Growing 12 to 20 metres high, cabbage trees (Cordyline australis) have long narrow leaves that may be up to a metre long. It has lovely scented flowers in early summer, which turn into bluish-white berries that birds love to eat.
As the plant gets old, the stems may die but new shoots grow from any part of the trunk. The bark is thick and tough like cork, and a huge fleshy taproot anchors the tree firmly into the ground.
The cabbage tree/tī kōuka is common throughout farmland, open places, wetlands and scrubland of the North and South Islands, but are rare on Stewart Island.
Cabbage tree/tī kōuka grows up to 1000 metres above sea level in anything from wet swampy ground to dry windy hill slopes. The species prefers full sunlight, so it is common on farms and generally uncommon in tracts of continuous forest (although it is common on forest margins).
Aside from tī kōuka, there are four other species found in New Zealand. These are:
In 1987, a mystery disease started to kill off cabbage trees in the North Island. It was not known what caused the disease, which was called ‘sudden decline’, and hypotheses for its cause included tree aging, fungi, viruses, and environmental factors such as enhanced UV.
After nearly five years of work, scientists found the cause was a parasitic organism called a phytoplasma, which they think might be spread from tree to tree by a tiny sap-sucking insect, the introduced passion vine hopper. The phytoplasma is native to New Zealand flax, and early last century caused massive epidemics of yellow leaf disease in flax, destroying the once extensive flax swamps of Manawatu and contributing to the eventual collapse of the once flourishing flax fibre industry.
Although widespread and abundant, cabbage tree populations have been decimated in some parts of New Zealand due to sudden decline. In some areas, particularly in the north, no big trees are left. Plants stricken with this illness suddenly and rapidly wilt, with leaves falling off still green. Infected trees usually die within 3 to 12 months. The good news is that although sudden decline often affects cabbage trees in farmland and open areas, trees in natural forest patches continue to do well.
There is still no cure for sudden decline, so we need to keep planting more young cabbage trees to replace the dying populations. Planting cabbage trees in gardens and land restoration projects will play an important role in maintaining cabbage trees in New Zealand.
Cabbage trees on farmland may be survivors of forest clearance in the nineteenth century (they are very difficult to kill), and they may be a dying breed unless they are fenced off from grazing stock. Fencing will also allow natural regeneration to occur.