaeocarpus hookerianus pōkākā
  25. Festuca novae-zelandiae fescue grass
  26. Griselinia littoralis pāpāuma, broadleaf
  27. Helichrysum lanceolatum niniao
  28. Hypericum gramineum rolled-leaf hypericum
  29. Kunzea serotina kānuka
  30. Leptinella filiformis (T)
  31. Leptinella squallida
  32. Leptospermum scoparium mānuka, tea tree
  33. Lophomyrtus obcordata rōhutu, NZ myrtle
  34. Melicytus alpinus porcupine shrub
  35. Muehlenbeckia astonii (T) shrubby tororaro
  36. Myrsine australis māpou, matipou
  37. Myrsine divaricata weeping māpou
  38. Olearia aff. odorata (T) scented tree-daisy
  39. Ozothamus leptophylla tauhinu, golden cottonwood
  40. Phormium tenax harakeke, New Zealand flax
  41. Pittosporum eugenioides tarata, lemonwood
  42. Pittosporum tenuifolium kōhūhu
  43. Plagianthus regius mānatu, ribbonwood
  44. Poa cita wī, silver tussock
  45. Podocarpus totara tōtara
  46. Pomaderris phylicifolia var. ericifolia (T) tauhinu
  47. Prumnopitys taxifolia mataī, black pine
  48. Raukaua anomalus whauwhaupaku
  49. Sophora microphylla kōwhai
  50. Sophora prostrata dwarf kōwhai
  51. Teucrium parvifolium (T)

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Native plants natural to the Canterbury plains (PDF, 689K)

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